
"Silibor": instructions for use. Description of the drug, indications, contraindications

The human liver is a large filter that constantly cleanses blood from harmful substances. Especially hard after the festive feast. After all, it is necessary to neutralize alcohol and cope with harmful food. These substances cause a serious blow to the liver and lead to the death of its cells. And since the organ does not contain painful ends, the process of destruction is imperceptible. No wonder they say that the liver is an organ that suffers "silently". The preparation "Silibor" helps to protect and restore cells. The instruction to the preparation gives an opportunity to get acquainted with this medicine.

Description of the medicament

The "Silibor" medicine describes the instruction as a hepatoprotective agent. It is a medicinal product of plant origin, which contains flavonoids, obtained from the fruits of such plants as spotted milk thistle.

The drug is characterized by the following effects:

  1. It protects the liver from a variety of toxic lesions.
  2. In case of damage, hepatocytosis is restored and the organ functions.
  3. Inhibits the process of oxidation of lipids.
  4. Protects the membranes of the cells of an important organ from destruction.
  5. It neutralizes free radicals.
  6. It improves metabolism in the liver cells.
  7. Provides a rapid process of hepatocyte regeneration.
  8. Prevents the penetration of hypoxic substances through the cell membranes.
  9. Has a slight anti-inflammatory effect.

The medicine "Silibor" helps to improve the general condition of patients who are diagnosed with liver diseases. Doctors say that during the administration of the drug, patients complain of loss of appetite, vomiting, and reduction of skin itching. In such patients, weakness is less pronounced, the feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium is eliminated. Favorable results are confirmed by the normalization of laboratory indicators.

The medicine in the digestive tract is absorbed slowly. The duration of its half-absorption is 2.2 hours. After a single use of the drug, the maximum concentration is observed in half an hour.

The preparation is made in the following types:

  • Tablets "Silibor 35" - 35 mg;
  • Capsules "Silibor Forte" - 70 mg;
  • Capsules "Silibor Max" - 140 mg.

Indications for use

The instruction "Silibor" the instruction recommends to use in the following cases:

  • Chronic hepatitis of various origin;
  • Steatosis of the liver, triggered by impaired metabolism or exposure to toxic factors;
  • Transferred hepatitis (acute infectious or toxic);
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Long-term intoxication of the body, associated with harmful activity;
  • Liver damage (medicinal and toxic).

Recommended dosage

This remedy should be given to the patient by a doctor. The specialist sets the necessary dosages and determines the duration of therapy.

The instruction recommends the use of tablets "Silibor 35" as follows:

  1. Take pills before meals. Do not chew them. It is recommended to drink the drug with a small amount of liquid.
  2. Adults and children from 12 years of age are prescribed thrice daily 70 mg of the drug - 2 tablets.
  3. In the case of severe disease stages, the daily dosage can be increased to 420 mg. This amount must be divided into 3 receptions.
  4. Children of 9-12 years of age should take the drug twice a day. The dosage is 70 mg.
  5. Children 6-9 years old take medication once a day. The dose is also 70 mg.
  6. The duration of treatment with this drug lasts mainly 30 days. If necessary, it can be increased to 3 months.
  7. Repeat therapy is recommended after 1-2 months.
  8. If the remedy is used for prophylactic purposes, then take it 70 mg 1-2 times a day. The duration of such therapy is 1 month.

Side effects

Tablets "Silibor" are capable of provoking some undesirable phenomena. Analyzing reviews of patients who use this tool, and taking into account the instructions of the drug, you can identify the following side effects:

  1. Allergic reactions. Some people face skin eruptions or itching.
  2. The appearance of diarrhea.
  3. Increased diuresis.
  4. Appearance of attacks of dizziness. This symptomatology is typical for people suffering from violations of the vestibular apparatus.

In case of occurrence of any undesirable reactions it is necessary to tell necessarily about the arisen symptomatology to the attending physician. He either completely abolishes this drug, or reduces its dosage.

Contraindications to admission

The medicine "Silibor" instruction prohibits the use of such categories of people:

  • Children under 4 years;
  • People who have individual sensitivity to the drug.

Can a drug be given to pregnant women? In some cases, the medication is indeed recommended for use by the expectant mother. However, only a doctor can prescribe this remedy, carefully weighing the risk ratio for the baby and the benefits for the woman.

Cost of medicine

What is the price of the preparation "Silibor"? How much will the patient be treated with this medication?

For tablets "Silibor" the price for 1 package (25 pcs.) Is 1050 rubles.

Opinions about the drug

In general, people leave positive feedback about the preparation "Silibor". Most patients who have experienced this medication, confirm its high efficiency.

The medicine helps to fight a variety of liver diseases. People who use this drug, confirm that their condition has improved significantly. The weakness decreased, nausea receded, appetite regained, the heaviness in the right upper quadrant was eliminated.

Often the medicine is prescribed for preventive purposes to people whose work is associated with harmful production. Such patients also confirm the effectiveness of the drug. They indicate that unwanted symptoms, significantly impairing the quality of life, quickly passed.

But you should not forget about the side effects. Patients' feedback indicates that some people experience undesirable reactions during therapy. However, their appearance is most often associated with individual intolerance.

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