Finance, Banks
How to open a current account in Sberbank for IP
An individual entrepreneur, unlike a legal entity, does not need to open a settlement account. However, due to the fact that it will still be needed for full-fledged and legitimate activities, very many immediately ask themselves how to open a current account with Sberbank.
Why Sberbank?
As in any other bank, Sberbank has a mass of both positive and negative qualities. However, it is for individual entrepreneurs that the proposed conditions are rather beneficial, compared with other financial organizations. In addition to directly favorable conditions for opening and maintaining the account, additional advantages of Sberbank are a large number of service points, which greatly facilitates the work of IP, makes it more comfortable and quick.
It is also Sberbank that is very reliable, that for very many people who are worried about their means and who want to open a current account with Sberbank for IP, plays an important role. Nobody wants, once coming to the bank, to find out that all his accounts have been frozen, since this organization went bankrupt. The chance that this will happen to Sberbank is extremely minimal.
Benefits of having an account
Due to the presence of a settlement account, the IP is able to promptly make any financial transactions in a non-cash way: pay for goods and services, receive payments from other organizations and individuals, and so on. Since legal entities are obliged to make all payments exclusively through a settlement account, the absence of such an individual entrepreneur can significantly complicate, or even completely nullify, all attempts to cooperate with counterparties.
In addition, if you open a current account with Sberbank for IP, you can conclude a contract for the provision of payment terminals with a plastic card. Earlier it was not particularly important, but lately more and more people understand the profitability, reliability and security of plastic cards and use them much more willingly and more often. So, having the opportunity to pay for goods or services with a plastic card can attract more potential customers to the IP .
Card account
Do not forget that withdrawing money from your account in cash is not always profitable and convenient. However, if you bind the PI account to a plastic card issued specifically for this purpose, you can freely transfer funds to it, and then, if necessary, cash them. All this is offered by Sberbank.
It is easier and quicker to open a settlement account of an IP in it than in most other banks, and high reliability and a small payment for services will make it possible to use your account comfortably and confidently. Also, this plastic card will help more profitable and convenient to pay not only in the territory of the Russian Federation, but also in other countries, which can be very useful to those entrepreneurs who plan to conduct international activities.
Requirements for IP
As such, Sberbank does not directly apply to an individual entrepreneur . However, there is a certain list of necessary securities that IP must provide to the bank, since it is simply impossible to open a settlement account for IP, a contract, documents or any other documents of which do not comply with the requirements of the law.
That no claims to the individual entrepreneur were not from the side of the bank, nor from the legislative bodies, it is required to provide:
- Application for opening an account;
- A certificate of registration in the tax (it must be certified by a notary);
- Certificate of state registration of the FE (also certified by a notary);
- A copy of the extract from the EGRIP (from the moment of issuing such an extract until the opening of the current account, it should not take more than one month, otherwise it will not be considered valid);
- A copy of the relevant certificate from the statistical authorities;
- A copy of the license, if the activity of an individual entrepreneur is subject to licensing;
- A copy of the passport of the entrepreneur;
- Impression of the seal and samples of signatures of all persons who in one way or another will have access to the settlement account (chief accountant, deputy, senior administrator, etc.).
After the provision of all listed securities, the account will be opened in the near future.
Terms and Conditions of Sberbank
According to the instructions on opening a bank account for a bank, the tariffs and fees for its opening and servicing may vary, depending on the territory at which the opening takes place. On average, the payment directly for the opening itself will be in the region of 2000 rubles, and the monthly service will fluctuate within 1500 rubles.
In addition, you can immediately write an application for connecting Internet banking and a corporate card. These financial instruments will eliminate the need to often visit the bank (and as a consequence, you will not need to waste time on the line) and will allow you to easily and easily cash out the required amount.
As already mentioned above, Sberbank has many advantages, especially for those who want to open an account with a PI in Sberbank. What you need to know for most entrepreneurs who are looking for a financial institution that would agree to open an account for them is the fact that in Sberbank their funds will be fully preserved. The reliability of this organization is unparalleled among other Russian banks. In addition, convenience and ease of maintenance, relatively low tariffs, the absence of hidden commissions and payments and a huge number of branches and branches in all cities of the country - all this will help to make the right choice.
Like in any other organization, Sberbank also has negative sides. Despite the huge number of points of service, the number of its customers is so great that very often in the offices you have to stand in lines. Naturally, this is not acceptable for an individual entrepreneur, whose time is worth the money. However, once standing in line to open a current account with Sberbank for IP, you should immediately apply for the connection of Internet banking and a plastic card to this account. Due to the opportunities provided by such financial instruments, a visit to the bank can be reduced to a minimum.
Summarizing all of the above, it can be concluded that opening a current account with Sberbank for IP will be a very profitable and convenient solution for most citizens. Perhaps in other banks you can find lower tariffs for service, opening an account or other bonuses that are not provided by Sberbank, but when it comes to cash, it is recommended that you pay a little over and be absolutely sure of their safety. This is much better than constantly twitching and worrying about whether tomorrow it will be possible to work with your account or the bank will suddenly close (or it will be taken away from it).
In fact, there are a lot of reasons why a financial institution can suddenly freeze money on an entrepreneur's account, and not all of them depend directly on the bank, but if possible, such risks should be minimized. It's one thing - if the account movement is stopped for a short time, and one contract is broken, it's very unpleasant, but bearable, and quite another matter: if after the entrepreneur receives a large sum of his account "suddenly" will be allegedly arrested, frozen, Closed, etc.
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