
The drug 'Ovestin'. Reviews. Application

The drug "Ovestin" includes estriol - a natural female hormone. This hormone (unlike the others) has a short action, due to the fact that it interacts with the nuclei in endometrial cells. Estriol replenishes the loss of estrogen during menopause and reduces the intensity of menopausal manifestations.

The drug "Ovestin" (reviews of many doctors confirm this) is highly effective in urogenital disorders. Against the background of atrophy in the lower parts of the genitourinary system, the drug provides normalization of the epithelium and the restoration of the natural microflora, as well as the physiological pH level in the vagina. As a result, the resistance of epithelial cells to inflammation and infections increases. In connection with this, symptoms such as itching, dryness of the vagina, dysuria, dyspareunia (soreness in intercourse) are alleviated.

Decrease in the severity of menopausal manifestations with the use of the drug "Ovestin" (reviews of specialists and patients confirm this) is noted in the first few weeks of therapy. After treatment, vaginal bleeding is rare.

The drug "Ovestin" (the doctors' reviews indicate this) should be prescribed as hormone replacement therapy for the treatment of atrophy in the lower urinary tract due to a lack of estrogen.

The medication is indicated as pre- and post-operative treatment of patients in the postmenopausal period during operations on the vagina.

The drug "Ovestin" is recommended as an additional diagnostic method in case of doubtful cases of atrophy symptoms after cervical smear.

Suppositories are administered intravaginally.

When atrophy in the lower part of the genitourinary system is used by candle a day for the first few weeks (the exact duration of application is determined by the doctor). Subsequently, the drug is used on the suppository twice a week.

When surgical interventions on the vagina are administered by candle a day for two weeks before and after surgery.

As an additional diagnostic method, the suppository is administered every other day. Duration of application - a week, before taking the next smear.

Suppositories are administered before bedtime.

The drug "Ovestin" (cream) (reviews of many patients point to this) is no less effective than suppositories, however, candles are considered more convenient to use.

To administer the drug, you should use a calibrated applicator.

At one end the device is screwed to the tuba. The applicator is filled with cream until the piston stops. After that, the device is removed from the tube, which is closed with a cap.

The introduction is carried out prone. The end of the applicator is inserted into the vagina deeply. Slowly pressing the piston, the drug is released from the device.

After use, the piston must be removed from the cylinder. The parts should be washed in warm water. You can use soap. Do not use detergents. After rinsing, all the applicator parts must be thoroughly rinsed. Do not place the device in hot or boiling water.

The drug "Ovestin" (tablets) is prescribed inside. Dosage - once a day for four milligrams. Duration of use is three weeks. At the end of this period, the dosage is reduced to two milligrams per week.

The drug "Ovestin" (reviewed by doctors unambiguous in this) is contraindicated in the presence of (in the anamnesis including) or suspected breast cancer, vaginal bleeding of an unclear nature. No medication is prescribed for untreated endometrial hyperplasia, hypersensitivity, thromboembolic disorders, hepatic pathologies.

Do not forget that the drug can provoke and side reactions. In this regard, before using the drug "Ovestin" should consult a doctor.

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