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Sociology as a science of society

Sociology as a science of society

Sociology is the science of social phenomena occurring in society. It deals with the study of social institutions (law, the state, etc.), social relationships between subjects: individuals, social institutions. Sociology as a science about society began to develop many centuries ago.

The main stages of the development of sociology.

1. The most ancient time. From the earliest times people have been interested not only in the phenomena and riddles of the surrounding nature, but also in the problems associated with its existence around other people. Scientists drew attention to the existence of man in society. The origins of sociology can be found in the reasonings of sages and scientists - in their wise advice on life issues. The works of Aristotle "Politics" and Plato "Laws" served as the beginning of the study of social institutions: law, family, state. Philosophers of antiquity drew attention to the place of man in society.

2. The Renaissance is a new stage in the development of social thought. There are new studies that relate to sociology, aimed to explore the various aspects of society. Michel Montaigne, Erasmus Rotterdam, Niccolo Machiavelli, Thomas More - great scholars of the Middle Ages. They raised the problems of human relationships. This led to the formation of a model of society that resembles a community in which moral norms and order were governed by traditions and God. The person had a minor role in society.

3. The Age of Enlightenment. During this era, the views on society and the places in it of man have changed. Denis Diderot, Claude Adrian Gelwiecki - analyzed the society, why there was inequality, heterogeneity of society. Man is an independent subject, his life, behavior depends on his will efforts, so they reasoned.

4. The classical stage of development (19-20 century). There are three outstanding thinkers Emil Durkheim, Max Weber, Karl Marx.

K. Marx substantiated why social inequality appeared , analyzed the conflicts in society as phenomena that are necessary for the development of society.

Weber developed a sociological social theory. The central point of the theory - from the behavior of a person in a society depends on his relationship with other people.

E. Durkheim, founded a sociological school. The existence of society does not depend on the actions of individuals. Each individual performs his function.

Thanks to scientists, philosophers, sociology as a science about society has its subject, theory and possibilities to receive confirmation of this theory.

Functions of sociology as a science.

Cognitive, its goal is to study society, understand its structure, how individuals and their groups interact. He answers the question: in what society do we live?

Conceptually descriptive, it provides those who study sociology, a system of concepts, theories and description rules that reflect social reality. How and what is being done in society? - she answers this question.

Estimated. Assessment of the adequacy of society (institutions, social organizations) norms and rights to the expectations of social groups and individuals, their goals, needs. Responds to the question: is our society democratic, is it fair?

Explaining. It provides an explanation of social events, phenomena, processes based on the revealed facts, patterns. He answers the question: why does this happen in society, and not in another way?

Ideological-world view. Realizes certain political and social ideals. He answers the question: why do social actions take place?

Prognostic. He makes predictions based on the laws of the development of society and the cognition of trends, creating scenarios for various events occurring in the future. To the question: What can happen with society in the future? - this function is responsible.

Managerial. After identifying the patterns of development, creating scenarios for various events in the future - sociology can manage events occurring in society. She answers the question: How to manage social phenomena more efficiently?

Teaching (educational). Sociology can widely disseminate sociological assessments and knowledge through various institutions of professional development, educational institutions. Responds to the question: How is it better to use knowledge about society?

So far, sociology as a science about society is of great interest to scientists. These all functions interact with each other, forming a single functioning, productive system of sociology.

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