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Strategic cruise missile X-55: characteristics, photo
It's a long time ago when the main gun of the aircraft was an automatic cannon. Of course, this is on board every modern combat fighter or interceptor, but its real value is very small. The basis of the combat power of the modern air force is a cruise missile. X-55 is one of the first and most effective models of such weapons, which was adopted by the Soviet Army.
Start of development
First samples and "field" tests
The first samples were collected in Dubna, and it happened in 1978. But due to the fact that the enterprise was loaded with the release of X-22 missiles, it was decided to deploy the production in Kharkov. In the first years the Kharkov plant only partially produced the main components of the rocket, while the finished products were assembled in Dubna, but soon the enterprise completely switched to a closed production cycle.
At the very beginning of 1978 (before the completion of all stages of testing), the government of the USSR decides on the speedy establishment of a serial production of these missiles. At the end of 1980, the first production X-55 missile was solemnly handed over to the customer. From the very beginning it was assumed that the carriers of the new powerful weapon would be the "White swans" Tu-160 and the "Bears" Tu-95. Tests X-55 were conducted at the test site in Faustovo.
First failure
The first commercial missile Kh-55 flew on February 23, 1981. A total of a dozen launches took place, and the product refused only one. And it was not in any constructive shortcoming, but in the failure of the power generator. But why is it needed in the design of such a specific ammunition, if it is possible to provide a design battery with a high capacity?
The fact is that missiles with a nuclear warhead were originally designed so that, if necessary, maximize their practical range of use. Standard batteries all along the "route" simply can not provide power to all components. That is why they are powered by a small-sized electric generator RDK-300.
Commencement of admission to troops
In 1984, the next tests were conducted, which revealed that it can accurately hit the target, located at a distance of 2,5 thousand kilometers. In 1986 the production was completely transferred to the city of Kirov. To unload the assembly shops, some elements of the missiles began to be produced at the Smolensk Aviation Plant.
Main design features
How is X-55 structurally different? The cruise missile is based on a standard aerodynamic scheme. The body of the product is steel, on welded joints. In fact, more than 70% of the fuselage volume is a fuel tank. The power structure is represented by frames, on which all devices and equipment are attached, they are also responsible for the docking of the rocket compartments. Since it was required to simplify the construction as much as possible, almost all the frame elements were made thin-walled.
Modification option
However, there was another X-55. The strategic cruise missile with the index "SM", on the body of which special overhead fuel tanks were produced, could already fly 3,500 kilometers. But later only the version of the X-555 was produced, on the case of which there were also constructively fastened attachments for additional fuel tanks. This modification could hit targets at a distance of up to 3 thousand kilometers.
The power of the nuclear warhead is 200 kilotons. At present, a modified X-55 missile is in service. Its characteristics are absolutely identical to those described, but the combat part is "stuffed" not with a nuclear charge, but with a mixture of conventional TNT and hexoken.
Aerodynamics and characteristics of the power plant
A separate mention is worthy of the used power unit. The two-circuit engine P95-300 of the turbojet principle of operation is mounted in the tail section. A special pylon serves as the basis. It is also folded out of the case just before launch. Start-up is also carried out under the influence of a knockout pyro cartridge. The engine is very compact, but its weight return is 3.68 kgf / kg. This, for comparison, fully corresponds to similar indicators of the most modern combat aircraft.
Due to this, the cruise missile X-55, the characteristics of which allow it to be considered quite adequate weapon, even for modern conditions, is capable of developing very high speed, which prevents its interception on the combat trajectory.
In fact, according to this characteristic, this weapon is still not inferior to many new developments. The interception of this missile is possible only if the most sophisticated and complex missile defense systems are used. Given that rearmament at the present time is an unrealistically expensive business, the X-55 will remain in the arsenal of our country for a long time, possessing modern capabilities and strikepower.
Types of fuel used
But to work with this type of fuel is extremely difficult: decilin is very fluid, and therefore requires a frequent maintenance, aimed at maintaining the highest tightness of the shell. And they are fueled only by those missiles that are installed on the side of strategic missile carriers of constant combat readiness. In all other cases, the military prefer to use aviation kerosene, since this minimizes risks for both the soldiers themselves and the civilian population.
Operating principle
The guidance system is inertial, fully autonomous, with flight correction depending on the characteristics of the terrain. Before the flight, the rocket's onboard equipment is loaded with a reference layout of the terrain on which the intended target is located. During the flight, the airborne cruise missiles X-55 can obey both commands from the ground or air, and use a fully autonomous program, moving along the terrain. This makes them truly a universal and extremely dangerous type of weapon.
Maneuvering and flying
The scheme is simple. First, the rocket is thrown into the air at the expense of a pyro cartridge, after which a marching engine is activated, on which it flies the entire remaining path to its goal. The flight is carried out at a height of no more than 60-100 meters. If necessary, the X-55 can fly at an altitude of only 30 meters! At the same time, it independently bypasses all obstacles, can automatically deviate from the course, evading the identified places of air defense clusters. The course varies every 100-200 kilometers.
To do this, the so-called correction marks are entered in the memory of the missile. When it reaches a certain point, the terrain is "read", on the basis of which a new course is laid, which makes it possible to evade as much as possible from the action of enemy air defense.
At the same time, the results of scanning the terrain are constantly checked against the stored in the memory standard, due to which deviations from the specified trajectory are impossible. It is due to this decision that these missiles are capable of being guided to the target with such precision that for the previous generation of weapons of this class was practically unattainable. Finally, the real highlight of the X-55 is their particularly complex maneuvering, as a result of which they are able to evade the defending air defense weapons in the overwhelming majority of cases.
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