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Subatrophic gastritis: types, causes and main principles of treatment

Disorders of the stomach can lead to a breakdown in the functionality of the entire body. Gastritis is unpleasant, but with proper treatment it is not a fatal disease. It must be treated at any stage of development. Subatrophic gastritis is quite common.

Causes of the disease

Presented inflammation can be detected at the initial stage of the disease, in which the mucosa begins to change. Subatrophic gastritis is provoked by such factors:

  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Introduction of the Helicobacter pylori bacteria.
  • Abuse of bad habits.
  • Invalid mode and diet.
  • Acceptance of some medications.
  • Too much nervous shock.
  • Toxic poisoning (at work, household chemicals).

In principle, there are many other factors that can cause subatrophic gastritis. However, to determine the treatment regimen, you need to undergo a thorough examination.


If you develop this pathology, then it may be unnoticeable for a long time. However, one day it will manifest itself. Symptoms usually are as follows:

  1. Discomfort in the stomach.
  2. Disturbance of digestion, which can manifest itself in nausea and even vomiting, diarrhea or constipation.
  3. An eructation, which has a rotten smell.
  4. Heaviness and bloating, especially under the spoon.
  5. Lethargy, fast fatigue.
  6. Periodic pain in the epicragent region. At the same time, their intensity and nature can be different. Basically it's a sharp aching pain.
  7. White coating on the tongue.
  8. Loss of weight, if treatment has not been prescribed for a long time.

Since during the development of the disease suffers digestion, the beneficial substances begin to be poorly digested. This, in turn, leads to dysfunction of other body systems. The patients begin to have problems with the growth of hair and nails, the rate of skin regeneration is reduced.

Varieties of the disease

Before you start to treat chronic subatrophic gastritis, you need to determine its appearance. There are such varieties of the disease:

  • Antral subatrophic gastritis. This is the very first stage of mucosal involvement. In this case, the foci of change can be located in different parts of the stomach. Antral is located in the lower part, that is, where the stomach connects with the intestine.
  • Focal subatrophic gastritis. In this case, the secretion of hydrochloric acid decreases, as a result of which the acidity of the gastric juice becomes low.
  • Autoimmune. It manifests itself as a consequence of hereditary disorders of mucosal development.
  • Multifocal. This kind of gastritis is very dangerous, as it can be transformed into a malignant pathology. It develops under the influence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria or due to toxic damage to the body.

Diagnostic Features

Before starting treatment for pathology, you need to undergo a complete examination. This will give an opportunity to prescribe effective therapy. Diagnostics includes:

  1. Fixation of patient complaints.
  2. Carrying out ultrasound.
  3. Use of phagogastroduodenal endoscopy. It allows you to carefully consider all the changes in the gastric mucosa.
  4. Analysis of gastric juice to check the level of hydrochloric acid in it.
  5. Radiography.

It should be noted that even a deep subatrophic gastritis is cured quickly enough if the therapy is started on time.

How correctly to treat a pathology?

The doctor after the examination will prescribe medications that will help to eliminate not only the symptoms of pathology, but also the cause that caused it. It is desirable to select such drugs that do not provoke even more damage to the mucous membrane. So, subatrophic gastritis is treated this way:

  • For substitution therapy, drugs that can replace digestive enzymes are selected: Mezim, Cholenzim, Pancreatin.
  • Preparations of iron, which contribute to the elimination of anemia.
  • Drugs for erectile therapies contribute to the destruction of Helicobacter pylori. This stage of treatment is perhaps the most important. He appeared relatively recently. Here the patient will be prescribed antibacterial drugs.
  • The use of antacids, with which you can reduce the aggressive effect of hydrochloric acid on the walls of the stomach: "Maalox," Almagel. "
  • Use of anticholinergic drugs that help to remove spasms of smooth muscles and reduce the production of hydrochloric acid: Atropine, Platillin.

Traditional treatment

If you have subatrophic gastritis, treatment with folk remedies can also give a good effect. But such therapy must be agreed with the doctor. Such recipes will help you:

  1. Propolis tincture. This tool can be purchased at the pharmacy. It will help to get rid of wounds on the mucous membrane of the stomach, reduce the acidity of the gastric juice, and also eliminate spasms of smooth muscles. Take the drug is a daily 30 drops. Tincture should be diluted with a small amount of water. To be treated it is necessary during a month.
  2. If you have increased acidity, then you can treat the pathology with the help of potato juice. It should be freshly squeezed. The initial dosage is 1-2 spoons an hour before meals. Gradually this amount increases to a glass. Treatment courses alternate with a rest period (10 days each). Note that potato juice can destroy teeth, so it is better to drink it through a tube.
  3. If the acidity is low, then in this case aloe juice will help. To prepare the product, 0.5 kg of twisted leaves (they must lie in the refrigerator for 2 weeks beforehand) are mixed with 0.5 liters of dark honey and the same amount of vodka. The mixture should be well infused in a tightly closed vessel for at least 10 days. Next, drink the medicine on a tablespoon an hour before the morning meal. It should be treated for at least 3 months.

How to eat?

The main principle of treating any gastric disease is proper nutrition. Diet with subatrophic gastritis suggests:

  1. Exclusion of fried, fatty and spicy dishes.
  2. Enrichment of the ration with plant products.
  3. The use of cereals.
  4. Freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices are best diluted with pure water in a ratio of 1: 1. This will help reduce the content of food acids in them.
  5. All liquid dishes, as well as herbal teas, water should be slightly warmed up.

Prevention of disease

If you do not want to spend money on treating a disease such as subatrophic gastritis, then it is better to follow the precautions:

  • First of all, refuse or significantly limit the use of those liquids, which contain preservatives, dyes, food acids. Do not abuse alcohol, coffee and soda. It is desirable to completely abandon energy drinks that have a bad effect not only on the stomach. Hot teas are better to cool slightly beforehand, so that they do not burn the esophagus and mucous membrane.
  • Reconsider your diet. All foods that will irritate the gastric mucosa are best removed from the menu. Do not eat too cold or too hot food. It negatively affects both the stomach and the tooth enamel.
  • For your health to be in order, quit smoking, do not take strong medications.
  • Emotional and nervous stability is the main rule that will help keep the spirit and body vigorous for many years. Try to avoid all stress, nervous strain.
  • Daily exercise can help improve vitality and mood.

As you can see, you can avoid stomach problems. You just need to. Be healthy!

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