Homeliness, Building
Stucco Pasta And Main Rules Of Its Use
Stucco paste - a special lime mixture used for interior decoration of premises.
Plastering is a complex and often tedious repair phase, involving several stages.
Initial wall treatment. In order for the plaster base to lie well on the surface of the wall, this surface must be cleaned and made even. Removed all the protrusions and irregularities, the remains of bitumen and grease stains. Cleaning of surfaces and ceiling from particles of dust and dirt is carried out. In the event that the wall is too flat, it is beaten with a notch to obtain the required degree of roughness. Then the surfaces are treated with a primer, if necessary, a fiberglass mesh is attached. If the size of the surface being repaired is significant, you need to set up beacons and stamps, if the walls are planned for painting, then beacons should be removed after plastering the walls , and the resulting voids should be sealed.
Application of the plaster to the surface of the walls. Application of the plaster mixture includes 3 stages of work. For the first stage, plaster is applied in a liquid consistency. Stucco composition, hand- painted Kraisel plaster , spreads on the prepared wall trowel. On different surfaces a plaster paste of different sizes is applied. For example, for wooden walls you need a layer 2 cm thick. The lined brick wall is plastered with a layer of 5 mm. The thickness of the applied solution for concrete walls is also thinner than 5 mm. Essentially protects money and forces at the first stage of applying the mortar Kraisel machine plaster - casting the compound with a special apparatus. It should be noted that it is advisable to apply plastering stations if the volume of works performed is more than 300 square meters. The speed of work performed by one brigade per shift is several times higher. The technique itself mixes the plaster solution, which comes through an elastic tube and falls flat on the wall. In order for cement-lime plaster to hold better, also if the plastering layer is obtained substantially, a reinforcing mesh is used. The resulting continuous layer of plaster does not need to be leveled, it is sufficient to remove excess mix. After completing the application of this level of solution, you should stop working until the final drying of the formulation. A more viscous plaster solution is prepared for the next stage of the plaster. It is thrown over the initial level, and after that is aligned with the rule according to the location of the lighthouses. The leveling movement of the plaster rule is made in the direction from the bottom point up. The plaster is applied manually, and then it is leveled repeatedly. The work is stopped after reaching a smooth rough surface. Before the cover, you need to prepare a new solution from a pre-sifted mixture for plastering the premises. It is applied by a weak coating to a surface moistened with water. After that, the coating is smoothed out using circular tweaks by a half-hook. For final smoothing and grouting, use a grater. It is very important to finish the leveling and grouting before the surface dries completely. To give the wall a finished appearance it is possible with the help of decorative plaster. Depending on the selected texture, a grooved pattern (bark beetle) or a granular surface (lamb) is obtained.
The original solution for the interior is a liquid wallpaper or decorative plaster. The main advantages - durability, original and unique design, a large selection of color palette, ease of application, not a big price per square meter.
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