
Rosa Luis Odier - a beauty from the Bourbon family

Rosa Luis Odier is a tall, sprawling bush with dense beautiful pion-shaped flowers of a rich pink hue and a magnificent classical fragrance. We will get acquainted with this culture more closely.

Features of the view

Bourbon roses - a separate varietal category, included in the group of ancient types of park colors, which has become a visiting card of the famous French and English gardens. Homeland of these plants is the island of Bourbon (formerly Reunion), located in the Indian Ocean, where they first met their original forms at the beginning of the XIX century. Advantages of the species is the ability to form a strong high bush, almost completely covered with excellent fragrant flowers, and an amazing flowering period. Rose Luis Audiier is a park-bush culture with an ideal form of flowers, combining the best qualities of the species. It is loved both by experienced gardeners and by beginners. With minimal care, it can become a worthy adornment of any corner of the garden space.

Description of Rose Luis Audiier

Culture is famous for the coloring of flowers with a characteristic, imperceptible transition from gently pink shades along the edges of the petals to densely saturated tones in the center. Flowers rather large, cup-like, reaching in diameter 7-10 cm, are located on the shoots singly or 4-5 pieces. Often buds on the stems are so numerous that the shoots bend under their weight, resembling an exquisite flowering fountain.

The shoots of the rose are flexible, graceful and long (up to 2.5 m), densely covered with frosted pale green leaves. A special feature of the variety is a relatively small number of spines on the shoots and spreading of the bush. The diameter of the crown can be up to 1.2 m.

Cultivation of culture

Like many Bourbon roses, Luis Audiier prefers loamy open, well-ventilated and sunny areas. The culture is also not bad, and in places slightly shaded. Spring is considered the optimal time for planting in temperate latitudes, but plants planted in August also get along well, as they manage to take root before the onset of cold weather. Saplings (one or two-year-olds), acquired with a closed root system, can successfully survive in the summer.

Landing pits are dug to a depth of 0.5-0.7 m, depending on the size of the root system. The seedlings are prepared by shortening the branches and removing the leaves. For a better survival, a layer of hydrogel is placed on the bottom of the pit, which, keeping moisture, will provide the most comfortable conditions. The grafting site should be buried 10-12 cm. After planting, the soil is gently compacted and the bush is generously poured.

Caring for the rose

The qualitative development of a young plant is impossible without intensive feeding. During the summer season, mineral complex fertilizers are applied 3-4 times, using multicomponent compounds dissolved in water in accordance with the instructions to the preparations. In spring, to stimulate the growth of lateral branches, on which the buds are formed, the plants are treated with any biostimulator.

Rose Luis Odier requires infrequent, but abundant watering, at least 20-25 liters should be left on the bush. Lack of water can lead to the freezing of the plant in the winter. Stop watering at the end of September.

Crown formation

Pruning is the main procedure necessary for rose bushes. Rose park Luis Audiier is no exception. Of course, it can do without pruning, but the bush will quickly thicken, noticeably weaken, and the incredible sophistication of culture will be lost. The first pruning of plants is carried out in the third year of life, enabling young culture to increase the green mass. The first pruning is pursued by the main goal - to create a powerful skeleton, removing weak, dried up and improperly growing stems.

Carry out the formation of a bush in April, with a sharp and clean garden pruner. The technology of the process is simple: first remove the non-viable, thinned stems, then shoots, the direction of growth of which is incorrect. The remaining stems are truncated into several buds, and thin branches are cut off from the general form and shortened to 0.7 m. Shoots formed below the inoculum are pruned under the base.

An old shrub that has lost its ornamentality can be rejuvenated, subject to complete pruning and leaving small hemp. This pruning stimulates a significant increase in new strong shoots. This method is also suitable for extensive frostbite culture.

Sections are made at an angle of 1 cm above a healthy kidney in the direction of its growth. To avoid the spread of diseases, often affecting shoots, the used cutting tool is disinfected in a solution of bleach. It is advisable to do this after removing each stem. Fresh slices are treated with pharmacy zelenok or garden wax.

Diseases of the rose and their prevention

Rose Luis Odier is susceptible to various diseases, among which such are especially common. As black spotting, powdery mildew, rust and gray rot. Avoid the occurrence of such misfortunes will help preventive measures - spring spraying bushes with a solution of copper sulfate or "Fundazola."

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