
The history of radio

"Radio" today is a fairly familiar and common word. In the modern world, everybody knows that radio waves are used to transmit information "wirelessly". But some 100 years ago no one could imagine such a thing. The history of the creation of radio, in fact, is very interesting. After all, until now, historians argue who is his true inventor - Popov or Marconi.

At all times, the engine of the process was communication. As early as 1864, the existence of electromagnetic waves was predicted theoretically by Maxwell. Less than 25 years later, the creation of such waves was occupied by H. Hertz. In a series of experiments, he confirmed the theory of Maxwell and continued the work that his predecessor began. The result of this was the creation of a device that was able to transmit and receive the same electromagnetic waves. Such a receiver was insensitive and operated only a couple of meters away. It was the beginning of progress, but for real communication something else was needed - a more advanced, powerful transmitter. Unfortunately, Hertz died of severe blood poisoning, but the story of the radio does not end there.

The learned world community was interested in Hertz's experiments. And very soon the path to the creation of a new sensitive receiver was again opened. This was occupied by the Englishman O. Lodge and the Frenchman E. Branly. They found that a tube filled with a metal powder reacts well to the waves. When the first spark leapt on the transmitter, it took a specific signal and conducted a current. But to receive the next signal, the coherer (tube) had to be shaken a little, returning it, therefore, to its original position.

These experiments interested the Russian engineer A.S. Popov, who understands the necessity of wireless communication. He began his search for the application of the "Hertz waves" in practice. It was necessary to configure the device in such a way that the coherer himself "jerked" after each signal, having the opportunity to immediately take the next one.

Here begins the story of the radio of the Russian developer. The solution found by Popov strikes with its sheer simplicity. An electric bell was connected to the tube. When the bell signal appeared, the bell struck lightly on the coherer, thereby restoring it to its original position. By sound it was possible without any problems to receive signals popular then Morse code. A pen was also connected to the apparatus, so that signals can be recorded on the moving tape. This reception of radio signals and their transmission (over a distance of 60 meters) Popov demonstrated in 1895. So the public radio story began. Then he created a device that would be useful - a "thunderstorm", recording lightning discharges on the tape. Over time, the connection worked at 250 m. The case went successfully, but until the final result, much more work and time was required.

At the same time G. Marconi, a young Italian, was actively working on a similar project, but with other methods. By the way, the schemes of its receivers were almost the same as Popov's. Communication was also transmitted only over short distances. But the Italian developer was more confident and wanted to find an application for this system as soon as possible. He appealed to various state bodies, but everywhere he was refused. And only in 1897 in the UK he received a patent. The history of the radio created by the Italian has reached Russia, and Popov reacted quite adequately, believing that Marconi first dared to become a paved practical ground and achieved excellent results in his experiments.

After a while, the development of both the Italian and the Russian, found their practical application. Apparatus Marconi used the Prince of Wales on the yacht "Osborne". Popov's debut was the rescue of 50 fishermen using his device for wireless communication, when it was the order with a radiogram that helped to correct the plight of seamen.

Both Popov and Marconi actively worked on the improvement of wireless communication. This allowed to improve its quality and to increase the distance between receivers. On this the history of the development of radio does not end, in fact with time it became more practical and reliable, changed and improved.

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