EducationThe science

The process of socialization: primary and secondary

The process of socialization begins in infancy and ends in old age. In its content, it represents the development of social and gender roles, as well as the assimilation of cultural values and norms.

As a child, about seventy percent of the human personality will be formed. In the history of the situation, when a small child was brought up by animals. Even after they were returned, such children became unable to talk, smile, think and participate in communication with other people. They could later learn only elementary skills and acquire a vocabulary of thirty words. As a result, such children "Mowgli" become "isolates" in society. Consequently, the process of socialization directly depends on human communication and the assimilation of cultural values. Without this condition, children will be deprived of the formation of their own "I".

The process of socialization is a two-way phenomenon, which includes the following points:

  • Assimilation of the cultural experience by the child with the help of entering the social environment and the system of ties. Important in this process is how the society affects the individual.
  • Active reproduction of the system of connections through active involvement in the interaction, when a person influences the environment through his activities.

The process of socialization of an individual is determined by two mechanisms.

Typification - a way to assimilate the individual existing in the world forms of culture. It's about values and norms. As a result of this process, their gradual transformation into an individual's experience takes place. But for successful socialization this is not enough, the second mechanism should "earn".

Individualization is the transformation and transformation of personal experience into forms of culture. Thanks to this, human progress is realized.

The process of socialization has two basic stages. They have different content, age limits and basic mechanisms. Let us consider them in more detail.

Primary socialization is due to the influence of the immediate immediate environment of a person. We are talking about his parents, brothers, sisters, close and distant relatives. Therefore, the initial process of socialization is carried out from the first day of life and ends in adolescence. It will be based on the links between the assimilation of cultural experience and the individual, through which he becomes a member of society.

In addition, gender socialization is becoming important at this stage. Moreover, it begins at the age of two or three years, when the child realizes finally his gender and gradually assumes the appropriate social roles and patterns of behavior. This process ends in adolescence.

The secondary process of socialization will encompass mature age. As a result, a citizen has a large number of friends who are married and have children. The main activity will now be directed to achieve the set life goals (career, high earnings, success, family life, organized leisure). In addition, only strong and stable ties, both friendly and personal, become a priority.

In the elderly and senile age, a person's life begins to turn over. Gradually, friendly and personal ties will be lost. But in order to feel comfortable, you need to gradually change the direction of socialization. A person will have to learn to enjoy every day.

The process of socialization is a phenomenon through which the individual assimilates the basic elements of culture. It's about symbols, values, meanings and norms.

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