Computers, Computer games
Rome 2: Total War - fashion. Computer games
The market of computer games every year is replenished with many representatives. Some games go into oblivion, only having appeared in the world, others remain in our hearts for many years. And the reasons are not at all in the developers - they are already trying their best to meet the needs of the players. It's about the growing needs of users. Now they are not surprised by good graphics, big open world. Give them a fascinating storyline and a fascinating gameplay.
To cope with this task is far from every company. But the developers try and offer their works in a wide variety of genres. Just such a game was Rome 2: Total War, the fashion for which is still actively being created.
One of the best strategies
The game Total War: Rome II can rightly be considered one of the best in the genre of real-time strategy. Such a success was ensured by the huge screen for battles. Now, tens of thousands of units can participate in combat actions at once. In addition, the game now has 117 factions, but we will be allowed to manage only nine, but that's not enough.
And in everything else - this is the same sound strategy in real time, only improved and revitalized in a number of ways. Now it is more stable and more productive, more complex gameplay, because now every action is worth considering in advance.
The game was released in 2013, but still has not lost its popularity. This happened largely due to the fact that the game Total War: Rome II fashion are still produced. They bring in the game a lot of different novelties, which improve and make the game process more diverse. If you are bored with the standard gameplay, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular modifications.
Mod for performance
On the game Rome 2: Total War fashion is represented in a wide variety. And if you own a rather weak PC, then help to play without friezes and hangs will allow Radious Total War Rome 2: Mod.
This modification disables clouds on the map, smoke, sparks from throwing copies of units, highlighting game zones and many other effects. Thus, significantly lowering the level of entertainment, it was possible to achieve higher productivity and a more stable and high FPS. All owners of weak computers - is required to install.
Mods on Units
The game Total War: Rome II is rich in a variety of units. Calculate their total number - the task is rather difficult. But, despite such a variety of warriors in the game Total War: Rome 2, the fashion for the units have become widespread.
The authors made one mistake in the development of soldiers. In an effort to add more historical elements to the game, they made all icons of the warriors in the form of antique amphorae. This innovation is not liked by every player. If you also decided to bring modern elements to your game, then you will be interested in the fashion of Rome II: Units Icons. It significantly improves the game cards of units, makes them more beautiful and realistic.
Another mod that is worth your attention is the Radious Campaign Features Mod, which changes the limit of armies, slots for armies and leading units - officers. A very useful modification in the later stages of the game, when the generals are sorely lacking. Now you can always leave the army in the city, transfer the command and reduce the cost of maintaining the army. Of course, for the game Rome 2: Total War fashion can be found and others that somehow improve the soldiers. But the modifications presented are the best.
Mods affecting the gameplay
In the original game, the big problem was that the units were running off the battlefield with a fairly high level of morale. Radious Battle Mod is designed to fix this flaw. Now the soldiers will not run from the battlefield until the composition of their army is reduced by 70 percent. In addition, this mod affects some other game aspects. So, along with it will increase the time of capture of game points, as well as the distance from which long-range guns and archers can shoot. Such innovations allow making battles more long and positional, and, therefore, more exciting.
It's no secret that the artificial intelligence in the game is quite low. It was done in order to make life easier for the players, or the developers were just too lazy - no one knows. But if you want to complicate your life, then you can not bypass the game of Rome 2: Total War fashion, affecting AI. One such modification is Radious AI Mod. It is designed to improve the behavior of units that are controlled by a computer. Now the enemy's armies will be more diverse, and they will act more harmoniously.
If you do not have enough game factions in the game, then you just can not pass it for the game Total War: Rome 2. Mods, all factions opening up, are presented in great variety. But the best of them is rightly called Playable Factions and Custom Battle. This modification allows you to play for any fraction in the game that were previously only available to the computer.
Mods that change the game world
If you are bored with the world of medieval Europe, ordinary soldiers and units, and in passing you are a fan of fantasy worlds, then you can not go past The Third Age: Total War. The game Rome 2: Total War fashion "The Lord of the Rings" is almost not represented. The Third Age is the only representative of this group. He introduces a variety of varieties, among which:
- 12 new fractions.
- Development of game events in the world of the Lord of the Rings.
- Absolutely new game locations.
- Unique units.
- A completely new atmosphere.
List all the innovations of the mod is almost impossible. But he definitely likes all the fans of the famous trilogy about the Ring of Omnipotence.
All new and new
Despite the fact that soon the game will be three years old, it will not cease to be popular. At the game Rome: Total War 2, new fashion is released almost every day. Some of them make only certain minor changes to the gameplay, others completely rework the world, and the balance of power, and the mechanics of the game.
The main purpose of the modifications is to diversify the game process, until a more worthwhile game has come out, it's not long to wait for it. In the meantime, try, fight, destroy, destroy enemy settlements, participate in sea battles, erect new structures and create your empire in the game Rome 2: Total War.
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