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Skin diseases in dogs

All pet owners are happy when their pet is cheerful, healthy, and the coat is glossy. Quite often the wool loses its silkiness, it has a lifeless appearance, the shine disappears, and the skin is itchy and coarsening. This is because the owners often underestimate the role of such a large and vital animal organ as the skin. It is a powerful barrier to getting into the body of harmful microorganisms, chemicals, protects from damage by ultraviolet rays, does not allow to leave the body of the moisture it needs. With the help of nerve endings in the skin, the dog receives information about its environment.

Improper diet, hypovitaminosis, hormonal disorders, genetic mutations - this is not a complete list of causes that affect skin diseases in dogs. On the outer cover, there are also diseases that do not directly relate to skin ailments. Thus, serious diseases of the canine organism can be manifested.

In addition, the skin of the dog suffers from diseases caused by parasites, bacteria, it can be subjected to allergic and fungal diseases, tumors. Nowadays, due to poor environmental conditions, often sedentary lifestyle and improper feeding, skin diseases in dogs occupy a leading position among the diseases to which these creatures are exposed.

I would like to pay some attention to the mistakes that animal owners allow and which lead to violations from the skin. First of all, this is feeding. It must be healthy and balanced. Otherwise, the skin will react to malnutrition with a rash, itching, hair loss, inflammation of the ear canals, etc.

Problems the owner can bring and the environment, which often, it is aggressive and causes skin diseases of dogs. In winter there is a danger of contracting contact dermatitis. Streets, treated with reagents against ice, have a negative effect on the cushions of the animal's paws. Acquire shoes and special creams to protect the gentle pads of the paws from frostbite and dermatitis. Remember that in short-haired dogs, first of all, the ears suffer, frostbite of the skin is possible.

Dermal diseases of dogs in the summer are manifested in the form of photodermatoses. Extreme harm is caused by external parasites. They can be the cause of infection with infectious diseases. Be sure to check the animal for helminths. Re-insure once again and spend in spring vaccination against fungal skin lesions, one of which is lichen.

Skin diseases of dogs associated with a sedentary lifestyle are manifested in the form of itching, subcutaneous hemorrhages, acne, etc.

Black acanthosis, found in smooth-haired dachshunds, is a consequence of genetic changes. The absence of hair on the entire surface of the body - hypotrichosis - can be caused by a violation of the genetic background. Pinscher, poodles and dachshunds suffer from it. Skin diseases in dogs of such breeds as St. Bernards, Spaniels, Pugs, Bulldogs, Boxers, Pekingese, Chow-chow and bloodhounds are manifested as inflammation of the skin folds. Seaboree prone to dobermanns, German shepherds, setters, spaniels and schnauzers. And skin lesions in dogs as a violation of pigmentation were given to the Afghan greyhounds, Dalmatians, Dobermans and retrievers. These diseases are not contagious.

Pathologies in dogs can be manifested for reasons related to infection. These can be fungi, viruses and bacteria. To provide proper treatment, the cause should be determined by the veterinarian, and it is not always possible to establish the diagnosis quickly, because of which the treatment can take many months. In skin diseases, at times, the symptoms are very similar. In our time, the histological examination method helps to determine skin diseases of dogs, and the results obtained allow us to prescribe more effective treatment.

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