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"Similak Izomil": characteristics and reviews

Children are flowers of life, which you need to take care of. Then they will grow beautiful and please us. An important component of children's health is nutrition. Especially the feeding is very small. This issue should be treated very carefully. At a tender age in many ways the health of the kids is formed for many years to come. All the assimilated useful substances will help the child to live a healthy life and not get sick. Take care of your children, and then they will grow big and happy.

What is baby food?

Baby food is a special set of mixes and products that a baby can eat. It contains all the substances and elements necessary for the child. You do not have to worry about the dangers of excessive consumption. Scientists have long proven that baby food can serve as a full-fledged replacement of mother's milk for a long time. Proper feeding of the baby is a guarantee of his physical and mental health.

Of course, nutrition is essential for all people. But kids especially need it. It should be noted that all children's admixtures, which you can see on the shelves of supermarkets, are strictly checked by the state. Do you want to find a healthy admixture for your baby? Choose "Similak Izomil". The composition and storage conditions of the product is on its packaging.

The best baby food

"Similak Izomil" is a dry mix for feeding babies. It is based on soy proteins, which have healing and preventive qualities. Suitable for children from the first hours of life. The mixture of "Similak Izomil" is considered a full-fledged product for feeding babies. It does not contain glucose. In addition, in special cases, it is recommended by a doctor when a child is diagnosed with galactosemia, and also when the child suffers from diarrhea or does not tolerate lactose.


"Similak Soy Izomil" has a number of advantages. The composition of the mixture is very diverse. It includes almost all the necessary baby components. In addition, the mixture is very well digested by the weak stomach of the baby, does not irritate its mucous membrane. The composition includes useful elements that play a number of important functions:

  1. Ensure the debugged digestion of the baby. Mixtures of "Similak Izomil" were thoroughly investigated. As a result, scientists come to the conclusion that this baby food reduces the frequency of regurgitation, the formation of gases and other digestive disorders in the child. This effect is due to soy proteins, which are present in the composition.
  2. Stimulate the harmonious development of the brain, visual and speech apparatus. It has long been known which substances cause development, and which ones - inhibition. That's why the mixture includes fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, choline, taurine and iron. In a complex, these substances provide the best versatile development.
  3. Strengthen the protective reactions of the body. Everyone knows that strong immunity is a guarantee of the health of adults and children. So, for men and women it is more adapted to the environment. Therefore, it is able to resist more actively microbes. At the same time, in a small child, immunity is very weak. He is not yet ready to fully protect the crumb of the threats that surround him. In order to maintain immunity, the creators of the mixture added to its composition antioxidants and prebiotics (useful microorganisms), which help and strengthen the child's body. I would like to note that they stimulate the body of a youngster to activate the natural forces inherent in them.
  4. Useful for eyesight. The composition of the mixture includes a special substance that is important for the eyes. This is lutein. In addition, there are elements of natural breastfeeding, which also affect the development of good vision in the baby.
  5. Ensure proper growth and development. A kid at a tender age needs all the useful substances. Especially important are vegetable fats. Unfortunately, in ordinary food such lipids are always contained in a set with palm oil, which is absolutely not useful for children. At the same time, vegetable fats promote better absorption of calcium in the body. As a consequence, the bones and teeth will form well. Researchers came to the conclusion that "Similak Izomil" supports the processes of natural growth of the child.

How to apply correctly?

Many mothers do not wonder in vain about how to properly give their child "Similak Izomil." Instructions for use should become a reference book for parents. Even better motives do not justify self-activity. After all, it is necessary to feed the child correctly, strictly following the norm. Any surcharges or deductions will not lead to something good. Study the annotation, because it was written by experienced doctors who studied "Similak Izomil." Comments of physicians of this mixture are very positive. Doctors say that it is very useful and nutritious.

How do I know how much mixture to give a child?

First you need to buy a measuring spoon. Usually it is equal to 9 gr. Children from birth to 2.5 weeks should be diluted 1 cup of the mixture and 60 ml of water. Then the dose increases. From 2.5 weeks to 2 months, the baby is given 2 spoonfuls per 120 ml of warm boiled water. This should be enough for the karapuz to be full. From 2 to 6 months (and older) give 3 spoons for 180 ml of warm water. It should be noted that the children, who were six months old, need to give extra food, as they may not have enough mixtures.

Also keep in mind that newborn babies need to be fed about 8-10 times a day. Two months are given a mixture of 6-7 times a day. Further, the number of feedings decreases. Children from 2 to 6 months eat 5-6 times. And quite grown-ups (from half a year) already eat almost as adults. They eat only 4-5 times a day.

How to cook properly?

Important! Do not heat the infant formula in the microwave oven. Such carelessness can lead to the fact that you do not calculate the right time and the baby will get burned. In addition, there are a number of rules that must be observed:

  1. Wash all the utensils that will be used when preparing the mixture.
  2. Boil the bottles and nipples with which the baby will interact.
  3. Collect the water in a separate container and bring to a boil. Allow the liquid to boil for 5-7 minutes. Let the water cool.
  4. Pour in the pre-prepared bottle the right amount of warm boiled water (about 37 degrees).
  5. Measure with a measuring spoon the norm for your baby and remove the excess if it is.
  6. Put the mixture "Similak Izomil" in the bottle for feeding.
  7. Mix everything. Make sure that the powder is completely dissolved in water. As a result, there should be a homogeneous mass.
  8. Make sure the temperature of the mixture is at the right temperature (drip yourself on a suture) and feed your baby.
  9. Remove pills if they have not been used for one hour.

Terms of Use

Before giving the baby a mixture, consult the doctor without fail. Perhaps a child has some special characteristics and needs a completely different diet. It is very important how you store the container with the mixture. Many mothers do not pay due attention at this time, and then very sorry. Some people are used to carelessly treat their food. Because their immunity is strong and strong, then they do not know any allergies or irritations.

But with the child it will not work. The baby was born a rather imperfect creature. The first months of his life he needs special care, hygiene and carefully processed food. Even small infringements of rules of storage of children's mixes can lead to serious consequences. A baby can catch any infection or irritation. It seems that everything is curable, is not it? But the children's body is very weak, it is practically incapable of fighting microbes. Remember that dry mixes after unpacking a can or a bag are not considered sterile.

Children with developmental disorders or premature babies can use the "Similak Izomil" mixture without problems. The composition of the baby food is such that it suits even such special babies. To dilute the mixture, use only boiled water. It should boil strongly about 5 minutes. Then cool it and give it to the baby. If you have prepared more than the norm for one feeding, then store the leftovers in the refrigerator at a temperature no higher than 4 degrees. Use surplus can only be in the next day. Then it should be poured.

How to store?

The closed mixture should be stored in a dark cool place. The air temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. The printed out food should be covered with a plastic cover. It can retain its useful properties for no longer than 21 days. The shelf life of the purchased and sealed mixture is one year from the date of manufacture. Love and take care of your children!

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