LawRegulatory Compliance

Technological connections to electric networks: conditions

Connection of these or other real estate to the grid is carried out within the framework of technological connection agreements. Their conclusion is regulated at the level of federal legal acts. What are the key provisions of these sources of law? What are the nuances of connecting objects belonging to physical and legal entities to the electricity networks?

Technological connection: normative regulation

The way in which technological connections to electric networks are to be carried out is regulated by a separate legal act - Government Decision No. 861, adopted on 27.12.2004. This regulatory source has established a number of rules:

- on the non-discriminatory access of persons to electricity transmission services, dispatching management, as well as the trade infrastructure provided by the administrator in the wholesale market;

- on technological connection of devices for receiving energy belonging to consumers and other objects.

In general, the totality of these norms forms the rules for technological connection. Let us consider the details of this procedure in more detail.

In what cases is the technological connection made?

Technological connections to electric networks can be carried out if:

- devices for receiving electricity are put into operation for the first time;

- the capacity of the previously connected infrastructure of the corresponding type is increased;

- data on categories of reliability of equipment supply, connection points, types of economic activity of electricity consumers have been changed, as a result of which adjustments have been made in the external supply scheme for devices for receiving electricity.

Technological connection - a procedure that is performed on the basis of an agreement between the supplier - a grid company, and the applicant in the status of individual, IP or organization. Technological connections to electric networks are carried out within the framework of several stages. Consider them.

Stages of technological connection

Technological rules of connection to electric grids assume the implementation of this procedure within the framework of such stages as:

- filing an application for accession;

- signing a contract with the supplier;

- fulfillment of obligations under the contract;

- obtaining a permit for the admission of facilities in operation;

- actual connection and supply of voltage;

- drawing up an act of accession and related documents.

Let's study the specifics of these stages in more detail.

Stages of joining: filing an application

So, first of all, in order to implement technological connection, this or that subject of legal relations submits an application to the supplier - a grid company, which is located at the nearest distance to the territory of the applicant. If necessary, contact details of the supplier can be provided by the municipal authority.

The application for technological connection to electric grids is sent by the customer personally or through a trustee. You can also send the corresponding document to the network company by letter. In some cases, suppliers are asked to agree in advance the procedure for filing an application by phone. But in any case it is recommended to contact the network company in advance and find out which of the ways to transfer the document will be optimal.

Signing of the contract

After the application for technological connection to the electrical networks is processed by the supplier, the relevant organization compiles and sends to the customer the draft contract, as well as the technical conditions, as an annex to it. To prepare and send the contract to the customer, the grid company should generally within 30 days from the receipt of the application.

If the partner is not satisfied with the terms of the contract, he is entitled to send to the supplier a reasoned refusal to enter into a contract, as well as proposals for its adjustment. In the event that within 60 days from the receipt of the draft contract the customer does not confirm his consent to conclude it or does not express a desire to make changes to it - the application for accession is canceled. But as soon as a copy signed by the customer is received by the network company, the contract between it and the consumer is considered concluded.

Compliance with the terms of the contract

Technological connection to electric grids is a legal relationship in which the rights and obligations of the parties are expected to arise. Their list is prescribed in the contract, which is formalized and concluded by the electricity supplier and the consumer at the previous stage. After the contract is signed, the parties must implement the activities envisaged by them. Their list can be presented in a fairly wide range - but mainly these activities are aimed at preparing the necessary infrastructure for the launch of facilities in operation.

Authorization from authorities

Technological connections to electric grids can be implemented only if the admission of certain objects into operation will be authorized by the competent federal authority that carries out technological supervision. It should be noted that in the Rules of accession approved by law, cases can be prescribed whereby obtaining an appropriate permit is not required for certain categories of applicants.

Actual connection and electricity supply

After the approval for the technological connection is received, the actual connection of the customer's facilities to the electric networks can be carried out. Within the framework of this procedure, various technical measures related to the adjustment of the applicant's infrastructure and the supply of electricity to it can be carried out. After the necessary network parameters are checked and their activation is allowed - electric power is supplied.

Drawing up the act of accession

The final stage of the procedure of technological connection is the signing of the act on its implementation. In addition, the compilation of this document may be accompanied by the formation of a number of other sources. In particular, such as the act on the delineation of the balance sheet, on operational liability, the coordination of technological or emergency armor.

Let us consider in more detail what specific measures are implemented within the framework of such a procedure as technological connection to electric grids. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 861 also regulates their list.

Arrangements for accession

Relevant activities include:

- preparation of technical specifications;

- development of project documentation;

- compliance with technical specifications;

- inspection of devices for receiving electricity;

- Actual connection and activation of the switching infrastructure.

Let us consider the specifics of these measures in more detail.

Measures for technological connection: preparation of technical specifications

The rules of connection to electric grids prescribe that the given activity of the network organization should be carried out. In addition, the company must also agree on the technical conditions with the system operator - a person who performs operational and dispatch functions in electric power systems, as well as with related organizations that provide electricity supply services in cases specified by law.

Development of project documentation

The relevant documentation is developed by both the grid company and the customer of the connection. In this case, the first subject of legal relations must follow the obligations that are prescribed in the technical conditions. The customer carries out the development of this documentation, in particular if a technological connection to the electrical networks of the land is carried out. In this case, it must reflect the boundaries of the corresponding territory. It should be noted that in some legal relations, the customer does not develop project documentation.

Performance of technical conditions

The next event, which should be held as part of the technological connection procedure, is the fulfillment of the approved specifications. In this case, the tasks are assigned, again, to both the network company and its customer. The first subject of legal relations, in particular, is responsible for connecting devices to receive electricity to the infrastructure that provides an emergency response of the automation.

The event in question also involves conducting a network company to verify the customer's performance of the technical conditions. The results of this procedure, technological rules for connection to electric grids prescribe to record in separate acts. This check is not carried out if:

- the maximum capacity of the devices belonging to the applicants for receiving electricity does not exceed 150 kW as part of temporary accession;

- the applicant is an individual, and his equipment has a capacity not exceeding 15 kW.

Device inspection

This event, in turn, must be carried out by a representative of the competent federal authority, which is responsible for conducting state supervision in the field of electricity supply. In addition, the network company and the owner of devices for receiving electricity may also participate in the survey. In some cases, a representative of an organization performing operational and dispatch functions is connected to the event in question.

Actual accession

The given action actually corresponds to one of the stages considered above, which establish rules of technological connection to electric networks. So, it is supposed to connect the customer's facilities to the power grid, then - activate the switching infrastructure. Similarly, as soon as the relevant event is completed, the following acts are signed: on accession, delineation of balance, operational responsibility, armor coordination.

The most important aspect of legal relations, within which technological connection of objects to electric networks is carried out is payment for services of electricity suppliers. Let's consider it in more detail.

Payment for electricity suppliers

The fee for technological connection to electric grids - MRSK or another supplier - is carried out in accordance with the tariffs, rates per unit of capacity approved by the relevant organization, as well as by payment formulas. In addition, the customer may be required to pay costs that, in terms of legislation, are not included in the connection fee. The lists of these costs are usually fixed in separate legal acts adopted by the authorities of the Russian regions.

It can be noted that the customers of network companies are in many cases budget organizations. In this case, they need to correctly reflect in the balance sheet the cost of technological connection to electric grids. KOSGU - Classifier of operations of the public administration sector, requires budget institutions to record these costs under subarticle 226.

Certain nuances are characterized by connection to networks of private houses. Let us consider them in more detail.

Connection to the power networks of private houses

The rules for accessing the electrical networks of a private home in general are based on the same rules of law that govern the relevant procedure, to which legal entities are parties. The algorithm for solving the task of connecting an individual to the electricity network of a house assumes the following basic actions:

- appealing to a network company - the closest to the land,

- submission to the relevant organization of the application, a plan for the arrangement of devices for receiving electricity,

- copies of documents certifying the ownership of a private house and plot,

- receipt and performance of technical conditions - independently within the site, with the assistance of a network company - outside of it,

- organization of inspection of equipment of grid companies and its actual connection.

In general, the actions of the owner of the house are obviously similar to those that characterize the tasks of the contracting authority of the services of the grid company, which we considered above in the context of measures for technological connection. In this sense, the approaches of the legislator to regulating this procedure are characterized by uniformity.

At the same time, it is quite possible that in one way or another the rule of connection of electrical installations to electric grids, formulated in a certain way in legislation, can in practice be interpreted in different ways in the context of solving problems that characterize the connection of corporate and private facilities. Therefore, in order to conduct the technological connection procedure in full compliance with the requirements of the law, it is advisable for the home owner to seek advice from competent specialists.

The cost of services connected to the electricity networks of residential buildings is usually based on calculations based on a tariff for 15 kW of connected capacity. Also, the distance of an apartment house to the nearest object of the network infrastructure is important. If it exceeds the statutory indicators, technological connections to electric grids are carried out on the basis of a tariff determined by the orders of regional authorities. For example, a tariff service or an energy commission.

The timeframe for the connection of residential buildings to electric networks should not exceed 6 months if the supplier's energy infrastructure is located at a distance of 300 meters to the customer's real estate object in the city, or within 500 meters in rural areas. This period is increased to 1 year if the distance exceeds the indicated values.

Upon completion of connection of the house to the electricity grid, the same as in the case of legal relations with the participation of legal entities, acts - on technological connection, delineation of balance and operational responsibility of the customer and supplier.

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