HealthHealthy Eating

Than the germinated oats are useful

Propagated oats have been used by humans since ancient times, since the product has a rich composition. Due to this, grains are used both as an independent dish, and as an additional ingredient in various foods (porridges, salads, kissels, etc.).

Oat grain is a fetus or a sleeping organism, so there is a storehouse of useful vitamins inside it, which is necessary for the growth of an independent plant. Thus, it concentrates all the energy that, when germinated, passes into the germ.

Of course, in itself, the sprouted oats will not heal from serious diseases and will not stop the natural process of human aging, but with its regular use, the work of the internal organs, general state, mood and other functions improves. Daily or periodic inclusion of grains and sprouts of oats allows the use of the natural forces of the product, since the sprout is the most active phase of the life cycle of the grain. This is due to the fact that the contained vitamins and trace elements are completely preserved in the grains, in contrast to the processed products (bread, flour). Vitamins B, C and E, magnesium, zinc, fiber, sugar - these are the elements that are vital for the functioning of the human body.

It is very important that the protein, which is contained in the cereal crops, begins to split when germination, forming amino acids. When ingested, some of the amino acids are absorbed by the body, the other part is converted into nucleotides, and the third part is decomposed into bases. As a rule, these bases are the building material that is needed to replace and repair damaged genes.

It should be noted that the sprouted oats can not replace the consumption of other vegetables and fruits, especially during the spring vitamin deficiency. Adding sprouts germinated grains of oats allows you to cleanse the body of harmful toxins, increases hemoglobin levels in anemia, improves visual acuity, normalizes the cardiovascular system. It should also be noted that the sprouted oats have a positive effect on the body in case of oncological diseases, since it has a restorative effect. And not only is this known the sprouted oats. The benefit is that the immune defense of the body increases, the ability of brain activity improves.

Due to the fact that the product improves intestinal peristalsis, it can be used to reduce weight. In addition, oats contribute to the natural cleansing of the liver and gall bladder.

Also, the germinated grains of oats are included in many cosmetics (creams, masks, balms), since they positively influence the condition of hair, nails, skin, etc.

Of course, only properly germinated grain can be of use. For this, it is necessary to take selected grains that have not been chemically treated with poisonous substances. Prepared a glass of grains need to pour 2 glasses of cool water and leave in this form for 2-3 days at room temperature. Next, lay the grain on a dark cloth and wait for the emergence of sprouts (usually a couple of days). Also, after the formation of sprouts, it is recommended that they be consumed within two days, since after this, harmful microorganisms may appear.

But in no case should you crush sprouted grains in a meat grinder, coffee grinder or juicer, because when contacting metal elements of kitchen appliances, an oxidative process occurs. It is recommended to use them without mechanical influence to get the maximum benefit from the product you are using. The average portion per day is 10-15 sprouts, which is quite enough for a normal organism.

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