
The development system is ... Characterization of the development system

The developmental system is the system for cultivating the land of the landlord in Russia in the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century with the inventory and labor of peasants for renting land, loans with money or bread, for forestry materials, wastes, etc. Species of the labor-processing system were use and sharecropping. The meaning of the word "working off" in the explanatory dictionary is the work of the peasants on the lands of the landlord in payment for land lease after the abolition of serfdom.


Sharecropping is a type of land lease, where the rent is paid to the owner of the share of the crop. It is characteristic mainly in precapitalist and undeveloped capitalist forms of exploitation of small producers. In the conditions of the emergence of capitalism was a form of transition from the feudal mode of renting the land to the capitalist. Sharecropping still persists in some countries as a relic of feudalism (the USA, Italy, the South-West of France, Spain). In many eastern states takes a leading place as a form of rental relations.


Ishschina is a variety of sharecropping, in which the rent for the land intended for the owner is half the crop. This method of farming was extremely common, especially in the chernozem regions in southern Russia.

Characteristics of the development system

Types of developmental system are extremely diverse. There were so-called tenfold earnings, individual hiring, processing of laps (one tithe of winter crops and one tenth of spring wheat) - in this case peasants are employed for money to process their land with their implements. Sometimes peasants took bread or money in debt, obliging him to work with the payment of interest. This form reflects a characteristic feature: the developmental system is a semi-feudal form of economic management, which is usurious, enslaving nature of hiring.

Sometimes the peasants worked "for the grass" (they assumed the duty to work out the fine prescribed by the law for the waste), they worked simply "out of honor" - for a treat, almost in vain, so as not to lose another opportunity to earn money from the landlords. Finally, the development in the form of use was widespread.

What is a developmental system in history?

In two post-reform decades, the landlord economy underwent a transition to capitalist forms of land ownership in exchange for the feudal ones. In place of the old, the developmental system came-that is, the essence of which was that the surrounding peasants began to cultivate the landowning land with their implements and rented it.

The difference with serfdom was that the peasant now entered into a contractual relationship with the landowner, and this was already a free man. Market laws of supply and demand began to operate. However, the developmental system had its drawbacks. Since the landowner was in fact a monopolist, he often dictated to the peasants any conditions that gave the new system a bondage character. The developmental system is a consequence of the shortage of land by the peasants after the reform in 1861, as well as the pressure of the landowning latifundia.

Remuneration of labor during workings

The data taken from various sources indicate that with bonded and hired labor, wages are always lower if compared to capitalist "free" hiring. Natural leases are most developed in the poorest peasant groups, and these are forced peasant leases, which can not resist turning it into a hired agricultural worker.

Wealthy peasants are eager to rent land for money. The tenant seeks to contribute money for rent, thereby reducing the cost of land use. The average payment for processing peasants with their inventory of one tenth of grain was 6 rubles. (Data from 1883-1891 in the black earth zone). Free labor was estimated as follows: 6 rubles. 19 kop. Only for foot work, without taking into account the work of the horse (not less than 4 rubles 50 kopecks were paid separately).

Prevalence of the developmental system

Owners of the land benefited greatly from leasing "cut-off" peasant allotments. Therefore, in the central black earth zone, where the segments constituted a significant part of the earth, the developmental system was most widespread. In addition, the farming in these places was mainly agricultural, due to limited fishing opportunities.

In the industrial gubernias of the non-chernozem region and in southern Russia, in the first two decades after the reform, a transition to a capitalist economic system took place, wage labor and improved agricultural technology were used. An example of this type of business is the farm of AN Engelhardt, described in "Letters from the village."

Below is a table relating to the 80th years of the 19th century (NF Aniensky's data), which reflects the ratio of developmental and capitalist forms of management.

Prevailing system of economy Number of provinces in the black earth Number of gubernias in non-black soil Total
1) Mixed system 9 10 19
2) The capitalist system 3 4 7th
3) Developmental system 12 5 17th
Total 24 19 43

From the table, we can conclude that already in the 80 years of the 19th century in Russia as a whole, the capitalist system of farming was much more common than the developmental system. Workings of the first type (when the peasants carried out their work with their implements) were replaced by workings of the second kind (the indigent peasant could use the landowner's inventory). The evolution of the management of the economy was precisely the transition to the second type of development, then to the employment of capitalist hiring. In the crisis years, there was a "pullback", and then it again began to prevail. Historians note its vitality, because the developmental system is one that continued to exist until the beginning of the 20th century.

Disadvantages of the developmental system

This way of farming could exist if the landowner was more profitable to hire a bonded peasant than a civilian worker. It delayed technological progress, because with the use of backward farming techniques, the conservation of the low level of agricultural machinery was taking place. A consequence of this was low labor productivity , since the yields in the landowner's households using the development system were lower, even than in the peasant allotments.

Workings led to the ruin and impoverishment of the peasants, especially the middle class, who was most involved in this system of management. It is not surprising that this method of cultivating the earth lost its importance over time, giving way to more modern, capitalist forms.

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