Health, Man's health
Danger - rash on the head of the penis
Our century is characterized not only by technological progress, but also by the emergence of new diseases of various kinds. Oncology, ophthalmology, surgery, venereology. All of the above branches of medicine face an overwhelming number of diseases. The planet Venus is the patroness of the lovers. Fortunately, in our time, people are looking for a "second half". Families are created, children appear. It would seem that everything goes on as usual. However, there is always one "but". In our case, this is a huge number of venereal diseases that bother many people. Plague of the 21st century - AIDS. This disease is transmitted sexually. Unfortunately, condoms do not completely save people from this terrible disease. In addition to the immune deficiency syndrome, there are a lot of infectious diseases that affect the genitals. This article will deal with the most frequent problem faced by millions of people - a rash on the head of a penis.
In most cases, this symptom is nothing more than the result of an infectious disease. Consider the most common ailments, as a result of which there is a rash on the head of the penis.
So, urogenital candidiasis. In the people this disease is called milkmaids. During an illness, an inflammation of the head of the penis is observed. Called Candidiasis fungus (Candida albicans). Most often, the reason is an elementary violation of the rules of personal hygiene. Banal uncleanliness can lead to serious problems. The main symptoms are itching, pain in the head area, fever. If you have a red rash on the head of the penis - it's a thrush. It is accompanied by a gray-white coating, which is characterized by an unpleasant smell, reminiscent of spoiled sour-milk products.
There are more than one hundred varieties of the papilloma virus, which are transmitted sexually. Infection of this kind is the most common throughout the world. The disease manifests itself in partial rashes on the genitals. Most often, these are dermal fimbriated growths. This kind of rash on the head of the penis resembles the cock's combs of red color.
How can I not mention genital herpes. This virus lives in the body of each of us. Manifestations can be different: from sores on the lips to the rash on the genitals. The incubation period of genital herpes is from 5 to 7 days. At this time, there are bubbles and erosions, which are accompanied by constant itching and discomfort. The disease affects not only the sexual organ, but also the urethra. That is, genital herpes is characterized by a multifocal structure.
Consider another disease, during which there is a rash on the head of the penis. The so-called mother-of-pearl papules are conical formations. Most often they affect the crown of the head of the penis. These formations are considered absolutely harmless and are not transmitted sexually. There are no pronounced symptoms. Modern science believes that the main cause of pearlescent papules is viral etiology. The fact is that this kind of education is formed on the head of the penis at any age. Since papules are not a venereal disease, they do not require special treatment. Some patients complain of discomfort when the rash appears again. In this case, you can remove the papules with a laser. The procedure is expensive, but absolutely harmless.
Many people are concerned about a white rash on the head of the penis. Basically, it is formed in the form of pimples, which cover the body of the penis. Well, if the cause of the rash is insufficient hygiene. What is worse is the venereal infection that manifests itself in this way. To avoid such a fate, you need to perform a full urination. Drink at least two liters of water to stimulate the proper functioning of the kidneys. Remember that the urethra is the channel that serves for urination and for ejaculation.
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