Technologies, Cell Phones
The power button on the phone does not work, or why the smartphone does not turn on
Sometimes users complain that they have a power button on the phone that does not work. Why does this happen? How to fix the situation? How dangerous is this phenomenon? All this will be discussed later. Actually understand why the phone does not turn on, just. Especially if the fault is the power button.
The first variant of the development of events occurs quite often. And to break it has nothing to do. Why does the power button on the phone not work? The fault can be the most common battery of the device. The thing is that the lack of battery power leads the smartphone into a non-working state.
Because of this it turns out that the power button does not work. In fact, this is not so. It is enough to turn on the phone for several minutes, and then try to work with the equipment again. If the problem lies in the low battery charge, then everything will work.
Real damage
But this is only the beginning. In fact, many users confuse situations in which they have a power button on the phone does not work, and when the device simply does not turn on. In principle, the result is the same - the gadget becomes a useless piece of plastic and iron.
In some cases, the power button may actually break. This is a very common problem. It occurs mostly in those who either sloppy with the device, or for a long time uses it. It's all due to normal wear and tear.
If the problem really is a breakdown, you can repair your mobile phone. Repair is carried out in specialized centers. As a rule, for a fee you can pick up a working smartphone with normally functioning buttons.
Sometimes the equipment is not repaired. What then? If the power button is broken on the phone, so much so that you can not return it to work, you will have to buy a new gadget. Fortunately, such a situation does not occur very often. Usually you can easily call the service center to repair the phone.
Software problems
Does the power button on the phone not work? As already mentioned, users often confuse the disruption of the smartphone and the failure of the gadget control buttons. The second alignment is purely mechanical damage. Usually they either are corrected in the service centers, or lead to the need to purchase a new phone.
If we consider the problem not as a failure of the power-on button, but how the fact that the smartphone itself does not work, the reasons can be, for example, software failures. For example, the phone settings under some circumstances are knocked down. Or viruses damage the OS of the gadget. Then he will not turn on. Or it will be constantly turned off. The power button will not work, either, nor will it respond to sent commands.
A situation is allowed if there are suspicions of a software failure in several ways. Namely:
- Flashing phone. It is carried out either independently or in the service centers. It is better for novice users to entrust their mobile phone to professionals. Repair, expressed in firmware, is carried out in a few minutes. The gadget will work in full force.
- Setting up the equipment already included. Usually, users themselves implement the so-called "Hard Reset", and then begin to set up the device. The power button should work after resetting the phone to the initial level.
- Checking the smartphone for viruses and further disposal of malware. If the gadget has already turned off, and it turned out that the power button on the phone does not work, it's best to give the equipment to a service center. There will quickly help to correct the situation.
All this helps with failures caused by the phone's operating system or its software. But that's not all. It is necessary to get acquainted with other variants of the development of events.
External influence
Why else can it seem that the power button on the phone does not work? It is likely that the device had a negative external effect. And this led either to system failures or to hardware damage. Because of this, the power button may really not work.
For example, the phone was dropped into the water. Or the gadget fell from a height to the floor. These causes lead to damage to your smartphone. And it stops working. In the first case it is required to disassemble the phone as soon as possible and dry its components. After that, collect and try to include. In the second, it's better to contact the service center immediately if there is a problem with the navigation buttons on the phone.
What conclusions can be drawn? The power button on the phone does not work often due to the fact that the gadget itself refuses to function. The most common reasons for this behavior are:
- mechanical damage;
- Marriage of production type;
- External negative impact on the phone;
- Low battery;
- Viruses on the phone;
- System failure;
- Need to reflash.
If there are problems with turning on the phone, we recommend charging the battery, trying again with the smartphone, and then taking the device to a service center. This is the most reliable way of repairing the equipment.
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