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The tract - what is it? Definition, examples

In the literature, as well as in colloquial speech, the word "tract" is found. What is this, what definition can be given to this concept? There are many places on the territory of Russia, in the name of which there is a word - reserves, places of rest, natural objects. There are many different interpretations of this notation.

The concept of

In the conventional sense, a certain meaning is put in the given word, which says that it can be any part of the terrain that is different from the territory around it. In common parlance this term is called abandoned old villages, which is wrong from the point of view of landscape studies. Sometimes this can be a name that has been "riddled", a kind of landmark among the population that is used to preserve history and transfer knowledge of the terrain to the next generations.

In geography, this term refers to the conjugate system of landscape components - soil, water regime, flora, fauna, microclimate. If you look at the map and evaluate the numerous objects marked with "ur.", You can see that these are isolated places, different from nearby sites - a small forest in the field, a meadow in the midst of a continuous forest area, a swampy terrain, etc. The most clearly manifested tracts in conditions of pronounced relief - with alternating hills and valleys, ridges and ravines. With all the diversity of the structure, they all possess the integrity of physical and biological factors that determine them among other geographic systems.

Changes in tracts

The tracts are the lowest unit of physical and geographical zoning. According to the area they occupy, they can be dominant (the most common areas in the landscape) and subordinates (small sizes). In most cases, these isolated areas of the terrain do not have certain boundaries, it happens that these imprecise lines move. The physical and geographical concepts of natural tracts suggest that under the influence of time the terrain can change - rivers change direction, ravines are eroded by meltwater, slopes are showered. Also, landscaped territories, originally occupied by tracts, can be occupied with modern buildings. Thus, the natural boundary is a variable phenomenon, for mapmakers is the most interesting for studying the subject.


A trash is a smaller structure of conjugate conditions, which is not an obligatory object of the landscape system. This term was proposed in 1952, it was introduced by the landscape scientist and geographic knowledge distributor, Doctor of Geographical Sciences DL Armand. As an example, the systems located on the hillside, on the surface of the interfluve or floodplain, on the bottom of the ravine - natural complexes, closely connected from one group of facies, characterized by the greatest homogeneity of the components, can lead to an example of a submentum.


A typical tract on a flat plane is a forest massif that is located among fields or marshes. It is important to understand the difference - a forest located apart, but on one type of soil, with a single water regime, the same vegetation is a facies. The tract will be called the site of the territory where the relief forms, different vegetation types, various soils - for example, mixed forest, which occupies an area with different moisture content, rocky areas among marshy areas - are connected.

Abandoned villages

Among the treasure hunters and lovers of ancient values, interest in the deserted villages is not weakening. A fairly promising place in terms of finding interesting finds is a tract. What it is? Former once a residential settlement (settlement, farm, etc.), abandoned and extinct. This definition includes non-recoverable settlements that have lost the face of villages. It usually looks like a glade, overgrown with age-old trees or isolated among the meadows of the forest. Often you can meet in these areas of people with metal detectors and tourist equipment, fans of monetary search.

The search engines say that the most likely sign of a successful search for a place is the more green vegetation compared to other sites (this is proof of fertilized vegetable gardens near human habitation, and hence values). The abandoned villages of the Leningrad Region are especially attractive to the seekers of abandoned treasures - as a result of military operations, the densely populated region was hastily abandoned by the inhabitants, not always having the opportunity to take back valuables. The search for antiquities in such places is fruitful.

So, the tract - what is it? For sparsely populated areas - this is a noticeable and useful landmark. For a simpler understanding, this is the established local name of a particular site, often associated with its history. The abandoned villages of the Leningrad Region (which have not yet become "tracts") are often found in descriptions of many interesting places, reports of expeditions, from specialists whose work is related to work on the ground. An important role for orientation on the terrain is played by tracts for local historians, archaeologists, geologists, prospectors.

Use of tracts

Differences in natural conditions, natural boundaries can be used in different ways. For example, in agriculture, flat spaces can be applied to arable land, and dismember ravines - as pastures, meadow or forest lands, fodder bases. As an isolated object, it is valuable as a natural object and can be a protected area.

Consequently, separately isolated part of the landscape is a tract. What is it, in the most accessible form for understanding, explains geography. This is best seen on the terrain where the tract occupies a square on a convex or concave relief (hill or hollow), on a homogeneous soil and is united by a common vegetation, humidification, fauna and other morphological features.

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