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Supplements "Cat's Claw": reviews. "Cat's Claw": instructions for use, price

Cat's claw is a tree liana, winding through trees on the heights of the Peruvian rainforest. Its name was given to the plant by the thorns that grow on its stem. The root and inner part of the cortex of the cat's claw has long been traditionally used by local residents as a medicinal product.

Cat's Claw, or Uncaria tomentosa

Modern science learned about the miracle plant in the early 70's, after the Austrian explorer Klaus Keplinger went to the rainforests of Peru. There he was told about the existence of a liana healing local tribe. He was amazed to hear about the power of local medicine stunning reviews. Cat's claw soon hit the big earth, where studies have shown that the plant is not inferior to ginseng, echinacea and eleutherococcus. They can treat almost everything from banal colds to cancerous tumors. It seemed that the panacea for all diseases was finally found.

Cat's claw became extremely popular. Soon the demand for this product has increased so much that the Peruvian government has forbidden to extract the roots of plants, fearing the extinction of the species. In the bark of nutrients is not less, so it is allowed to collect only in reasonable quantities.


In our country can be purchased in tablet form or in the form of capsules drug "Cat's Claw". The instruction for use states that it can be successfully used as:

  • Powerful immune stimulant - can significantly increase the vital force of the body, speeding up recovery;
  • Antioxidant, removes toxins, slag and other harmful substances;
  • Has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action, helps to defeat fungi and viruses of various origins, including herpes and even parasitic infections;
  • Used to treat arthritis, allergies, inflammatory bowel diseases, with gastritis, colitis, diabetes, asthma;
  • With violations of the menstrual cycle and diseases of the urinary system (cystitis and pyelonephritis);
  • Lowers "bad" cholesterol and high blood pressure, strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  • Inhibits the formation and development of abnormal cells;
  • Improves metabolic processes in the body, has anti-estrogenic effect;
  • Has a diuretic and mild sedative effect;
  • Improves blood circulation, rejuvenates;
  • Is taken to improve the endurance of the body during periods of the off-season, is shown to people with harmful working conditions or old age.


Unfortunately, the positive effect on the human body of this plant by medicine has not yet been fully explored. Therefore, the drug is used mainly as a food supplement. Supplements "Cat's Claw" can not be used as the main drug until all aspects have been tested and approved to the fullest.

Although the positive effect on the human body is not sufficiently proven, there is an opinion that the therapeutic potential of this plant is much higher. Individuals who use this remedy to combat illnesses have received very different responses. The cat's claw, according to unofficial data, helps slow the growth of breast cancer tumor and Ewing's sarcoma cells , fight leukemia in children, supports AIDS patients. Who knows what magic properties are still endowed with this plant. We can only wait for the results of further research.

How to apply

Basically, as a food supplement or in combination with basic medicines, it is recommended to take dietary supplements "Cat's Claw".

Instructions for use prescribe oral ingestion of 1 capsule (tablet) 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. The course of admission lasts up to 3 months, but if necessary, it can increase, no less than the applied doses.

In the form of teas, the grass is brewed in the usual way. A day should drink up to 4 cup decoction.

Children apply the drug "Cat's Claw" is recommended only after 6 years and strictly under the supervision of the treating specialist.

Form of issue

The extract of the Peruvian liana belongs to a group of plant products. Most often it is on sale in the form of tablets or capsules. But you can meet in the form of tinctures, elixirs, and also dried - for brewing tea. Sometimes it is part of ointments and creams for the skin.

Even if you have previously taken the drug "Cat's Claw", the instructions to it should still be studied again. Depending on the form of production and the manufacturer, additives may differ in the content and concentration of nutrients.


Positive feedback "Cat's Claw" gets in most cases of application. Studies have shown that the substances that form part of the dosage forms are non-toxic to humans. But there are cases when it should be cautious about the additive.

The drug can enhance the effect of certain sedatives and hypnotics. Some patients who use this dietary supplement, and leave dubious reviews. "Cat's Claw" caused a slight rash, a decrease in blood pressure, drowsiness.

Do not use this drug and people who are already taking medications that dilute blood, hormones or insulin. The effect of certain sedatives and hypnotics can be enhanced if the patient uses the "Cat's Claw" supplement along with them.

The instruction warns people against taking this dietary supplements if they have low blood pressure or an autoimmune disease (lupus or multiple sclerosis).

Do not use such supplements to those who have undergone organ or bone marrow transplantation. Studies have also shown that the "Cat's Claw" tool contains tannins, which in large quantities can cause indigestion or even kidney damage.

Small children, pregnant and lactating women should not use this supplement.


Buy a drug based on the Peruvian creeper is quite possible. This can be either pharmacies or online stores, which, in case of an order, will send a "Cat's Claw" reminder by mail. The price starts from about 400 rubles per 100 tablets (capsules). The cost of the drug can be dramatically different and be much higher. It primarily depends on the manufacturer of dietary supplements.

Perhaps, it is not necessary to trust unnecessarily cheap preparations. There are cases when, under the guise of an extract of the Peruvian vine, additives were sold, which included components of completely different plants.

Also, the level of concentration of active substances can be reflected in the cost of the product. Before buying, be sure to read the label and instructions.

Let's sum up the results

Any interactions with other medicines or herbs should be considered individually. Some combinations may even be dangerous to health. Always tell your doctor and pharmacist about what medicines or herbs you are taking, and only after approval by specialists, start treatment with the "Cat's Claw" remedy.

Remember also that human health directly depends on him. Do not neglect the classes and proper nutrition. At the slightest discomfort in the work of the body, consult a specialist for advice. Unauthorized use of medicines, ignoring symptoms and untimely treatment can end sadly.

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