Health, Preparations
Troxevasin: instructions for use
"Troxevasin" - bioflavonoid, designed specifically to reduce vascular permeability, fragility of capillaries. The drug from the group of angioprotectors, "Troxevasin", the instruction for use explains this, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood microcirculation. This medicine relieves swelling, eliminates trophic disorders, all other changes that cause venous chronic failure.
In addition, "Troxevasin", instructions for use in detail explains the mechanism of its action, reduces pain.
The medicinal preparation is issued in the form of three medical forms.
Capsules "Troxevasin" consist of 300 troxerutin (this is an active substance), magnesium stearate, gelatin, lactose, several dyes. The shell itself is standard.
"Troxevasin" - the gel is intended for external application, in contrast to tablets. It is a homogeneous composition, in 1 g of which is 1 mg of troxerutin, EDTA dinaria, triatanolamide, carbomer, benzalkonium chloride.
For intravenous or intramuscular administration, a solution of "Troxevasin" is intended.
"Troxevasin," the instruction for use continues, is successfully used to treat the following diseases:
- Varicose veins
- Hemorrhoids
- Thrombophlebitis of superficial
- Chronic venous insufficiency, which is accompanied by severe swelling, pain
- Postphlebitis syndrome
- Pains and edema of traumatic character: dislocations, sprains, contusions
- Trophic dermatitis, ulcers
Where else is used "Troxevasin"? Indications for the use of this medication are not limited to treatment alone. It is used as an auxiliary preparation
- Before operations on veins
- In the treatment of hemorrhoids
- With nocturnal paresthesia of the extremities
- For the removal of nocturnal cramps in the limbs
- For removal of traumatic pains or edema
- Treatment of retinopathy
Does "Troxevasin" have contraindications? They are few. The drug is not recommended for adolescents, people suffering from peptic ulcer or gastritis. Patients with severe impairment of renal activity are prescribed medication only under the constant supervision of a doctor.
"Troxevasin, recommends the instructions for use, at the beginning of treatment take 2 capsules per day. If the treatment is prophylactic or maintenance, the dose is reduced to 1 capsule.
Dosage increases only with retinopathy (up to 3 capsules).
Simultaneously, with oral administration, use "Troxevasin" -gel. It is applied twice to the affected area twice a day, massaged until it is completely absorbed.
Side effects when using the drug "Troxevasin", the instruction for use soothes, are very rare. Usually they appear as a slight headache irritation at the gel application sites. Even less likely is the occurrence of gastric ulcers with prolonged use of tablets.
The medicine can be used in monotherapy or as part of a comprehensive treatment. It is not recommended to apply the gel on open bleeding wounds, mucous, in the eyes.
It is impossible to take simultaneously "Troxevasin" and ascorbic acid: these two drugs strengthen each other's action.
"Troxevasin" is produced in Bulgaria. In the same country, the preparation is produced, which considers the analogue of "Troxevasin" - "Troxerutin".
To use "Troxevasin", the instructions for use insist on this, it is possible only for 2-4 weeks. After this, it is recommended to take a week break, and then you can resume treatment.
Despite the fact that the medicine is sold without a prescription, it can not be taken without the appointment of a doctor. Moreover, after the course of treatment it is recommended to pass tests that allow monitoring the functioning of the kidneys.
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