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Temple of the Trinity of the Life-Giving on Sparrow Hills. The Church of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity

How nice for the ear are the names of the Moscow Semiholme, Luzhnikovskaya bend, the river Smorodina, which later became the Moscow River. Sparrow Hills (or Mount Svarogie, or Vorozhejskaya) is one of the 7 hills on which Moscow is located.

The emergence of the temple on the Sparrow Hills

Here, on the steep cliff of the Teploostankinsky Upland, the Church of the Trinity of the Life-Giving on Sparrow Hills is located on the Moscow Hill, which is the most remote from the Kremlin.

The ancient village of Vorobyevo, which gave the name to the hill, was changed by the masters due to princely intrigues, like the local church, the first mention of which dates back to the middle of the 15th century. Then, in the second half of the 17th century, in place of the three dismantled churches that existed by then, a single Holy Trinity Church was built.

The building existing now began to be built in 1811, retaining its former name, and the old church, due to its dilapidation, was disassembled by the order of Catherine.

History of the temple

Unconditional is the fact that the Church of the Trinity of the Life-giving on the Sparrow Hills has its own history. It was in this temple that MI Kutuzov offered his prayer before the famous Council in Fili. By a lucky chance during the seizure of Moscow by Napoleon, the church was not damaged, in 1813 its complete erection ended. The architect A. Vitberg, the author of the project, has developed a building in the style of late classicism - Empire. One-domed, with a quadrangular base and aisles, it was decorated with columns on the facade. The Church of the Trinity of the Life-Giving on the Sparrow Hills has a two-tiered bell tower.

Renovated in 1858 and in 1898, after the October Revolution, it could be said that it was constantly under threat of demolition - something expanded, something was paved, something was being built, and the territory of the church was always needed. But we can state that the fate of this cult structure is happy - survived in the fire of Moscow in 1812, not demolished in the Soviet era, it avoided the ban on the bell ringing, introduced on the territory of the capital. Obviously, in all these cases an important role was played by its distance from the center.

The structure of the temple

The Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Vorobyovy Gory has two chapels dedicated to Sergius of Radonezh and Nicholas the Miracle-Worker. To the shrines of this church are two honored icons of the Mother of God - "Passionate" and "Blessed heaven", as well as several temple icons.

In Moscow, several Troitsk churches and churches, which are usually laid on the days of church holidays. Hence, any temple of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity was beginning to be worth on this great holiday - the Trinity, or Pentecost, one of the twelve-fold holy days. One of the most beautiful and solemn services takes place on this day. This holiday is associated with the greenery, with the victory of spring over the winter. Maybe that's why the roofs of many Trinity churches are painted green. That's very beautiful! In some interpretations it is considered as a mixture of blue and yellow. In this connection, it symbolizes the rebirth of the soul through generosity and good deeds. In addition, it is the color of St. John the Evangelist. His mantle is often green.

The peculiarity of the Ostankino church

The Moscow temple of the Life-Giving Trinity in Ostankino also has a roof of green color and is also unusually beautiful. Built at the end of the XVII century, it is the pinnacle of the work of the masters of Moscow uzorochya. From the title it can be seen that this style abounded with decorative elements. There was everything - and compositions of special complexity, the silhouette of the building was, as a rule, unusually picturesque, the style was distinguished by intricate forms and a large amount of decor. Opinions on the origin of the pattern vary, it is reproached even in the mannerism borrowed in the West. A typical example of this direction in Russian architecture, the church in Ostankino, has existed for about 300 years - from the moment when, in exchange for the old wooden church, with the blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow, it was decided to erect a stone Trinity Church. The village of Ostashkov (now Ostankino) was the main representative office in the Moscow area of very large landowners - princes of Cherkassy. The main residence is a decent home church! Past the Tverskaya road, leading to the Troitsko-Sergius Lavra, and all the nobility, including crowned people, stayed at the owners, visited a new temple. He had three aisles, the central one was dedicated, like the previous church, to the Life-Giving Trinity.

The unique iconostasis

The iconostasis of the temple, which was consecrated at the same time as the central chapel in 1692, is unique. Its decoration was unusual for Orthodox religious buildings, intricate and refined, and very reminiscent of the organ. The arrangement of the icons, their frames, different and not repeating each other in anything between them, everything was unprecedented and provoking surprise and admiration. Over time, the owner of Ostankino becomes Nikolai Sheremetyev, who decided to change the appearance of the church and the iconostasis, adding new icons. The next change is already made by his son. There were a few more updates, in particular, before the arrival of Alexander II's guests. But in 1875, with the next restoration, it was decided to return the church the original appearance and decoration, and then turn it into a monument of Russian architecture.
During the Soviet era, the church was not demolished, but thoroughly looted. From 1991 to 1996, the consecration of the three chapels of the church is consecutive. Gradually, the temple returns to its original purpose. Divine services began in the 90s of the previous century. The main shrines, stored here - the Temple icon of the Old Testament Trinity and the Chernigov icon of the Mother of God.

Temple in Horoshevo

No less interesting is the fate that befell the temple of the Life-Giving Trinity in Horoshevo, erected at the behest of Boris Godunov in his estate as a home church in 1598. The author, by assumption, Fedor Kon. In the XIX century, the bell tower and the refectory were completed. Decorate and make it different from other churches beautifully decorated kokoshniki under the dome. In the XVII century it was somewhat modified - the windows were expanded and the porch was turned into a gallery. In the times of the Soviet Union, he was made from a collective farm club, then a children's consultation, and even painted with a one-color paint the main decoration - kokoshniki. But already in the 60s of the XX century the temple was restored, returning the original form, although something could not be restored (portals). Since the 90s, divine services were resumed, the church was returned to believers. The main shrine of the church is a particularly revered icon of the Mother of God of Georgia, a round image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan.

Time of the services

The schedule of the Trinity Zhyznachnaya Church includes a detailed and precise schedule of services, which consist of prayers and priests. That is, the exact time for the dispensation of all the church rites and services should be indicated, because to take out particularly revered icons, for example, the icon of the Mother of God of Georgia, people gather not only from the whole district, but also from other regions.

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