Spiritual developmentNew Age

Spells, Prayers, Plots

Spells, prayers and conspiracies are magical practices that are completely different in terms of the mechanism of influence. This causes difficulties for beginning esotericists. Beginners often want to do something and get results. And this is correct, but only often beginner magicians themselves do not know what they are doing.

The incredible power of conspiracies is known from ancient times - ancient people, wholly dependent on nature, deified all the natural elements. Our ancestors worshiped them, giving them soul and reason. The ancients believed that with the help of a certain appeal to the elements of nature, one could gain power over them. You only need to know the "reserved" words - certain spells or, as we call them now, conspiracies. The pagans worshiped the Moon, the Sun, the spirits of forests, mountains, seas and rivers. In their view, rain, thunder, lightning, hurricanes did not happen by themselves, but were sent by a certain deity who controls one or another of the elements. Idolatrous representations of the Slavic people and generated conspiracies, which pagans used to control the elements. With the help of conspiracies in ancient times, rain was caused, the wind and storms stopped. Over time, conspiracies began for a good harvest and for getting rid of diseases, conspiracies for happiness and love. Later paganism was eradicated, Christianity replaced it. However, today in people there is a belief in the existence of goblins, witches, healers and the mysterious power of the magic word. Conspiracies have not reached us in their original form, but the power of the power of conspiracy can not be disputed. Conspiracies have retained their incredible power, which should not be awakened without the utmost necessity, in order not to incur disaster inadvertently.

Plots were widely spread not only among Slavic peoples - they were also used in other cultures. Conspiracies have been used and are used to this day by most peoples of the whole world. Probably, there is not a single nation that does not apply anyhow a magical plot. And there is not one culture that would live without this phenomenon. The use of conspiracies, along with the traditional Slavic, is typical of almost all archaic cultures. The Vedic body of the ancient Aryans includes the "Arthavode" - leading arthavans, which literally means "Veda conspiracy". Arthaveda mainly consists of conspiracies of everyday, everyday nature: for example, a plot from a fire in the house. Mentioned conspiracies are found in the cultures of such ancient peoples as the Egyptians, Arabs, Greeks, Scandinavians and Chinese. Magical knowledge was also used in Europe, but there they were mostly called spells. Thus, in France, the magic word forms were called incantations, and the Germans used several terms at once: heilsprüche (healing spells), zauberformeln (conspiracies), and even segen (blessings). The conspiracies used the ancient cultures of Asia and the Mediterranean circle, antiquity and the Christian, Muslim and Jewish world of the Middle Ages. Europeans, Turks, Finns and other nations use a magical plot in one form or another, while performing rituals and rituals. The castling of Siberian shamans and the African magic of Voodoo are always accompanied by their inherent magical conspiracies and actions. The people have a lot of names in the plot: a word, whispering, verdict, slander, caution, pacing, prince, guard. From these names it is evident that the purposes of the use of conspiracies are different. Most of this, of course, is a medical plot designed to get rid of ailments: a plot of dental trouble, a fever, a headache, wound healing and other conspiracies that have the same goal - healing. Among the conspiracies for economic and industrial activity are commercial plots for hunting, fishing, agricultural plots for a good harvest and for getting rid of spoiling crops of insects. Some conspiracies are aimed at protecting a person in war, helping to defeat an opponent in a duel: for example, conspiracy against weapons or conspiracy to invulnerability of a warrior. There are conspiracies that are often used in modern social life: conspiracy to win in court, for luck in trade, to multiply wealth. In addition, there is a huge number of love conspiracies aimed at the successful resolution of cases of the heart: the kindling of the heart of a loved one or vice versa, the cooling of the ardor of an unwanted fan. For these purposes, there are privoroty, inherent and drought, aimed at attracting in their lives of love, deliverance from love unrequited, the separation of two people. Situational conspiracies are used when setting off, picking up grass, searching for or hiding a treasure. In general, the purpose of any conspiracy is to help a person. And this help is provided with the assistance of some supernatural forces. Depending on what kind of help is required, there is an appeal to light or dark forces, white or black magic is used. Conspiracies are divided into positive and negative, depending on whether they will be used for good or for harm. Passing from generation to generation, conspiracies are traditional folk medication. They collected the vast experience of many generations of healers and healers. One can be skeptical, one can not believe in the incredible power of a conspiracy, but one who has ever come across its impact knows that it acts effectively. The rituals aimed at eliminating the disease and on healing have a surprising similarity in different cultures, and this shows that representatives of different peoples, after going through centuries of experience, came to the same conclusions and results: conspiracy helps get rid of the painful condition that gives the person necessary Strength and peace of mind. The basis of any conspiracy is the word, and it, as is known, has a huge impact on a person. This word is filled with energy, which will find its way out at the right time. Conspiracy affects the subtle body of a person, setting it up as necessary. To get the desired effect, a person needs to open his soul and sincerely accept the help given to him. Therefore, the conspiracy does not help those who are skeptical. In this you need to believe. In addition, the experience of previous generations clearly demonstrates the strength of the conspiracy. In ancient times, conspiracies were known and used by all people. Later, when conspiracies saw a mysterious knowledge of incredible power, it became the privilege of the initiates. There were special people who were in charge of magical rites and conspiracies. They kept their knowledge secretly and protected them in every possible way, passing them from generation to generation. The most powerful are hereditary representatives of magical knowledge. And it's not just the knowledge of conspiracy texts. A person who pronounces a conspiracy over other people must have a certain life force, that is, from birth, be "knowing" and "knowing." If a healer does not have this strength from birth, then no effort and skills from outside will help him, and his actions will not have a result. The main carriers of traditional conspiracies are healers, whisperers, guides and healers. They help to get rid of illnesses, restore relationships, remove spoiling or evil eyes, and start a child from fright. Privileges, inherent and other matters that entail the subordination of another person or causing harm to anyone are dealt with by witches, sorcerers and magicians. Read the conspiracies in some cases, and ordinary people. For example, a mother can read a plot over a sick child, and a trader can read a conspiracy to profit each morning. During the plot, the healers turn to the Angel for the Guardian for help, often turn to saints who are protectors against diseases and various disasters. In addition, in the conspiracy to heal, there is always an appeal to a disease, to which the witch doctor points the way through which she needs to leave. That is, they turn to what they need to get rid of or to something that should come. Passing through the centuries, the plot helps in solving many problems. Being essentially an instrument for achieving the desired, it helps a person to restore a harmonious connection with the surrounding world, which is available in every person initially, but for some reason lost. This harmonious connection, through the power of conspiracy, brings to life a person long-awaited health, happiness and love.

Understand the terminology and essence of magical practices, i.e. To enter into a magical contract, the School of Magic will help. Come to our open Talks about magic, which are held every Saturday at 22-30 in Moscow. Conversations are devoted to important magical themes, ask questions and get acquainted with the pupils and teachers of our school.

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