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Ear drops for cats from ticks. A good remedy for ear mites in cats
Often in animal health clinics pet lovers are concerned about the strange behavior of their pets. The cat turns its head to one side, shakes it, shows anxiety, refuses food. After the examination, the clinic specialist diagnoses - otodectosis, in other words, an ear mite in a kitten (or an adult animal).
What is this disease and how dangerous is it for your pet? We'll talk about this in the article.
Stages of the disease development
Ear mites in cats are not only pests injuring the delicate skin of the auricle. They cause a very serious disease, which experts call otodectosis. In severe, neglected cases, it leads to the death of the animal.
Initially, dangerous pests injure the skin mechanically, and then begin to irritate the nerve endings. This reaction is caused by the products of their vital activity.
- In those places where the mite appears, there is hyperemia. This means that the blood vessels are full of blood, as a result of this there is swelling of the skin.
- Excess from the injured areas of the ear is exudate. So doctors call a different discharge.
- When it dries up and reacts with the products of the vital activity of parasites with dead epidermis, the exudate turns into dark brown scabs.
- The formed crusts cover the wound that appeared in the auricle and form a stopper in the ear canal.
- In the absence of proper treatment, the eardrum ruptures , passing the inflammatory process to the middle and inner parts of the cat's ear. As a result, a labyrinth appears.
- The final phase of the disease is the damage to the meninges, which leads to the death of the animal.
At the first signs of the disease, you must immediately contact the clinic, where the specialist will conduct the necessary examination and appoint ear drops for cats from ticks. Treatment should be started immediately, from the time of detection of the disease, in order to protect your pet from complications.
The ill cat experiences unbearable itching in the auricle, so she shakes her head, combs the mites damaged by the tick.
With the further development of the disease, there is a purulent mass - you will see it on the glued wool in the lower part of the ear.
If a symptom of "crookedness" appears, this indicates that the disease has passed into a complicated phase. The animal can turn its head at an angle of 120 degrees, tilting the aching ear downwards.
Nervous attacks occur when the meninges are affected, as a result, the animal dies.
We want to immediately calm down the owners of cats - now this disease is successfully treated. The main thing is not to miss its start. Today, ear drops for cats from mites are produced by many manufacturers, both domestic and foreign. We will introduce you to some of them.
The drug "Sulrolan"
These are very effective ear drops for cats and dogs. Due to the successful combination of active components, which have a different mechanism of action, the agent has a very wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity. The drug has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects.
Its composition includes miconazole, which is a synthetic imidazole derivative with an antifungal effect and a powerful action directed at gram-positive bacteria. Polymyxin B is a polypeptide antibiotic with bactericidal action. Prednisolone, which is part of the "Sulrolan", provides anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect.
According to the degree of impact on the cat's body, the drug belongs to safe substances. At observance of the appointed doses does not render toxic action.
When otodectosis is usually prescribed five drops of the drug per day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor (usually 14 days). With the present invasion, two ears must be treated, even if it is found only in one.
To the drug is evenly distributed, it is necessary to massage the ear base with light movements. If your pet after this (not very pleasant) procedure shakes his head, try to fix it for a few minutes, so that ear drops for cats from mites are not sprayed
The treatment is carried out twice a day.
If there is a skin disease in a cat in the border area with an infected tick, wool is cut, all contaminations are removed - wound exudate and pus, then the preparation "Surolan" is applied to the prepared surface with a pipette. Try to distribute it so that the wound is well covered by it, and lightly rub it into the wound with the hand on which the glove is worn. This procedure is needed 1-2 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the veterinarian, it depends on how quickly the healing of the tissues takes place. To the cat does not lick the ear drops for cats from ticks, she must wear a muzzle or a special collar.
Amitrazine for cats
Another known and widely used in the treatment of otodectosis in cats is the drug.
Indications for use
- Otodektoz or auricle scabies of cats.
- Demodecosis of cats
Mode of application
- Before starting the treatment, thoroughly clean the cat's ears from scabs and crusts.
- Using a pipette, drip the remedy into both ears, depending on the body weight of the animal (medium-sized cats - 0.5 ml).
To make the drug "Amitrazine" for cats completely processed the entire affected surface and auditory passage, the eye must be folded along in half and gently massaged its base.
If other areas on the cat's head are damaged, the drug should be rubbed into the affected areas with a cotton swab. After a week, the treatment is repeated.
Contraindications: dimexide intolerance, pregnancy.
The agent "Amidel" (gel)
A drug for cats, aimed at treating ear scabies. This gel, which after cleansing the auricles is injected into both ears. Its amount depends on the size of the animal (from 0.5 to 2 ml). The treated eyelet should be slightly massaged.
Treatment of the diseased animal is carried out 2 times with a break of 5 days. In severe cases, with the appearance of otitis complicated by a viral infection, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents are additionally prescribed.
The drug "Amidel" -gel must be administered in two ears, even if one is affected by otodectomy.
It is not recommended for use to kittens up to 2 weeks of age and animals with infectious diseases.
The drug "Leopard"
Well-known to specialists and animal lovers medicine. "Bars" means ear drops for cats, active against sarcopthoid mites, which are the causative agents of cats otodectomy. Included in their composition, active substances have acaricidal, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action, significantly speed up the process of epithelialization.
The ear conch is thoroughly cleaned. The drug "Bars" is instilled in 3 drops. The treatment is carried out two times with a break of seven days.
Precautionary measures
After handling the animal, you should thoroughly wash your hands. When drops fall on the human skin, they should be washed off with water.
Ear drops for cats - price
These drugs are inexpensive, an average of 30 to 50 rubles. The exception is only the drug "Amidel" -gel, the price of which is from 90 to 125 rubles.
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