HealthAlternative Medicine

Eleutherococcus tincture is an effective tonic

Eleutherococcus spiny, common in the Far East, can easily replace ginseng in its useful and healing properties. Some parameters of this remarkable plant even surpass the notorious ginseng many times. So, in the treatment of radiation sickness, nothing compares with him at all.

The medicinal raw materials of this plant are rhizomes and roots. Occasionally, the leaves of Eleutherococcus are used in medicine. Harvest the rhizomes at the end of September. They dig out only in well-developed specimens. Rhizomes and roots are cleaned from the ground, thoroughly washed, then wilted in the open air in the shade. After withering, the affected and dead parts are removed, and the remains of the aboveground part of the plant are chopped off. The rhizomes are dried in dryers at a temperature of 80 ° C or in a well ventilated attic. Color of quality rhizomes - white. They have a strong aroma, astringent and spicy taste.

Eleutherococcus tincture is effectively used in the treatment of serious oncological diseases. It significantly improves the state of the body and is indispensable for creating a favorable background in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. This drug helps to lower the level of cholesterol, which favorably affects the work of all coronary vessels.

Eleutherococcus tincture has a tonic effect, which is clearly manifested in an instant increase in efficiency, and also leads to an improvement in overall well-being. It has a positive effect in the early baldness and oily seborrhea.

The way of using the tincture is quite simple. It is taken orally at the beginning of the day, usually half an hour before meals or during it. At a time you can take up to 40 drops. Usually tincture is consumed before breakfast and lunch (2 times). The course of therapy lasts up to 30 days.

Eleuterococcus tincture in serious cardiovascular diseases is taken daily according to this scheme: 2 times half an hour before meals, 20-30 drops. Use must be made at most until noon. The course of therapy lasts 2 weeks.

With complicated manifestations of menopause, tincture is consumed 2 times daily for 40 drops half an hour before meals, at the beginning of the day. The course of therapy - up to 30 days.

Despite all its healing properties, Eleutherococcus tincture has contraindications, which include: various diseases in the acute period, taking the medication in the evening or before bedtime, severe atherosclerosis, cardiac dysfunction, pregnancy, lactation period, nervous excitability, individual intolerance, insomnia, arterial hypertension. Also categorically it is impossible to give eleutherococcus for children younger than 12 years. Admission of this product to older children should be carefully monitored.

Eleutherococcus tincture, as a rule, is well tolerated, but nevertheless one should carefully monitor the condition of the patient taking this medication.

With complex treatment of asthenia, chronic fatigue syndrome, overfatigue, nervous system disorders, hypotension, anorexia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, decreased efficiency, immunodifitcity, diabetes, obesity, impotence prescribe eleutherococcus extract. It is an effective tool that contributes to increasing the body's resistance. Very often this drug is prescribed for a course of rehabilitation after chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

This drug excites the nervous system, enhances metabolism, eliminates drowsiness, strengthens hearing and visual acuity, increases appetite, activity of the genital area, increases potency, reduces bad cholesterol and sugar. It has a strong antitoxic effect.

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