Finance, Banks
TransCapitalBank: customer reviews, description, services, deposits and loans
In this article we will tell you which TransCapitalBank receives feedback from its employees and customers. All useful information about the organization will be presented further.
After all, before you contact a particular financial company, it is important to know about all its features. It is likely that somewhere there are not the best "pitfalls", capable of delivering a lot of trouble to customers.
TransCapitalBank is a large financial company. It is distributed throughout the country. Has branches in different cities of Russia. He is not a fraud, as some citizens think. Nevertheless, the population does not enjoy much popularity.
"TransCapitalBank" reviews are various. There are some good and some not. What are the features that should be paid attention to in cooperation? Are there any questionable or negative points about the provision of services? What can TransCapitalBank do?
The services
The range of services the company does not have any special features. It is standard for all financial institutions, the main activity of which is rendering banking services. So, "TransCapitalBank" offers its customers:
- Internet banking services;
- Crediting;
- Mortgage;
- Opening of accounts and deposits;
- Money transfers;
- currency operations.
Nothing special or specific. And it pleases some citizens. All due to the fact that "TransCapitalBank" - this is the most common, though not quite a large bank. Or rather, a network of banks. You can apply here for standard services provided by financial organizations.
Particular attention is attracted by contributions. It is they who are most interested in the population. For them, "Transcapitalbank" reviews are mixed. Although in the majority there are mostly positive opinions.
The organization has a lot of money. You can choose the one that suits a particular person. Conditions are not always profitable, but they are better than many competitors. Interest rates averagely from 8 to 10% per annum. A little, but stable and reliable.
To date, among the contributions can be identified the following programs:
- "Growth time: Autumn" - 10% per annum in rubles;
- "Pension" - 8.8% per annum for a period of 368 days;
- "Contribution to the future";
- "Savings certificate" - 10.05% per annum;
- "Universal";
- "Poste restante";
- "Premium universal" - up to 8.55%.
To choose is from what. But, as the clients say, it is worthwhile for more detailed information about the deposits to contact directly to the branches of the organization. They will provide full information about each of the available programs and explain the terms of cooperation with the bank.
Many people today take loans: both consumer and mortgage. By the way, the rates for the first can be different, depending on the program. So, pensioners can take a loan with a rate of 19% per annum, and the current customers of the bank - from 17%.
Mortgage lending in Russia has also become extremely popular. Therefore, many are interested in what "TransCapitalBank" receives on mortgage loans. Is it worth taking on this responsibility?
There is also no unequivocal opinion here. The organization receives a variety of reviews about its mortgage. Some say that it was TransCapitalBank that helped them to buy housing without much difficulty. And cooperation with the financial organization does not cause any trouble - there are no constant reminders of payments, no debts, no mysterious appearing of delays.
Along with this, some complain that "TransCapitalBank" is not quite a bona fide financial organization. At the slightest debt management refers to the collectors, which beat out even the smallest debts, and in all ways. Overpayments for mortgages are huge, and the upcoming paperwork for redrafting documents is not for everyone.
What to believe? Rather, it is better to stick to a neutral point of view. It is worth paying attention to the fact that TransCapitalBank receives positive reviews of customers mainly for issuing loans and mortgages in cases when people in other financial organizations are refused.
In general, in practice, the refusal of a loan or a mortgage in TransCapitalBank is a rarity. But they too happen. Mainly due to incomplete package of documents or due to low client income. Nevertheless, the bank still receives claims for mortgages. Exactly the same as most other similar companies. But in general, for the conclusion of a mortgage agreement, TransCapitalBank is suitable.
Customer service
What can you say about customer service? Another very important nuance. Reviews about the bank "TransCapitalBank" in this area are also ambiguous - someone is satisfied with the service, someone is not very.
The main complaints voiced by the visitors are slow and unfriendly employees, who do not know how to answer specific questions. With debtors here do not like to communicate, it is possible to face and with some rudeness.
But there are also positive opinions, where employees of TransCapitalBank are treated as honest and conscientious employees. They try to answer the customers' questions as much as possible, they pay attention to everyone. Although the speed of service still leaves much to be desired.
It should be noted that both the negative sent to the company and the positive feedback are not backed up. Therefore, we recommend simply to take into account that the service in TransCapitalBank is not too fast, and also that not all employees can always answer these or other questions. However, as in any other bank.
Customer Support
Quite often, TransCapitalBank gets positive feedback for helping clients when preparing certain documents. This is an extremely important nuance that is singled out separately in the service of visitors.
Some people emphasize that if you have difficulties filling out applications and receipts, you can ask the bank's employees to do it for you. Then it remains only to verify the correctness of the data and put your signature on the document.
This can not but rejoice, especially when it comes to elderly or inexperienced people who have not previously had business with banks. "TransCapitalBank" is trying to do everything for its visitors. And it is worthy of praise.
Claims and solutions
As already mentioned, "TransCapitalBank" reviews receive a variety. Some people complain that when making a loan or mortgage it turns out that you will have to pay more than you promise initially. Fortunately, such situations are rare. You should not be afraid of them. Why? The management quickly solves the problems and apologizes to its customers.
It is recommended that you simply carefully study all the terms of the contract, and also specify any nuances before the conclusion of the relevant agreement with the bank's employees. Then there will be no negative moments. Especially when it comes to bona fide customers. And debtors and defaulters will have claims to anyone, even to the ideal bank.
Revoking a license
In the media, rumors are circulating that the threat of an organization called "Transcapitalbank" is revoking the license. Is this a myth or a real threat? There is nothing to be afraid of. There is no license withdrawal from the bank and will not be. In any case, in the near future. Such news is a real lie that is not supported by anything. Especially taking into account the fact that the population in the main work of TransCapitalBank does not have any serious claims to it.
From employees
But as an employer, the bank did not prove itself very well. Unfortunately, "Transcapitalbank" reviews employees earns are not the best. The main complaints are low earnings, hard work, constant flow of visitors and the need to stay overtime.
Nevertheless, the positive side of "Transcapitalbank" as an employer, too. It:
- Comfortable working conditions;
- Social package in full;
- Fixed salary;
- "White" salary;
- career;
- Self-development;
- Preferential conditions for bank services.
As can be seen from what has been said, "Transcapitalbank" receives a variety of reviews. In general, this is a good bank, which offers standard services. Claims are the same, expressed in the address of the financial institution, as a rule, patterned.
As an employer, this is also a good company. True, with its shortcomings. You can safely turn to here for employment, and for obtaining certain services. Only it is not recommended to work with large amounts of money. After all, with the possible closure of the bank (and from this no one is insured), it will be difficult to return money.
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