Spiritual developmentAstrology

The meaning of Rimma's name

What is the name of Rimma? In translation from the Hebrew language - "apple", and from Latin - "Romans". The main features include high reaction speed, excitability, willpower.

The meaning of the name of Rimma in childhood

The girl grows very smart and charming. She easily finds a common language with different people. She always feels that when and where one should say how to approach one or another person correctly. She knows how to behave well when she needs it. Thanks to such talents, Rimma almost always achieves what she wants, she is bought the best things, toys and sweets. Parents consider it reasonable not for years and responsible. Therefore, it is allowed more than others. For example, a long walk in the yard, go to visit and so on. The meaning of the name of Rimma can also be understood as "credible". People have been attracted to her since childhood. She skillfully jokes and parries, always remaining in the win. Parents should develop these qualities in the right direction, and, perhaps, in the future, a beautiful business lady will turn out from the girl.

Adult Rimma

This woman, at first glance, seems unassailable and cold. But do not rush to conclusions. In fact, it is often insecure and has a number of complexes. She has a complex character. She is characterized by fits of anger, which can shock loved ones. She is intelligent and intelligent and tries to show it at any opportunity. The name of Rimma rewards the woman with such qualities as impulsiveness, nervousness, self-righteousness. This causes her to often fail. But even in this case Rimma does not lose faith in himself and in his strength.

The meaning of the name of Rimma opens before us a person living a full and interesting life. It can work well and have fun. She can become an excellent journalist or advertising agent. She is sociable and surrounds herself with not only pleasant but also helpful people. Since at work Rimma does not show much zeal, she often has to use natural wit and cunning. In any case, she knows how to achieve the intended goal and this is often obtained from her. It can not be called a workaholic. She goes to work in order to take her free time. If she has the opportunity not to work, she will gladly use it.

Personal life

The meaning of the name of Rimma suggests that she is a bright, attractive woman. Her appearance is a matter of admiration for men. It will not be difficult for her to get married, since she has more than enough fans. Spouse Rimma chooses carefully. It is very important for her that a man appreciate her worth and patiently endure her whims. A husband should bear in mind that Rimma likes to meet with friends, discuss sensitive issues and the latest news. He should give her such an opportunity. Since Rimma does not like to work, and she does not earn enough herself, her husband will have to provide it. For her it is extremely important that he was initially wealthy and non-greedy. Rimma is a good housewife. She is happy to cook and clean up the house. My husband will not have to iron his shirts or wash his trousers.

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