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Scholl (cushioning insole): customer reviews

For the whole day, a great deal of stress is laid on your feet. We go a lot, we are engaged in sports halls, and we give rest to our workers only in the evening. Unfortunately, sitting at a computer or a TV set is not at all what our feet need, so the blood circulation becomes inadequate. But if you put Scholl products into the shoes in the morning - cushioning insole, many problems will go away. This is confirmed by all those who use them.

Pain in the legs

What causes them? A high heel, a beautiful hairpin can hold not only the deformation of the foot, but also to constant pain in the heels. They sometimes have shooting pain. Vascular problems that occur with age in both men and women cause pain in the calves. This is because the outflow of venous blood is disturbed, and as a result, the pressure in the vessels increases.

Feet feet can also fail. When flat feet appear, the lower part of the limb stops absorbing when walking, and pain arises. This can be associated with discomfort in the toes, which have changed their natural form due to arthritis, for example. With all these problems, people go to a hospital or a pharmacy, where they hear how Scholl devices - shock-absorbing insoles - act on their feet beneficially without drugs.

Types of gel inserts

  • Everyday - are applied daily with the constant wearing of shoes at work, during trips to the shops of walks with dogs.
  • Sport - designed for those who are keen on running or practicing in the gym.
  • Work - used when a person is engaged in heavy physical work, for example, repair.

Progressive technologies

The creative search for developers led Scholl to create a new type of insoles. They are not at all like the liners that are available when we buy a new pair of shoes. In the area of the heels is a soft gel, which softens the blows. In addition, it perfectly supports the arch of the foot.

Next is a solid gel. It creates the necessary cushioning and has a springing action. Polymeric materials from which the Scholl liners are made (cushioning insole) require some care. This is noted by all buyers. They should be wiped with a damp material with a solution of soap. Do not wash in the car. Soaking them is also contraindicated. And now consider all the above models.

Daily insoles

These inserts are designed for people who spend a considerable part of the day on their feet and whose feet just "buzz" by the evening. Scholl insole damping for increased comfort gently preserve the health of the feet. They can be used by investing in high-heeled shoes, and to polubotinkam, oxford, sneakers or polukedam they are ideal.

In the evening after a tiring day a person will feel the difference between ordinary liners and the effect that Scholl gives - cushioning insole. They can be danced all night, because they provide the convenience of shoes. And men in them want to tirelessly move more and more. All the negative things that bothered me before will go away, as if nothing happened. Each owner of such an accessory says this.

Active and novice athletes

Insoles are designed from shock absorbing blue gel. This is the main part of the thermoplastic elastomer. Solid yellow patches in the heels and pads of the foot will allow you to control the movement in sharp turns. A white foam material insert protects the heels with a strenuous, active run. There is also an orthopedic modification of "Sport", which protects not only the foot, but also the joints, when it is necessary to overcome obstacles and make jumps. Athletes, tourists with heavy backpacks, they liked.

For those who are engaged in heavy slaves

For those who want to have healthy legs and at the same time carry weights, climb and descend the stepladder, take out the garbage from the building under construction, Sholl insoles for shock-absorbing shoes are simply necessary. They soften the impact of the foot at every step. Such liners will prevent the appearance of painful calluses, corns and swelling. By evening, fatigue in the legs will be minimal. The shape of the insoles created from the polymer is quite complex. It provides an opportunity to conveniently put a foot, and this will reduce tension and make it easier to work throughout the day.

This orthopedic accessory is made of a dark gray foamed thermoplastic elastomer. Yellow and blue inserts of helium will remove the load from the heels. This is very important for those who suffer from spurs. In these insoles there are holes for ventilation. The leg will not sweat. It will remain dry and cool. Varicose veins are now not scary, because it appears when there are systematic heavy loads on the legs. And this is a dangerous venous disease, which is easier to prevent than cure. With all these statements, people who use Sholl insoles agree.

What else should I know about the manufacturer

This is a well-known brand from Germany, which has become indispensable for skin care for feet. Its products also include creams and deodorants, funds from dry and damp callouses and nail cosmetics, which goes through the strictest control. All products are created in conjunction with orthopedists and cosmetologists. The company employs only highly qualified doctors. To the orthopedic line are insoles and helium pads for the feet.

Mode of application

For insoles, the firm's recognizable packaging is developed in blue-yellow tones. They are produced in two sizes:

  • 38-42 (for women).
  • 42-48 (male).

The insole should be cut with scissors to its size and put into shoes instead of the usual liner gel side down. In shoes such a device does not slip. Shoes, shoes, sandals or sneakers after that become more comfortable and pleasant to wear. This is expressed with enthusiasm by their buyers.

What are the problems with the Scholl insoles?

  • With prolonged walking, the load on the feet decreases.
  • Corns and burrs will not bother you now.
  • Shoes become more comfortable.
  • When practicing sports, you can spend more time training.

These merits and the fact that Scholl insoles are designed for increased convenience, consumers say.

Customer Reviews

Many active people, buying insoles for running, did not even imagine how comfortable their legs would be. When climbing the hill, the shoes spring up, making it easier to run. Many girls purchase special liners for shoes with high heels (12 cm and above). Earlier without the Scholl insoles, they could hardly reach home at night, as their feet burned like in a fire. But the problem was immediately solved when the shoes were embedded Scholl insoles. After the party, which did not miss a single dance, the legs were like new ones. No burning and discomfort.

This is not all that the buyers who bought Scholl products (shock-absorbing insoles) write. The reviews are absolutely all positive and inspiring to buy. Now we hope that everyone knows how to achieve leg health and a painless gait.

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