
Sample Nurses Resume: Tips for Writing

Today we will see with you how the sample of the nurse's resume looks, which will help without any problems to find a job. It is also necessary to study the basic principles of drawing up your personal "business card" when looking for a job. The employer will first of all evaluate exactly what is written in the resume. And then watch how you really work. So what features should a nurse have?


The first thing your employer will look at is the level of education. For some posts, it is not so important. But any health worker should have either a higher medical education or an average special education. Plus it is desirable to finish specialized training courses for physicians.

Nursing is ideally suited to the direction of "nursing". Usually you can get it in colleges or universities. Some employers are ready to give a chance to work a frame without a "tower", but these are very few. Nobody will trust the life and health of patients to a person who in general does not understand medicine! Therefore, the "Education" column must be filled in. And it is necessary to have confirmation of your knowledge in the field of medicine!

Personal qualities

What else should be in the resume for the job of a nurse? Do not neglect personal qualities. This is important information, which after education for a medical worker is the basis for employment. A person may not have work experience, but if he has some distinctive personal qualities, the employer will look closely at such a job seeker.

Work in medical institutions is stress. Therefore, the resume should always indicate the presence of your stress resistance. Also bring it here: the ability to perform monotonous work, diligence, responsiveness, openness, communication skills with people.

Among other things, a good nurse can keep her emotions under control. About this among personal qualities, too, would be nice to mention. Quick learner and vigor, too. All this will help you with your job placement. Even if some traits are not characteristic of you, you can slightly embellish reality.

Remember: a successful sample of a nurse's resume necessarily indicates friendliness. It is not enough to be able to communicate, we still need to have people to ourselves. After all, often the bulk of work in a medical institution will be carried out by sisters. They have more doctors in contact with patients.


On professional skills and skills, too, do not forget. They often indicate your experience. Here, not much information should be written without fail.

Inform the employer that you are able to fill out medical documents, and also work with "office" programs on the computer. Indicate that you can put a shot on the patient, give him advice, make a bandage. It is desirable to have experience in conducting preventive examinations. A successful sample of a nurse's resume will be able to demonstrate how willing you are to work in a medical facility. And without professional skills here is indispensable.


And now you can see a visual sample of a nurse's resume. It is according to the proposed principle that one should make up his "business card". At the very beginning, in the upper right corner of the sheet, write down your personal data. To be more precise: name, surname, patronymic, age, year of birth, marital status. Next, each paragraph should be described.

Purpose: employment as a nurse.

Education: higher, 2000-2005, Moscow State University, specialty "nursing". She graduated from the training courses in this direction in 2012.

Personal qualities: stress tolerance, openness, responsiveness, friendliness, diligence, ability to perform monotonous work, accuracy, responsibility, punctuality, attentiveness, decency.

Professional skills: knowledge of the computer at the advanced user level, ability to work in Office, knowledge in the field of medical legislation and sanitation, skills in working with medical equipment.

Work experience: no (most often it is absent if you are first employed).

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