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Symptoms of eruption of fangs in a child. How to help a child with tusk fungi

In the development of the child's teeth, three phases or a period can be clearly distinguished.

  • The first is the formation of primordia.
  • The second is the period of "distribution" between the tissues of the child's teeth.
  • The third period is the phase of mineralization. The most critical period, since in the presence of problems in the mother or with complications during pregnancy, there may be various dental problems in the child. The most common causes are malnutrition, lack of vitamins necessary for the proper development of dental germs in the fetus, smoking and alcohol.

Symptoms of canine eruption in children under one year of age and older

Teething in a child begins about 6-9 months. As a rule, these are the lower incisors. By 16-22 months, the time comes for the upper and lower canine teeth. Most mothers know that eruption of these teeth is not easy. What are the symptoms of canine eruption in a child? These include a rash, wet cough, runny nose, swelling of the oral mucosa and increased salivation. There is also an increased temperature on the teeth. The child becomes capricious and whiny during this period, eats little and does not sleep well.

The appearance of these teeth is also accompanied by severe pain, spreading to the upper part of the face, namely the eyes. Therefore fangs are called "eye teeth". High temperature in the child with teething canines lasts the entire period until the tooth completely exits. Then he can rise again with the next ones. However, if the thermometer shows 39 and above, vomiting and diarrhea with general intoxication appear, then you need to see a doctor, this can be a sign of a serious illness, and not just the symptoms of the fangs eruption in a child.

You should carefully prepare for the exit of the canines in the child. Modern medications and development have increased the convenience of the mother to overcome this point in the life of the baby.

Ease baby teething

How to relieve a child's fangs in the breast?

  1. Because of the irritation of the gums, your baby will try to scratch it or bite anything in place of eruption. To do this, you can give special toys with a cooling effect, you must first put them in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. Do not be afraid if the child bites it, most often inside it is sterile distilled water, which will not harm the baby.
  2. In the pharmacy you can buy anesthetic gels and lubricate the gums several times a day. Their action begins in a few minutes. Gels will ease the soreness of the gums over the incising canine. However, the choice of the drug should be approached seriously, since it is an anesthetic.
  3. If there is a runny nose, you should use vasoconstrictive drops for children to improve your overall well-being.
  4. Antipyretics in the form of syrups and candles will help bring down the temperature and allow the child to rest.
  5. Gum massage. With gentle movements, the gum should be massaged over the erupting tooth for three minutes. Repeat 2-4 times a day.

All these actions will help alleviate the suffering of the baby.


Later, the appearance of teeth in a child can be associated with inhibition of growth and development. This is observed in pathologies such as rickets and adentia. Rickets is a disease of infancy.

It arises from the lack of useful substances and vitamin D, which slows down the absorption of calcium, necessary for the growth of teeth. Adentia is a pathology of the absence of teeth rudiments. To confirm the disease, you need to take an X-ray.

Folk remedies

The reaction to the eruption of canines in children is always different. Many mothers suffer at night and days in search of funds to relieve the condition, most often using methods of traditional medicine, while others do not experience much discomfort in this situation. How to help the child with tusks cutting folk remedies?

  1. Chamomile tea will help calm the pain, and a chamomile compress attached to the cheek will relieve tension from the gums.
  2. With severe pain, you can rub the infusion of valerian. It will help to calm irritated gums. Tincture has a pleasant taste, but a pungent odor.
  3. Honey. If your child does not have allergies, then you should rub one teaspoon of honey into the gum before going to bed. This will help the child fall asleep and sleep for several hours.
  4. Decoction of motherwort. To brew one teaspoon in 0,5 l of hot water, to cool. You can add sugar and give a little to drink a child.
  5. Lubricate the gums with a bint of soda solution, at the rate of one teaspoon per glass of water.
  6. Put the child to sleep on the pillow to reduce the flow of blood to the jaw and gums. You can also raise the mattress at the head of the bed or put a folded blanket.

Knowing the symptoms of the canine eruption in the child, you can immediately start using the means that will help the child to move this period less painfully and anxiously. However, it should be remembered that the methods of traditional medicine are also a cure. Therefore, prior to use, a specialist consultation is required.


Proper feeding during this period plays an important role. In the diet should be foods enriched with vitamins A, B and C. Also need to be present curd and milk.

Attempts to feed a child at such a moment do not always end well. Often eaten away as a vomiting from the pain syndrome. There comes dehydration against the background of rising temperatures. The main thing - constantly give to drink to the child, thereby gradually reducing dehydration, and to bring down the temperature. In cases where you stop monitoring the situation, you should call an ambulance. The pediatrician will examine, give recommendations for care, write out the means, buying which, it will be easier for you to cope.

Teething teeth in older children

In adults, when dairy fangs fall and new ones are erupted, there is also a temperature on the teeth. The timing of the formation of permanent canines on the lower jaw is 9-10 years, and on the upper - 11-12 years. Getting rid of dairy often spontaneously. First the tooth loosens, and then it can be pulled. But since these teeth are very painful, sometimes you have to resort to the help of a dentist. The specialist, after choosing the right anesthetic, pulls out the milk fang. Removing the teeth on the lower jaw is more difficult than on the upper jaw, since the lower one has a more massive structure and requires more effort.

After the removal, the root canine begins to erupt. At this time the child has a temporary bite, there is an active growth of the jaw bones. Symptoms of canine eruption in a child at this age are almost the same as those of infants. After the loss or removal of dairy begins the slow growth of permanent canines. Temperature, diarrhea, runny nose - all of this will be told by a grown up child. Means to facilitate the flow of eruption are more diverse, you can not so much control this process. The main thing is to be observed by a competent specialist who will conduct inspections and help form the right bite.


Erection of permanent canines in a child occurs in the same way as in a baby. These teeth close the frontal group of teeth. Fangs are least likely caries, as these teeth do not have depressions in their structure, they are elongated and have a spear-shaped crown. Proper oral hygiene is necessary throughout the period of teething. Infections in the oral cavity can cause dental complications with the growth of canine teeth. To clean the teeth when leaving the eye teeth is very carefully, so as not to damage the irritated gum.

Correct bite is important!

If you notice after the exit of the canine teeth that they are standing unevenly or because of the direction of their growth they press on the neighboring ones, you need to turn to the orthodontist. Not only aesthetic beauty depends on the formation of the right occlusion, because in the future an incorrect bite can cause problems with speech and digestion. The process of aligning the teeth is better to survive in childhood, when the body quickly rebuilds and changes in the right direction. Wearing braces, soft plates and kappas is painful and unpleasant. This process is very time-consuming and can last for several years, that's why doctors recommend not to run this issue. After all, after the eruption of all teeth, the picture can get worse and you will need to correct not only the canine teeth, but also the nearby molars.


Now you know what are the symptoms of eruption of fangs in a child. Teething is a crucial period in the life of the mother and baby. Often mothers suffer more than a baby, because they are responsible for the health and well-being of the baby. When faced with symptoms, do not get lost and start to panic. Only in very rare cases can eruption pass asymptomatic.

Talk with the child, sing songs, calm and distract until the means you have applied begin to act. Often go out into the street so that the child sleeps well and gain strength. After all, the constant aching pain also plagues him. Have patience, because this is not the first and not the last tooth of your baby. In advance, find a good children's dentist, consult with him and do whatever he tells you.

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