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TV presenter and secular lioness Eleonora Jezerskaya: biography, personal life, career and family
Eleonora Yezerskaya (July 8, 1946 - May 16, 2014) is an outrageous leading and Belarusian actress, a secular lioness who has devoted her life to travel and pleasure. The daughter of the chief of the transport service at the Council of Ministers, Eleonora from the age of 5 knew what a scene was: a girl was a model in the House of Models.
She patiently, sometimes for several hours in a row, withstood the fitting of dresses, in which she then proudly paced the podium. Audience attention and frequent shows helped Eleonora develop her acting talent.
Eleonora Jezierska: biography
A native of Minsk with a conservative education, Eleonora in her youth was enrolled in three libraries, whose permanent visitor was. The girl grew up surrounded by beautiful things, communicated with real celebrities and even managed to find her mate as a life partner, after the parents, living together for 30 years, decided to divorce. Father went to his secretary, and my mother, disillusioned with family life, gradually began to turn into a servant. Chevalier Eleonora Yezerskaya found it on "Belarusfilm".
Quite by chance the girl met there with Alexander Antonov, who turned out to be the Hero of the Soviet Union. In the head of the girl thought that he could make a great party to my mother. And indeed, the couple, formed with a light hand Eleonora, lived together for 17 years, then the couple left each other for one another. At the father, often having novels on the party, the destiny has not developed. He died at the age of 66.
The first successes of Yezersk
Studying at the 4th course, Eleonora Jezerskaya, whose personal life was always full of numerous novels, gave lectures on the history of European music. A skilled orator, she could easily own the attention of the audience. For this quality in order to attract more visitors, the girl was invited to the Opera and Ballet Theater to read the monologues, which became very popular. Later there were rumors that Yezerskaya was getting into Moscow. To keep the girl from this step, she was offered a television commentator on television, and then she led the first in the Union named program.
The most stylish and successful
TV presenter and secular lioness Eleonora Jezerska became very popular, often published in the light, walking new jewels and furs. Even then, the original manner of the style of the TV host, who had her dressmaker from early years, became the subject of conversations and imitation among the bohemian ladies. The photo of a secular lioness was viewed with curiosity in newspapers and tried to copy outfits, extravagant, but not insipid. On the part of taste Eleonora Jezerskaya did not consider herself a standard, she loved red, lilac, pink, white and black colors, but basically did not wear gray and brown clothes, even if these colors were in vogue. In 2007, Jezerska was nominated in the Top 50 of the most stylish and successful personalities of Minsk.
Jezerskaya Eleonora Arkadievna, whose biography is of interest to many women, was very fond of hats and handbags (which must necessarily be expensive), which are an obligatory accessory, so to speak, "the flag of a woman".
Travel - the whole life of Eleanor
But more clothes Eleanor loved travel, which she never regretted spending money on. In Soviet times, when the foreign country was a closed zone, the gentlemen invited an effective secular lioness, always using male attention, to Sochi and Moscow. Easy on the rise, it could in a matter of hours gather in the road and jerk to any part of Europe.
The most interesting moments of her travels Yezerskaya photographed, finished photos pasted into albums, not recognizing computer storage media. For her, it was a whole ritual to turn the pages of the photo album (which the presenter had about 70 pieces) and "savor" every frame that was imprinted on paper. Eleanor more than 10 times was in Paris, often visited Italy; Her favorite place in this country was the Ligurian coast. She had never been to Turkey, although she was always going. "Travel, giving a sea of impressions and unforgettable emotions, is the best bank of life, where you should not spare money!" - that was Eleonora Jezerska's opinion, personal life, whose biography still arouses interest among her fans.
Roles in the cinema
Between numerous trips Yezerska managed to make a movie. In the film "On the back of a black cat" she played a small, specially written for her role, which the director Pavlov, based on some considerations, cut out. The same fate befell the image of a crazy mother in the film Efremova "Dunechka." There was a big role in the film directed by Ruslan Zholic "Sketch on the monitor." The film did not appear on the screens. Eleanor also starred in two Russian TV series, whose titles did not even remember: she worked exclusively because of the fee.
Eleonora Jezerskaya: personal life, husbands, children
Communication with a sharp tongue, unpredictable Eleonora always left vivid impressions, often not the most pleasant. One day, with her statements, the TV presenter fought one actress to faint.
Mentally, Eleanor was close to Muslim Magomaev. After they talked on the phone at midnight and then met in the hotel room, there were rumors about his romance with a secular lioness, but it's difficult to say how true they are. During their acquaintance, the legend of musical art was happily married to a beautiful woman - Tamara Sinyavskaya.
Of course, Eleanor had romances with men, but they did not last long. Yezerskaya considered herself a terrible egoist and individualist, as she openly declared. She could not get along with anyone for long and preferred solitude to any relationship.
Children of Eleonora Jezerska - who are they? Only Eleanor regretted: in pursuit of endless pleasures and endless trips, she did not have time to give birth to a child, and gave her unspent love to domestic pets.
Life is a gift from above
Nevertheless, Eleonora Yezerskaya considered herself to be a happy woman and took life as a gift given to a man from above. You need to learn to enjoy everything: from what the sun shines, a good dinner, from a pleasant conversation with friends and even a cup of delicious tea.
And even if there is at least one day of life, it is not too late to start all over again!
Rules for a happy life from Eleanor:
- To have an attractive and well-groomed appearance, one must abandon "boorish" food;
- Breathe clean and fresh air;
- Have a pet at home, because no one so relieves stress like a cat or a dog;
- Four times a day to send everyone far and further away;
- Sleep with an open window, even if it's frosty outside, because nothing so preserves the appearance as cold;
- Never spare money for travel: this is the only bank that does not burn out, and memories are the best capital.
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