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Treatment of the throat with folk remedies

Angina is a kind of acute inflammation of the tonsils (tonsils). This inflammation is caused by various microbes, more often streptococci, falling into the throat of a person in contact with patients with sore throat, when using its utensils or unwashed products. Pharyngitis is a chronic or acute inflammation of the mucous posterior wall of the pharynx, pharynx. A laryngitis - inflammation of the mucous larynx. With laryngitis, the vocal cords lose their ability to vibrate, so that a person's voice becomes either hoarse or completely lost.

Below are proven and effective tips how to treat throat folk remedies.

1. Decoction from sore throat

We clean and finely cut the head of garlic, add a glass of apple juice and put it on the fire. Bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes, closing the lid with dishes. Remove from heat and let cool a bit.

The broth should be drunk hot, small sips. A day to drink this decoction you need from 1 to 3 glasses. And in a couple of days you can forget about angina.

2. Apple, onions and honey from sore throats

Three on a grater medium bulb and an apple. We add two tables. Spoons of honey. Take mass three times a day on a dessert spoon, this treatment of the throat folk remedies to conduct until complete recovery.

3. Pepper and honey from sore throats

How to treat throat folk remedies with the help of these products? We describe. A sheet of compress paper is folded in half, and on the side it is wrapped twice on both sides. Pour into the resulting package half a cup of honey and put the same pod of red, bitter pepper of medium size. Then we take two wax candles, put them in a glass and set them on fire, and the patient needs to hold a packet with honey over the candles (do not be afraid - the compress paper will not light up). After boiling, pour honey into a glass, and take the pepper from there. Drink should be hot after eating twice a day, without washing down. To be treated so follows 10 days. After this treatment, the disease will not happen again. The same way you can treat small children.

4. Treatment of the throat with folk remedies using turpentine-potato inhalations (with angina)

Cook the potatoes in their uniforms and, without draining the water, directly into the pan, drip a few drops of turpentine. After that we breathe over the steam, taking cover with a towel. The procedure should be repeated three times, after which the angina will completely pass.

5. Rinse with angina

A) Cooking solution: in a glass of boiled water (warm), we dissolve a teaspoon of soda with salt and five drops of iodine. The throat is rinsed after 2 hours, after rinsing it is impossible 15 min. Nothing to drink and eat. The effect is stunning, even purulent angina will take place in a couple of days.

B) A very effective remedy is tincture of propolis (sold in a pharmacy). A tablespoon of tincture is bred in a glass of water (with water white) and a throat every 3 hours.

B) You can also mix honey with lemon juice in equal quantities. This mixture of the gullet three times a day for several minutes.

D) To cure angina, you can take 1 part chamomile, eucalyptus and marigold flowers. All grind and mix well. A tablespoon of the mixture takes about 1.5 stacks. Boiling water. We boil for 2 minutes, insist half an hour, wrapped, and filter. Rinse it in the morning and evening.

E) We rub the beets on a small grater. We squeeze out a glass of juice, pour in the table. Spoonful of table vinegar (not acetic acid alone). With a solution of the throat 5 times a day.

E) With a cold sore throat , the Kalanchoe juice is mixed in half with water and rinses several times a day.

6. Propolis - an assistant to the pain in the throat

Only when you feel the perspiration in your throat, you need to put a piece of propolis on the cheek for the night. All the unpleasant sensations in the throat from the morning will pass. Treatment of the throat with folk remedies often includes this method, since it perfectly eliminates the inflammatory processes in the throat.

7. Composition of tonsillitis

In 100 grams of vodka fall asleep 2 full table. Tablespoons of large salt. Stir well. Dipped in this solution with a cotton swab abundantly lubricate the sick glands, every half hour, do this 6 times. So, within 3 hours you can be cured. Do this before bedtime, with the main condition - do not drink anything and do not eat during treatment. You do not need to rinse it, just lubricate it abundantly. Angina will not happen again.

8. Hydrogen peroxide from sore throat

If you get a sore throat, you can treat it with 3% hydrogen peroxide. We wind on a stick cotton wool soaked in peroxide, and lubricate the tonsils. Adults - undiluted peroxide, and children - slightly diluted water. The same drug can and rinse throat: we dilute a teaspoon of peroxide in a glass of boiled water (warm). Helps almost always, often even the first time.

9. Oak bark from sore throat.

A teaspoon of oak bark (chopped) is poured into 40-degree vodka in a volume of 400 ml. We insist on the medicine for about a week. Tincture should be taken twice a day for 20 drops. For rinsing this tincture is bred in warm boiled water. The bark of an oak is capable to kill all pathogenic microbes, therefore the throat at once will cease to hurt or be ill; be sick.

10. Compress from sore throat

Boil 3 potatoes in the peel. Push it in, adding a table. Spoon of soda. Then wrap the resulting mixture in gauze. We place such a hot compress on the throat and go to bed. Hold on until the heat comes out. The procedure can be repeated several times a day, but usually enough 2-3 times to make the pain in the throat pass.

11. Honey and streptocide from a beginning sore throat

At the beginning of the disease, it is effective to dissolve a streptocid tablet together with honey for the night. To do this, you must crush the streptocide and mix it with a spoonful of honey. If you do not miss the moment, then you will wake up absolutely healthy.

12. Aloe with sugar - an excellent remedy for sore throats

Cut into half a liter jar to half the leaves of aloe and fall asleep with sugar. We bind gauze to the banks with gauze. We insist for three days, then we pour it to the top of the vodka, we tie it with gauze, again we insist for three days. Filter, squeeze. We accept on the table. Spoon three times a day.

13. Inflammation in the throat will remove sage

Sage will help with inflammation of the tonsils, mucous gums or oral cavity. Infusion of leaves is used as a rinse in this way: 4 teas. Spoons of leaves are brewed with 2 cups of boiling water, insist half an hour and strain. Rinse your throat every 2 hours, after which 30 minutes. Nothing to eat and drink.

14. From a pain in a throat will relieve blueberry

We prepare a decoction of blueberry rinse fruits: 100 grams of dried berries are poured in water with a volume of half a liter, boiled until the volume of water in the dishes is reduced to 0.3 liters. Rinse your throat every two hours.

15. Angina will be cured with a soap compress

On a large grater rubbing a fourth of the standard laundry soap, we knead there and a clove of garlic. We twist the mixture into gauze. We lubricate the neck with a cream and then tie it with a prepared compress. We wrap the scarf on top. You need to hold about 5 hours, it's not worth it anymore, because you can earn a burn. Obvious relief will come after 1-2 such procedures, and after a while - and completely complete recovery. Such an ancient folk method of treatment for many people has helped to cure even a purulent sore throat.

Well, now you know how to cure your throat with folk remedies. I hope you can help these tips to cope with sore throat and forget about these problems for a long time.

Good health!

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