HealthPlastic surgery

Treadlifting: Rapid rejuvenation

After reaching a certain age, the skin loses its elasticity. Of course, in this case, the face and body lose their outlines. Any woman wants to return everything to normal. One way to achieve this is to use treadlifting.

What it is

It is also called 3D-lifting or lifting using mesonites. Roughly speaking, the skin is simply "pulled up", making small seams. To do this, use a string of PDO and a special needle-conductor. At you can find out about the procedure all.

The material has many advantages:

1) Absolute biocompatibility with human tissues in the body. The threads "disappear" themselves - after a period of up to 240 days.

2) Strength and elasticity, no effect of "saw". That is, they do not injure the tissue.

3) Impossibility of infection with microbes. Mesonites are sterile and homogeneous.

4) The material of the PDO tends to self-straighten in the tissues, thereby providing an additional pull-up.

5) It is possible to change muscle tone - to weaken or strengthen, without harming the microcirculation of liquids (blood).

The effect of the procedure is very long. Unpleasant consequences (pain, bruises, swelling, small seals) disappear after 3-7 days. Infectious processes and nodules, as a rule, do not arise at all.

How does this happen

The threads are sewn at a certain depth in the skin or muscles. This creates a kind of frame, due to which the surface of the body or face immediately acquires a different shape. The angle of inclination of the mezonite can be changed, achieving the necessary adjustment. Simultaneously, there is stimulation of blood circulation and the lymphatic system - after all, the introduced material is perceived by the body as a foreign body.

Before the procedure, the skin should be better prepared: increase its density, conduct biorevitalization and lymphatic drainage. Then, with the introduction of the mezzanites into the almost perfect skin, the intervention will be minimal, and the effect - the best. But the correction of the folds of the nose, the volume of the lips should be carried out after the treadlifting.

When applicable

Mesotherapy is recommended to use if:

- the skin became flabby, rough, lost color, there are wrinkles - on the face and body;

- the cheeks and chin, the edges of the eyebrows, with the flabbiness of the neck, "lowered";

- the tone of individual muscle groups was lost;

- the presence of cellulite and for general correction of body shapes;

- the presence of irregularities after liposuction;

- there are spasms and pains, rhinitis, sinusitis, paralysis of the face;

- there are problems in the field of urination, gynecology.

It is impossible to conduct a trade lift if a person has serious health problems, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

In general, the effect of 2D-lifting is impressive. For example, immediately after surgery, the face looks younger for 5-6 years. But the procedure can be repeated. This is one of the more or less gentle ways to do facelift and figure correction.

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