
Tell you how to make a lily of beads. Master class for beginner needlewomen

Beaded floristics have recently become one of the most popular areas of applied art. Bouquets with flowers from bugles are in great demand, because they look very bright and beautiful. They can be a wonderful gift for any holiday, make the interior of a living room more interesting, and also decorate clothes and hair. If you want to learn how to create beautiful flowers, this article is for you. In it we will tell you how you can most simply weave a magnificent lily from beads. Our master class is simple and is designed for everyone, including beginner needlewomen. So, let's get to work.

Preparation of materials and tools. Organization of the workplace

At first glance weaving from bead lilies can seem quite laborious and complex. In fact, after practicing a little, any master can create this bright flower. We hope that you will take advantage of our advice, and you will succeed.

To create a lily, you need to prepare supplies, tools, and take care of your workplace. Of course, you will need beads of several colors: green for the leaves and any bright for buds and flowers. In general, lilies have a variety of colors. They can be monochrome (orange, cream, lilac) and colorful (burgundy with a yellow border, crimson with light stripes and even gently pink with a red crab in the center). For beginner needlewomen we advise making plain lilies from beads. The photo shows chic orange flowers with black stamens, take this example for yourself. If you are already at least a little familiar with beaded floral, you can use more shades of beads, for example, to buy white, light and dark pink glass beads for petals, and yellow for stamens. We used green, pink, red, lemon and dark yellow seed beads №10 in our work. Also, you will definitely need a wire (0.3 mm, 0.45 mm, 3 mm), green threads, scissors, PVA glue, ruler. After purchasing all materials, organize a convenient workplace. Remember, it should be well lit. We advise you to take a piece of monophonic fabric, fold it several times and place on it beads in colors in small groups.

Let's get to work - create a lily of beads. Master class for beginner needlewomen

Let's define with the design of our flower. Lily will consist of several elements: one large and one small green buds, three flowers and one blooming pink bud. Also, the flower will have six small and twenty large leaves. Let's start the weaving from the lily of beads from the creation of the unrevealed large and small buds. In the work we suggest you use French axial (arc) technology. How to make a small bud of such a flower, like a lily, from beads? The diagram shows this clearly. Take a small (about 15 cm) piece of wire with a diameter of 0.45 mm. Dial 3 cm of green beads onto it, and then execute three arcs. To create a small bud you will need one more same petal. Make it by analogy with the first, drawing on the presented scheme. A large bud will consist of two large green petals. Take a piece of wire (length 15 cm). Put on it 4 cm beads, make 5 arcs. Weave the second petal by analogy with the first. All the details for the unblown buds are ready.

Shave small and large leaves for our beautiful lily

Now we begin to produce the deciduous mass. We take a piece of wire length of 10 cm and we collect on its 2 cm of green beads. We perform two arcs. It turns out the first small leaf. Still need to do 5 of the same elements. We continue to make our lily from beads. Master class, we hope, while you are fully understandable. Now take a piece of wire, equal to 15 cm. We string on it beads (3 cm). We make the first arc equal to the length of the glass beaker on the axis. When creating the next two arcs per axis, add one bead. So you'll make the sheet spiky. By analogy with the first, create another 18-19 sheets. Such a number of elements will make it more beautiful and lush our lily of beads.

Master-class for beginners: sham budding buds and inflorescences

After making the leaves, let's start creating a flower. It will consist of three wide and three narrow petals, as well as six stamens and one pistil. How does a lily of beads run? The scheme is as follows: to create narrow petals, we take a thin wire 15 cm long. On the axis, we will collect 5.5 cm of pink beads. We will execute two arcs, then add a bead to the 1-axis. Let's make the third arc. Then add two more beads and finish the part with the fourth arc. By analogy, we will perform two more narrow petals. If you want to make your lily in a speck, string during the weaving not only pink, but also red seed beads.

Wide petals will be made with an axis of 4 cm. We will perform four arcs without an increase. For the fifth and sixth, we will make one and two bead increments, respectively. And in the end we'll sew two incomplete arcs equal to about a third of the length of the axis. We fix them for the sixth arc. As a result, you will get the first petal, wider at the base. Still it is necessary to make two such details. Now we start to make stamens and a pistil. We take a thin wire length of 20 cm. We collect 3 yellow beads and twist the two working ends of the wire. Further on each of them we string on 5 sm of a yellow bead. To make stamens, you need to take a dark yellow and light yellow beads. First, we take the dark wire (3 cm) on a piece of thin wire, connect the ends of the wire, and then string on each 5 cm of a light yellow bugle. We twist the ends of the wires. By analogy, we perform 5 more stamens. Everything, the details for making one lily flower are ready. Under the same scheme, perform all the other petals, pistils and stamens necessary to create two more such inflorescences.

We carry out the opening bud. Getting Started

How to weave a blossoming pink bud for our flower? The scheme is as follows. Take a thin wire length of 20 cm on the axis threaded pink beads (4 cm). We make 5 arcs. One petal is ready. We perform the second by analogy. All, now you can twist them together. Cut off a piece of thick wire length of 15 cm. With the help of pliers, bend one end of it at a slight angle. We wind it with green threads of mulina and smear for reliability with PVA glue. Around it we fix two pink petals, twist them and give them a bud shape.
Remember that it is good to fasten all ends of the wires on the support rod. Then thread 3 cm of stalk with threads and attach one small leaf. In the same way, we connect the details of small and large unopened green buds around thick wires 11-14 cm long. We decorate the rods with green threads of a floss. We attach small green leaves. We connect the wires of two green undecayed buds together. We wind the stem with threads and attach three large sheets. We finish the winding, glue it, cut off the thread. Next to the first two we attach a pink bud. Do not forget to decorate the wire with threads of mulina. We attach 3 more large sheets to the stalk. We finish the winding and glue it with glue.

Assembling parts in a single structure

Now proceed to the formation of a lily flower. We take a thick wire of 60 cm in length. We bend the edge (about 5-7 cm) with pliers, attach stamens and a pestle to it. Next, fix three broad petals, and then under them - three narrow ones, closing the gaps. We wind the stem with a floss and attach a small leaf. Continue the winding up to the bend point. The second and third flowers are collected by analogy with the first. Next, we fix all three flowers on the main stem, one by one, evenly adding large sheets. That's all, almost ready for our gorgeous lily of beads. We hope that the MK (master class) did not seem too complicated for you. It remains to add to the stem flower small and large leaves. So he will not look "naked". After that, we wind the stalk to the desired height and glaze it well with glue. Extra pieces of wire cut. That's all, the lily is ready. It remains only to pick up for her a beautiful vase.

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