Arts & EntertainmentLiterature

The humiliating description of Mitrofan from the comedy "Nedorosl"

Was the description of Mitrofan from the comedy "The Undivided" comedy by Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin authorial fiction? It is generally believed that the prototype of Mitrofan Terentyevich Prostakov was a real historical figure - Alexei Nikolaevich Olenin. It should also be mentioned that the author of the comedy was personally acquainted with the founder of the Russian National Theater A.Sumarokov, was fascinated by Voltaire's enlightening thoughts.

Mitrofanushka prototype

The real mediocrity had an old noble lineage on the maternal line - from the clan of the Volkonsky princes. The father of a young landowner - a retired colonel of the Leipzgardia - obviously did not pay enough attention to the education of the underprivileged. Alyosha grew up in permissiveness in his father's estate, located in the village. Salasur of the Ryazan governorate of the Moscow province. Focusing on some of Alexei's phrases and his hobbies, Fonvizin created "The Minor." The characteristics of Mitrofan turned out at least not documentary, but recognizable.

Mitrofan's views on life

A fifteen-year-old young man is convinced that having a noble heritage, he can ignore many "secondary" things, in his opinion, education, upbringing, hard work, harmonious relations with people. If Peter I was obliged to serve the homeland after school, then in the future the requirements were limited only to education. The characterization of Mitrofan from the comedy "The Minor" shows how from this extremely erroneous point of view, pride gradually develops, threatening to destroy his life in the future. Having learned that the girl Sophia is gifted by the landlord Starodum with considerable wealth, he tries on the role of the groom. Indeed, why study when the wedding will bring prosperity for the rest of your life? He despises his father, considering him a nonentity, mocks his teachers.

To show her son in a favorable light before the discerning Starodum, Ms. Prostakova tries to present him as an educated person. This anecdotal attempt at a semi-literate mother is doomed to failure, so it turns out. Sophia is in love with a really worthy young man - Milo.

Mitrofan's characterization from the comedy "Nedorosl" is given by Starodum's resonator, extremely briefly and exhaustively: "Unenlightened, and also devoid of soul." Indeed, the young landowner, nurturing his ego, does not bother to work and establish friendly relations with other people


Did the comedy work at Fonvizin? The question is, of course, rhetorical. However, I would like to answer, as on the very Alyosha Olenin influenced fonvizinskaya characteristic Mitrofan. The child was, of course, a bummer, but not a fool. As the contemporaries say, the young man not only recognized himself in Mitrofan Terentievich, but was shocked by his glance at himself from outside, he felt really ashamed. Thus, the work of Fonvizin became a powerful stimulus for the education and upbringing of Alexei Nikolaevich Olenin. Who would have thought that the characterization of Mitrofan from the comedy "Nedorosl" with such force motivates Alyosha? This person considered the image of young Prostakov as his personal starting point, a motivation for a crazy concentration on education and work. And as a result, we are now talking about Alexei Olenin as a man who created a reserve for the domestic bibliography, equivalent to Fonvizin's contribution to the formation of Russian comedy. In addition, Olenin was President of the Academy of Arts, a recognized authority in history and archeology.

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