Computers, Computer games
The strongest Pokemon: the top 10 in Pokemon GO
Pokemon GO is a game that does not lose popularity and after a lapse of time since its release. Yes, she had problems related to the fact that the developers threatened that they could not support in the end - the detection of Pokémon who are not far from the player. The radar was out of order a couple of days after the launch of the project, but gamers patiently waited for it to be repaired. They only waited for the fact that this function was simply removed from the game. However, this does not mean that the project has ceased to be popular. And if you still collect "pocket monsters" on the street, then you will be interested to know what is the strongest Pokemon in this game. The top 10 creatures from this project will be presented in this article. Each of the monsters has three main characteristics, which should be addressed - attack, defense and endurance. The higher these characteristics, the stronger the Pokémon. Also it is worth considering that against monsters of what type your creature is more effective in order to use it in combat as wisely as possible. And if you do not want to go through all the monsters that you have in the collection, from this article you can find out which is the strongest Pokemon in this game. The top 10 best monsters in the game will allow you to choose your strongest fighter without any problems.
Naturally, you do not immediately know what the strongest Pokemon is in the game. Top-10 will tell you about the ten most impressive creatures of the project, and start, of course, from the tenth place where the Venusavr was located. This is the third form of Bulbazavra - it applies to both herbal and poisonous monsters. To get it, you need to develop Bulbazavr in Ivizavra, and then you will get a Venusavr. What is it good? The fact is that he has a very high level of protection - 8 out of 10. And along with an attack rate of 7, this pokemon can show incredible performance in the arena. It prevents only low endurance - only three points. That's why Venusavr is not the most powerful Pokemon. The top 10 will include the most diverse creatures, each of which will have its own advantages and disadvantages, and Venusaur's disadvantage is its low endurance. It is worth noting that it is best to use this monster against water and magic opponents.
The most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon GO could not do without the Flareon public favorite - this fiery form of Ivi has stats very similar to those observed in the previous creature in question. Flareon is also not hardy (its indicator is also equal to three), except that the indicators of attack and defense are directly opposite. This creature has attack 8, and defense 7, so if you need to actively attack, then it's better to use this creature. Moreover, the advantage of Flareon is that its attack very well affects Pokémon of the most diverse types, from grass and ice to steel and insects. The strongest Pokémon in the Pokémon GO, however, have great stamina, so Flareon was only in ninth place.
When people are asked about which monster is the strongest ("Pokemon GO" has recently become the most popular game in this universe, so it does not even make sense to specify exactly where), some point to Gaydodos. Quite possibly, this is due to his frightening appearance, but in fact this being is not the best - just one of. He has the same high protection as that of Venusavr, and the attack is also about the same. So why is Gayardo in the eighth place, and Venusavr at the tenth? It's all about endurance, which this little water dragon has a little higher. So if you are asked about which Pokemon is the strongest, do not rush to call Gaydos - he is certainly strong, but far from perfect.
As many expected, in the top of the most powerful Pokémon, there was not one form of Ivi - the water version of development, Vaporone, turned out to be even stronger than the fire one. Of course, many can ask a question - why? After all, his attack is lower than that of Flareon, and the defense is at the same level. The thing is, again, in the endurance, which this monster has is much higher, which guarantees him the seventh place among the 10 strongest Pokémon.
This is a very interesting Pokemon, which evolves from Vartortl, derived from one of the basic starting creatures, Squirtle. Naturally, you will have to make a lot of efforts to go the full path of evolution and development, but the efforts are worth it. Attack with Blastoyz is quite strong, while the endurance is very low. What raises this Pokemon to such a high place? It's all about protecting him, which is almost perfect. This monster can be a very tough nut even for the most powerful opponents.
While all the previous Pokémon were fairly well known, the EggGuitor is not so popular, but it is in this game that he is one of the strongest - in large part due to his incredibly powerful attack, which is combined with good endurance. All this is supplemented by relatively high-quality protection, and as a result, a universal monster is obtained that can seriously strengthen your team.
Many gamers are not particularly happy when they come across the Groulites, because these Pokémon are not as strong as many would like. However, you should not ignore these monsters, because with diligent collection of them you will have the opportunity to evolve one of them to Arkaneyn, which is the legendary Pokémon. It has similar indicators to the Egsegulator, but it is higher than the previous monster, due to the fact that its attack equally affects the Pokémon of absolutely all existing species in the game, while the EggGugger is good only against water, earth and stone creatures. So do not give up the Groulites - better reserve yourself with patience and develop them into Arkanein, who is one of the strongest creatures in the game.
Well, there is very little time left until you find out which Pokemon is the strongest in this game. In the meantime, get acquainted with Lapras, who took third place. His attack is relatively large, his defense is very good, but similar indicators show many Pokémon on the list. The main difference between Lapras and them is their high endurance, so that they can carry out their special attacks much more often, on which the outcome of the battle may depend.
At first glance, this Pokemon resembles a good-natured fantastic bear or cat. He likes to sleep very much, but at the same time if he is called on the battlefield, he becomes one of the most serious opponents in the whole game. The fact is that his indicators are as balanced as possible - he does not have a very high attack, his defense is not prohibitive, but all these stats are at a relatively high level. And complements their excellent endurance - Snorlax has the best indicator of this type among all the creatures that are on the list. It was thanks to this that he was in second place. But who then took the first?
Well, the title of the best Pokemon in the game Pokemon GO deserved Dragonite. At first glance, he looks like a good-natured and affable dragon, but in battle becomes an incredibly powerful and dangerous opponent. To get it, you need to catch Dratini, develop it in Dragoneira, and then this form evolves into a new one, which will be Dragonite. What is this Pokemon so strong? Many people rush to abandon its use because it has a very low endurance rate, but if you do so, then make a big mistake. After all, special attacks are not the main thing that this creature has. All its secret lies in the maximum indicators of attack and defense - this is the only Pokemon in the game, which has a maximum score for both of these stats. Thus, you can and without high endurance show incredible results on the battlefield, if you will competently use Dragonite.
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