
'Lactofiltrum' preparation: instruction

The drug "Lactofiltrum" is a remedy that is used to maintain and restore the physiological composition of the intestinal microflora. Its main components are lactulose and lignin. The latter is a dietary fiber and has a high sorption activity (binds, then removes harmful substances from the body that are in the lumen of the thick, small intestine). Thus, a counter-toxic effect is provided, which is nonspecific.

Lactulose in chemical composition is a derivative of fructose, which provides a nutrition function for microorganisms contained in the lumen of the small, large intestine. Due to this component, the level of physiological microflora remains stable. In addition, lactulose indirectly affects some specific immunity reactions. This component refers to prebiotics - substances that are necessary for the development of physiological microorganisms of the intestine.

This drug increases the level of osmotic pressure, which directly stimulates the processes of peristalsis. Therefore, it can be used for prevention, therapy of constipation, which have a different origin.

The drug "Lactofiltrum". Instruction: form of release, pharmacokinetics

The drug is released in tablet form, it is not absorbed in the intestine, it is completely excreted within the first 24 hours from the beginning of the reception from the body. Lactulose is not subjected to hydrolysis (disintegration) in the stomach, the upper part of the small intestine.

The drug "Lactofiltrum". Instruction: indications for use

This tool is used for various dysbacteriosis, abnormalities of the stomach, intestine, which is most often observed in colitis, dyspepsia. It is also used in the therapy of conditions that are accompanied by symptoms of intoxication. The average duration of taking this medication is three weeks, it can be used at almost any age (including children under one year old).

The drug "Lactofiltrum". Instructions for use: contraindications

The drug is forbidden to use in cases of acute intestinal obstruction, poor tolerance of individual components.

Lactofiltrum. Instruction: side effects

The drug is almost safe. Of the adverse reactions, only the emergence of a variety of allergic reactions, which are caused by intolerance to various components, are isolated.

The drug "Lactofiltrum". Instruction: Precautions

The constant reception of this remedy should alternate with the use of a group of vitamins B. Other medicinal substances are recommended to be taken an hour before its use. Otherwise, the therapeutic effect of the drug is significantly reduced. This is due to the presence in the composition of lignin, which is a powerful sorbent. In these cases, it is advisable to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary dose and mode of use.

The drug "Lactofiltrum", the use of which is practically safe for the body, has rare side effects, which are manifested by constipation, pain in the epigastric region. These symptoms are signs of an overdose and require immediate cessation of drug use.

Reviews about this product are always only positive. This is due to high efficiency (for the normalization of the intestinal microflora it is sufficient to take the drug for three weeks), a rapid display of the therapeutic effect, the absence of serious side reactions, a relatively small price. Therefore, the drug can be called universal in the therapy of dysbacteriosis.

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