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The greatest number of bacteria is contained in what?

It is unlikely that there will be a place on the globe where there are no bacteria. They abound in saline lakes, the permafrost of the Arctic, jets of high temperature geysers, deep layers of the oceans, the depths of the earth's crust. The reader will learn about the location of the greatest number of bacteria from the article.

What are bacteria?

These are microorganisms, which consist of only one cell. The following types are distinguished:

  • Bacteria of round, spherical form - cocci.
  • Rod-shaped bacteria are bacilli.
  • Spiral-bent shape - spirilla.
  • Waxy - spirochaetes.

The habitat of bacteria is the soil, water, the human and animal body. They exist where other microorganisms do not survive. The substances necessary for life - carbon, water, ammonia, sulfur compounds, nitrates - are given to the environment by bacteria. As a result of complex chemical reactions, inorganic substances are converted into biochemical products necessary for their vital activity and reproduction, which occurs by dividing the cell in half. This process will continue until there are enough nutrients in the environment.

The role of bacteria is great. They destroy organic substances, cleaning the environment from impurities. But these tiny creatures fulfill not only a positive role, but also a negative one. Certain types of microorganisms by their presence spoil food. The most dangerous pathogenic bacteria. They are a source of dangerous diseases: pneumonia, plague, syphilis, tuberculosis and others.

Microflora of water

In water, as well as in soil, there is a great variety of microorganisms. For them, this environment is natural. Where is the largest number of bacteria? A huge number of bacteria can be observed in open water and groundwater. They abound with chopsticks, mushrooms, cocci, vibrios, viruses and many other species.

The number of microorganisms in water can be judged from the content of organic compounds, which, just like in the soil, undergo transformations. One milliliter of water can contain more than a few million different bacteria. The greatest number of them can be found in ground water. In the groundwater there are fewer, because, seeping through the soil, the water passes a kind of filtration.

Where does the greatest number of bacteria live? In open reservoirs. Their number varies and depends on a number of reasons. Climatic conditions affect the number of microorganisms. Pollution of reservoirs with industrial waste, sewage promotes their reproduction, since in water are contained in huge quantities of organic substances. Due to the rapid growth of bacteria, it simply does not have time to clear, which, in turn, leads to environmental problems.

For your reference: drinking water is good if one milliliter contains not more than one hundred bacteria. A liquid with a content of 100-150 bacteria in one milliliter causes doubt. Water is considered polluted, one hundred milliliters of which there are five hundred bacteria and more.

On what subjects are there more bacteria in the house?

It turns out that regular washing of floors and wiping dust is not enough to protect yourself from bacteria. The house is filled with a lot of things. To destroy harmful microorganisms, you need to know what objects they accumulate in large quantities. Experts have found that the most active bacteria multiply on the following subjects: a cutting board, a kitchen towel, door handles, water taps, a TV remote control, switches, a telephone. Therefore, at least once a week they should be wiped with disinfectant solutions and washed with bactericidal agents.

Microflora of the air

Air is an unfavorable environment for bacteria. Here microorganisms do not always live, but are temporarily, while they move from one place to another. The air does not contain nutrients, there is no constant temperature and very often there is no moisture, but a lot of sunlight that has a harmful effect on bacteria.

The microflora of air does not have a permanent composition. There may be resistant to drying and ultraviolet rays micrococci, fungi, yeast. The greatest number of bacteria is contained in the air of the lower layers of the atmosphere. There are pathogenic microorganisms: tubercle bacillus, viruses, staphylococci.

In the air, microorganisms come with dust, liquid from the surface of water, soil, animals, plants, transport, with saliva and mucus during sneezing, talking and coughing. The state of the air also depends on the microflora of the soil. The greatest number of bacteria is contained in the air in dry summer weather over large cities. They are few in the mountain air, in the north, over forests, oceans and lakes.

Soil microflora

With the help of bacteria, the process of soil formation, self-purification, the cycle of carbon, nitrogen takes place. Soil is a natural habitat for various types of microorganisms. The greatest number of bacteria is contained in water, soil, And the soil surface has a relatively small number. Thickness of clots of organic substances and dying roots of plants - the most favorable environment for the development of bacteria.

The microflora of the soil is very diverse. It is rich in different physiological groups of bacteria. The most active microorganisms develop in the root zones of plants, which are called the rhizosphere. The greatest number of bacteria is contained in the soil - there are more of them than in the air and even water.

Bacteria in the urine

Some believe that the greatest number of bacteria is contained in the urine, but this opinion is erroneous. Urine is normal - a sterile product. The presence of other agents means that the body develops pathology.

If there are pathogenic microorganisms in the urine, this condition is called bacteriuria. Hence, in the human body is an inflammatory process. This occurs with various diseases.

However, a large number of bacteria in the urine may be due to improper collection of biomaterial. But often microbes get into the urine from the intestine. This way of penetration is called ascending.

If the analysis revealed an abundance of pathogenic microorganisms in a biofluid, appropriate therapy is necessarily prescribed. Bacteriuria is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urination with blood and a disgusting odor. Urine can be cloudy, with flakes. With inflammation of the bladder, the temperature does not rise, but if the infection has got into the kidneys - this is quite possible.

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