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The novel "The Count of Monte Cristo": a brief summary. "Count of Monte Cristo": analysis of heroes

This article describes the adventure novel, which was created in 1844-1845. The theme of our today's narrative is the characterization of his heroes and a brief summary. "The Count of Monte Cristo" - a work, authored by A. Dumas (father). This is a recognized classic of French literature. Many of his works, including the "Count of Monte Cristo", readers' reviews cause the most positive. First we will acquaint you with the brief content, and then proceed to characterize the characters of the work of interest to us.

Let's imagine the main character of the novel, written by Alexander Dumas (father). He is Dantes, the Marseilles sailor from the ship "Pharaoh". He went on the next flight to Elba, where he met with Marshal Bertrand, who instructed Edmond (this is the name of the protagonist) to deliver the letter to Paris. Dantes also saw here with Napoleon Bonaparte. Edmond agreed to deliver the letter, fulfilling the last will of the captain of the ship Pharaoh, who died shortly before that. Morrel, the owner of the ship, upon arrival in Marseilles decided to appoint the chief d'Anthes.

Denunciation of Edmond

Edmond was going to marry Mercedes, a Catholic from a neighboring village. With this girl, however, wants to bind her fate and Fernand, her cousin. Accountant Danglars (Edmond suspects him of deceit) begins to fear for his place. In the tavern there are Danglars, Fernand and the tailor Caderousse, the envious neighbor of Dantes. Danglars has a plan to convey to Dantes that he is a supposedly Bonapartist subordinate. To do this, he writes an anonymous letter to the prosecutor, but Caderousse is against this idea. Therefore, Danglar has to pretend that he destroyed the denunciation. Fernand, he says that he delivered a letter to the prosecutor, which is the cousin of Mercedes.

Arrest and imprisonment in the castle

During the wedding with the chosen one, Dantes is arrested. Cadrusse understands everything, but he does not say anything, because he is afraid that they think he is involved in political affairs. The protagonist is taken to Wilför, the assistant to the royal prosecutor, who tries to do business honestly. He is going to release the innocent, but learns that Dantes was to deliver the letter to his father Noirtier, Bonapartist. Villefort realizes that if this fact becomes known, his career may end. Therefore, he decides in this situation to sacrifice Edmond. Villefort burns the letter, and Edmond sends without trial and investigation to the castle of If, in conclusion. He himself hurries to Paris in order to warn about the upcoming coup of King Louis XVIII.

Fateful meeting

We continue to describe the summary. "The Count of Monte Cristo" - a work that is very interesting to read. Events are kept in suspense until the very end. Alexander Dumas (father) further tells that after several years of imprisonment Dantes decides to commit suicide. He starts throwing food out the window. However, a few days later, when he was almost dead, Edmond suddenly heard someone dig the ground near his cell. The protagonist begins digging a tunnel from his side.

He meets a learned scholar from Italy, the abbot of Faria. The abbot is considered crazy, since he always says that there is a multimillion-dollar treasure, and only he knows where he is. A great impression on the protagonist is the personality of Faria. This already elderly person is full of hope and love of life. He works all the time: he writes scientific works, even when in prison, he makes tools and steadily prepares an escape. Faria, after listening to the story of the protagonist, restores the course of events. He reveals to Dantes the perpetrators and the reason for his imprisonment. Edmond swears to revenge his enemies. He asks Faria to become his mentor in life and a teacher in science. We will not dwell on this in detail, describing the summary. "The Count of Monte Cristo" is a three-dimensional work, so we can tell only about the main events.

Edmond learns about the treasure

The Abbot and Edmond are preparing together for the escape. When everything is ready, Faria suddenly has a seizure. The right side of the abbe's body is affected by paralysis. The protagonist refuses to escape alone and decides to stay with Faria. They communicate, the abbot teaches Edmon to foreign languages and sciences. In addition, he reveals to the protagonist the secret of the treasure, which is buried on about. Monte Cristo. Faria learned about it when he served as a librarian from one of the descendants of Cardinal Spada, who hid his wealth from Pope Alexander VI and Caesar Borgia, his son.

Escape Edmond, meeting with smugglers

The abbot dies after another fit. Intending to bury the deceased in the evening, the guards sew his body in a sack. Dantes, who came to say goodbye to the deceased, illuminates the idea. Edmond Dantes decides to transfer the body of the abbot to his cell, himself, rasporov and sewing a bag with the help of Fabia's instruments, takes his place. The protagonist is thrown into the sea as a dead man. With difficulty Edmond gets out of the bag. He manages to swim to the neighboring island. Thus, the hero leaves the castle of If. Local smugglers pick it up in the morning. Dantes gets acquainted with new comrades. His valued captain as a skilled sailor. Dantes, being at large, learns that he spent as many as 14 years in prison.

Edmond finds treasure, gives smugglers

No one lives on the island of Monte Cristo. It is used as a staging post by smugglers from a work, whose author is Alexander Dumas ("The Count of Monte Cristo"). Edmond pretends to be sick and with the help of this cunning remains on the island, where he finds the buried treasure. Becoming rich, the main character did not forget those who were kind to him. He told his fellow smugglers that he had inherited, and all of them generously rewarded.

The protagonist starts an investigation

After that Edmond decides to start his own investigation in order to find out about what happened after his arrest with his fiancee, father, friends and enemies. He visits Caderousse under the guise of a priest who allegedly fulfills the last will of Dantes and bequeaths the diamond to his friends: Mercedes, Danglar, Fernand and Cadrus. The latter holds a tavern. At the sight of a diamond, greed seizes him, and he forgets about caution. Caderuss tells Edmond the truth about his arrest, as well as what happened after that. Father Dantes fell into despair and died of hunger, Mercedes also very grieved.

Morrel tried to fight for the release of Dantes, and supported his father. Caderousse also said that Mercedes married Fernan, and Mr. Morrel, the former owner of Edmond, is practically ruined. Fernand and Danglars are now rich. They belong to the upper world and must be happy. Danglars became a millionaire banker, he has the title of Baron. Fernand is now general, peer of France, Comte de Morcer.

Morrel Rescue

Edmond returns to Marseilles. Here he learns that Morrel is really on the verge of ruin. He only hopes for the return of the "Pharaoh" with the cargo, the ship on which Dantes once sailed. However, the news comes that the ship sank in a storm (although the captain and the team miraculously survived). About all this, Dantes learns when he comes to the armor under the guise of Morrel's agent. The protagonist on behalf of the banking house gives the last postponement to Morrel. It is already coming to an end, and he can not pay. Morrel, in order to avoid shame, decides to commit suicide. At the last moment, however, the redeemed bills are brought, and the new "Pharaoh" enters the port. Morrel with his family is saved. After them, from a distance, Dantes observes. Out of gratitude, he closed the account of Morrel, and now he wants to take revenge on the enemies.

Mysterious Count of Monte Cristo

It takes 9 years. Continues to describe the further events of Alexander Dumas. The earl of Monte Cristo, eccentric and mysterious, replaces Edmond Dantes. This is just one of the images that the protagonist created. He is known by some as the abbot of Busoni, Lord Wilmore, etc. Italian smugglers and robbers, whom he was able to unite and subjugate, like many travelers and sailors, know the protagonist under the name of Sinbad the Sailor. He has already visited many places in the world over the past years and significantly expanded his education. The Count of Monte Cristo, in addition, has learned to skillfully manipulate people. He is the owner of a fast ship. And in the caves on the island of Monte Cristo, he has a hidden underground palace. Here he takes travelers.

Dantes, under the guise of a count, is part of the higher French society. He intrigues him and admires an unusual way of life and wealth. The main character has a mute servant of Ali, about whom he says that if he disobeys him, he will be killed. The affairs of the graph are managed by Giovanni Bertuccio, a Corsican smuggler who has his own accounts with Wilfor. Meanwhile, Villefort had already become the royal public prosecutor of Paris. The count, moreover, contains Gayde, a slave, to whom she refers first as a daughter. This is the daughter of Pasha Ali-Tebelin, whom Fernand murdered treacherously.

Implementation of the revenge plan

The main character begins to gradually implement his plan of revenge. He believes that the death of the enemies is an inadequate payment for the suffering caused. The Count himself regards himself as a tool of Providence, an instrument of justice. He inflicts blows to the victims. As a result, Fernand is disgraced, his wife and son left him, and eventually he commits suicide. Villefort, who is losing all his family, is going crazy. Danglars is ruined and flees France. The robbers, who are subject to Monte Cristo, take him prisoner in Italy. They rob Danglars of the last remnants of his condition. The Count, however, was already tired of revenge. He realized that the just punishment for the criminals caused irreparable damage to many innocent people. A heavy burden on the conscience of the main character lay the consciousness of this. Therefore, he lets go Danglars, even allows him to take with him 50 thousand francs.

Final Events

So we came to the finale, describing the summary. "The Count of Monte Cristo" ends with the fact that a hero who realized that he loves Gayde not with his father's love, along with her floats away on the ship. He leaves the island of Monte Cristo with all his wealth as a gift to Maximilian, the son of Morrel, and also to Valentine de Villefort, his lover, the daughter of the prosecutor.

The Count of Monte Cristo (Edmond Dantes)

Monte Cristo (aka E. Dantes) - the protagonist of the work, which was written by A. Dumas (father). The history of his real prototype was gleaned from the archives of the police in Paris. Having become a victim of the rally, the shoemaker was imprisoned in the castle. Here he was courting the prisoner, the prelate, who bequeathed to him a great fortune. The shoemaker, when he was free, took revenge on his enemies, but died at the hands of the last of the survivors. The name of Monte Cristo was inspired by the name of a small islet not far from Elba.

It should be noted that to the final of the work, when the perpetrators are mercilessly punished, neither Monte Cristo nor the reader feels the necessary satisfaction (with the exception, perhaps, of the youngest reader, to whom this image is designed). The protagonist of the novel is so strongly transformed that he acts unrecognized among people who knew him before. The motive of inner transformation is the structuring motive of his character. One can speak only of an implicit, dotted "shine through" the image of the calculating and cold avenger of Monte Cristo, the direct disinterestedness of Edmond. It can be combined typologically with characters such as Joseph the Beautiful and Odysseus, who were many years later met by loved ones and not recognized by them. Mercedes, unlike Penelope, could not wait for her lover, decided that he was dead. And unlike Jacob, the old father did not suffer separation from his son. Dumas' hero is reborn, not growing up. The trustfulness and simplicity of Edmond are transformed into romantic mystery, demonism. In addition, his way of life changes: Edmond lives a natural life, and the Count of Monte Cristo, whose character description is given in detail in the novel, controls the lives of other people, not having his own.


This is an accountant who served on the "Pharaoh". This person is envious. It was he who initiated the denunciation of Dantes. We can say that Baron Danglars is the most fallen hero of all in the novel, but he did not feel remorse. He managed to leave Marseilles. Danglars was engaged in deliveries to the French army during the Spanish war and got rich on it. The hero's only love was money. That's why as a revenge Monte Cristo used this weakness. The robber Luigi Vampa, a friend of the count, at his request kidnapped Danglars and began to starve him, offering the hero for millions to buy food. When Danglars had no money left, the count decided to let him go. Thus, this character was the first of those whom the protagonist spared. However, he was the last who deserved to be forgiven by the Count of Monte Cristo. The book, written by Alexander Dumas, makes you think about the reasons for this.

Gaspar Cadurus

It is a tailor who was a neighbor of the protagonist and his father. Gaspar is one of the participants in the denunciation of Dantes. But it can be justified by the fact that he was drunk and therefore did not take seriously the writing of the denunciation, believing that it was a joke. Later, the hero became the owner of the inn. Greed has forced him to kill a man and become a criminal. Edmond several times in different guises provided Cadrus a chance to improve. He actually did not even take revenge on him, but only gave him the right to choose, which was a test for him. The Count of Monte Cristo, as a revenge, set Caderousse's choice - to leave the criminal past or continue the wicked way. He could not refuse to profit and decided to rob the count, but fell from Benedetto, his "friend", with whom he committed a robbery.

Gerard de Villefort

This hero of the work is an assistant to the royal prosecutor. He imprisoned Edmond only because he had a letter from Napoleon, which was addressed to Father Villefort. Then he rose to the rank of royal prosecutor. The past of this hero was not flawed, than the Count of Monte Cristo used for revenge. Gerard had a love affair with Madame Danglars. An unwanted child was born from her. Villefort buried him in the garden of the house in Otheey. Monte Cristo first bought this house. Then, inviting the light of Paris, he showed the audience a dramatization of the night, when the child was buried alive. Benedetto with his help became the defendant, and it turned out that he was the son of Wilfor. The wife of Gerard was poisoned. All this led to the fact that Villefort had gone mad.

Fernand Mondego

This hero is a fisherman, a cousin of Mercedes. He was in love with her, so he decided to betray Edmond. After that, Fernand got into recruits. He managed to rise to the rank of general, and also obtain the title of count. When Greece rebelled against Turkey, Fernand betrayed Ali-Tibelin, Pasha Yanina. The revenge of Monte Cristo was sophisticated. He announced the circumstances under which Ali-Tibelin perished. This led to the contempt of Albert and Mercedes. Fernan's story ended with a shot in the temple.

Abbot Faria

The novel "The Count of Monte Cristo" introduces us to another interesting character. This is an Italian priest, who became Edmond's second father. He was in the castle of If by his neighbor in the cell. Faria is a sage who taught all of Dantes. Everyone thought he was crazy, because he offered treasure for his freedom. And only Edmond learned that these treasures actually existed.

Pierre Morrell

Of course, the positive character is in the work "The Earl of Monte Cristo" Morrel. Pierre (that was his name) is Edmond's best friend, the owner of the ship Pharaoh. The noblest person of his portrayed Dumas ("The Count of Monte Cristo"). When they arrested Dantes, he went to Villefour several times to ask for him. When Morrel had no money to pay off his debts, he was ready to wash his own shame with his blood. However, Dantes saved him. Pierre was sure that he should thank Edmond for saving his honor, although he appeared to him in the guise of an agent of the banking house.

So, you met the main characters of the novel. "The Count of Monte Cristo" is a book worth reading. In particular, it will be of interest to young readers. Many of them are simply delighted with the work of Alexandre Dumas - "The Count of Monte Cristo". This novel is not for nothing known to the whole world.

We have described only in brief the work "The Count of Monte Cristo". Parts that are not so important for the development of the plot, we were omitted. However, this retelling gives an idea of the main events of the novel.

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