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Trafalgar Square: history and features of the London sights

It is not a secret for anyone that London is a famous tourist center, which is famous for its sights. To such known objects include the area, each of which has its own history and features. Trafalgar Square in London is one of the most popular places for tourists. It was originally named after the British King William IV. Later it was renamed in memory of the remarkable victory of the English fleet over the naval forces of Spain and France, which was gained near Cape Trafalgar in the early 19th century. It is noteworthy that this battle has established the leading position of Britain in the sea waters for many years to come and played a decisive role in the development of many historical events.

Returning to the history of Trafalgar Square, it is worth noting that this landmark of London for four centuries served as a place to house the falconry of the king, and therefore most of the territory was built up with special rooms. Since the 16th century, there have also been stables for servants.

During the 19th century, Trafalgar Square and surrounding areas underwent a process of general reconstruction. This procedure was led by architect John Nash, who believed that the area should improve the improvement of the capital of Great Britain. The purpose of transforming the square was to create a space for cultural rest of the inhabitants. The final reincarnation of the current London landmark was completed after the renaming of the square in 1830 by architect Charles Barr who simultaneously created a new building for the Parliament. By 1845, Trafalgar Square acquired its present appearance.

Who led the battle near Cape Trafalgar? He won the battle with the flotillas of France and Spain, Admiral Nelson. A tall column with a statue of the admiral today is one of the most recognizable symbols of Trafalgar Square. It is noteworthy that Charles Barr, when creating the reconstruction project, opposed the installation of this architectural structure, but did not agree with his position. As a result, since 1843, the statue of Nelson on the column was established in the name of the great victory of an outstanding commander of the navy.

The column itself is more than 50 meters in height, a five-meter monument is erected at the top. The sculpture is located in such a way that the look of Admiral Nelson is directed to the south, to the Westminster Palace. At the base of the column are the bronze lions, created by the famous sculptor Erwin Landseer. An interesting fact: these lions are cast from the tools of the defeated French fleet. During the Second World War, German commanders planned to take out a column with a statue of Nelson to the UK, but fortunately, these plans remained only on paper.

Trafalgar Square is surrounded on all sides by many roads. But in the past few years, in order to ensure the safety of pedestrians, the traffic intensity has been limited. Trafalgar Square has several unique and very original structures: in the corners are statues of King Henry IV, Lord Havelock and Charles Nepir. In the fourth corner of the square, the pedestal remained empty: for a hundred years, a decision was not made, whose monument should be located on it.

In conclusion, we note that Trafalgar Square - a unique landmark of the British capital, which is worth visiting every tourist who decided to see London. It is noteworthy that today this area occupies the fourth position in the world as the most famous and popular tourist site.

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