EducationSecondary education and schools

Secondary education: how many classes are there and where?

In general, the adjective "average" in Russian has two meanings:

  • Located in the middle. For example, the average month of summer, the average brother.
  • Inexpressible, unremarkable. For example, the average student.

In relation to education, this term is used to determine its level. But in fact, the quality of knowledge in different cases is different.

Required level

In Russia, first of all, the general education school gives a secondary education. This is how many classes have to be studied at school, so that education would correspond to this level? It is necessary and constitutionally compulsory to study the program of the school - 11 classes. The presence of secondary education is confirmed by a special certificate. It is issued upon successful completion of training. Previously it was called a certificate of maturity. Such a document is received by the student at the end of the full course of studies in the secondary school, that is, after the 11th grade.

Education outside the school

If the general education institution is not completed, the person has incomplete secondary education. How many classes does he have behind him? Incomplete secondary education is considered as such after the termination of 9 classes. If a person intends to continue his education, he can enter a secondary vocational school. In this case, together with the program, which is required for mastering the chosen profession, he will also study subjects for 10-11 grades. As a result, after graduating from this educational institution, the student will have not only professional but also secondary education. How many classes can you save and how much earlier can you get a profession after leaving the 9th grade? Yes, there is some time savings, but not so significant. Usually, in any school you can do both after the 9th and after the 11th grade. Training after the ninth is substantially longer than for young people who have already completed a complete secondary education. How many classes (years) are saved while doing this? Approximately six months or a year. So, for example, if you enroll in a seamstress after the 9th grade, then the training period is two and a half years, and after the 11th grade - 1 year. A simple calculation reveals savings of 6 months.

Secondary general education: how many classes

In general, all education is not divided into three stages. Each of them has a definite meaning. Primary school is, above all, socialization of a person. She not only gives elementary knowledge, but also learns to learn, fulfill the requirements. Secondary school in Russia is a huge choice of subjects. If you conscientiously and scrupulously study all of them, at least according to the textbooks, the level of education will be quite high. Such a large selection is given in order to provide the pupil with the maximum opportunities. Training in the middle section of a comprehensive school lasts five years. Two graduation classes in practice are usually a preparation for a university or a technical school.

Thus, for five years of middle management in the school and it turns out, basically, secondary education. This is how many classes and how many subjects? The number of the latter is different from year to year. But you can identify several areas of training:

  • Humanitarian;
  • Natural science;
  • exact sciences.

The subjects of all directions are present in the program of any year from the fifth to the ninth grade.

The level of education

In different educational institutions it differs strikingly. In some gymnasiums a very good education is already given. Teachers work on individual programs, pupils are selected and regularly pass exams. As a result, when graduates receive a certificate of maturity, graduates possess high knowledge.

The vocational school also teaches the subjects of the general education school, but at the same time its level is completely different: students are not so interested in teaching, and teachers can not give the program in full. As a result, the knowledge of students in such institutions is very approximate and incomplete, although they also receive a certificate of secondary education .

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