LawState and Law

Rights, freedoms and duties of a person. Obligations of citizens of the Russian Federation

The general concept of human rights implies, first of all, the existence in each person of a certain complex of natural, that is, data from nature itself, rights and properties. But the duties of a person are already a consequence of the established institution of rights and freedoms. The mere fact that a person exists, was born and lives in this world, is sufficient for the emergence of rights. And the countries at the highest stage of their development guarantee that rights and freedoms will be respected and protected.

It was in the name of achieving this main goal that the people themselves created the institution of the state and state power. Man and state are the cornerstone of all legal science and the philosophy of law, as well as the basis of the social sphere. It is precisely to protect their citizens, their interests and happiness that today there are democratic states. And the supreme authority must remember that it is on this that the success and prosperity of the whole great organism-society and country-depends.

How did the basic duties of man and citizen arise?

Basic human rights are formulated quite a long time, and they were called "natural rights". But, interestingly, at the same time in nature, that is, in a natural environment, a person is left to the mercy of fate and has absolutely nothing but self-defense. Human rights, freedoms and duties arise, or, better to say, can arise only if there is an organization or community. Without the patronage of society, in a wild environment, a person must protect every minute of his natural right independently, starting with his own life. It was for this main goal that a society began to form historically. Perhaps, it does not always, not everywhere and not completely fulfill this main function, but today mankind has not yet invented another more effective institution. So, getting something from the state, namely its security, a person, in turn, must offer something in return. This is the impact and formed the basis for such a concept as "the basic duties of man and citizen" in front of the country that guarantees his protection.

So what is "human rights"?

If we look in general and without complex definitions, our basic rights are exactly what we can not take away from or can not refuse. This is some kind of intangible part of ourselves just because we were born human beings. How and who uses this given is another matter. The task of the state and its institutions is to protect these natural and inherent datums. Constitutional rights, freedoms and duties of man are not just a random set and an amorphous combination of rules, but constitute a coherent system that encompasses all the most important and essential spheres of a person's life and activity with his regulatory influence. This includes social, political, economic, as well as the development of personal physical and spiritual qualities.

The Hierarchy of Fundamental Human Rights

The right to life for a democratic peace is the first and main human right. Under no circumstances can anyone in the world take the life of another person. The only exception can be considered unless self-defense in the attack, because in this case it is the protection of their personal main right to life. And then you need to have the willpower and sober assessment of the situation, if the threat is really real, and there was an attempt on life, not on anything else. In all other cases, responsibility occurs and the measure of punishment is determined. The right to life is followed by a number of other personal and inalienable rights for everyone. Human rights and duties are enshrined in the basic law of any state. They are not only personal, or natural, but also political, social, as well as socio-economic and socio-cultural rights and freedoms.

Relationship of rights with duties

So, a person gets the protection of the state and can act freely, without worrying about his own life and receiving a number of other opportunities. But having freedom in one, it so happened, we necessarily infringe on ourselves in another. In other words, every right received from the state and its protection entails the imposition of a certain duty on a person. Thus, the rights and duties of a person are constantly intertwined. In a sense, charging the state with its own defense, a person agrees to a certain union with this state and becomes its citizen. And now the citizen is responsible to his country, which consists of assistance and direct participation in the affairs of the state. For example, payment of compulsory taxes, service in the armed forces, etc.

Communication of citizens with the state

Given the nature of the direct connection with the state, there are also peculiarities in the protected rights of their citizens. As you know, the happiness of each of us depends on the well-being and success of everything that surrounds us. Including this applies to the whole state. Freedom and prosperity of the country entails the well-being of its citizens and the greater freedom of each individual. Only that country in which the majority of its citizens live in abundance, and not on the verge of poverty will be rich. Otherwise, such a country can not exist for long. And history very clearly demonstrates this trend. The connection of man with the state arises with birth. The possibility to change citizenship exists, but it is not public and requires compliance with the whole procedure and the fulfillment of a number of requirements. The Citizenship Institute is a rather complex mechanism, and it requires a separate topic for research.

Duties of the person in the state and society

Quite often today they talk about rights, but for some reason they are not mentioned in detail in detail. But you must agree that it is the performance of one's duties by every citizen that is the only way to guarantee non-violation of the rights of other persons. Recently, from everywhere, only slogans have been heard that "everyone has the right". But somewhere these rights must end, otherwise one of the scales will fall, and the delicate balance of harmony of society will be violated. And human rights end where the rights of his fellow citizens begin. And it turns out that the more community, the less freedom for anything. Personal space closes on the individual. But the responsibilities in relation to respect for the rights of others, as well as the performance of their civil duties in a developed large state is rapidly increasing. So it turns out now that the duties of the RF man make people complain about their own lives, but the feeling that the country cares for everyone, protecting its interests and basic needs, for some reason slowly fades away. Sometimes a wave of patriotism levels this feeling, but the flow of life nevertheless raises these questions again and again.

The first principle of constitutional protection

The constitutional duties of a person are a measure of not just necessary, but compulsory behavior. And in civil society, where the constitutional rights of citizens operate , each of its members must comply with their responsibilities for the sake of the normal functioning of other actors in this society. And in relation to human rights, human responsibilities are logical and binding analogues of the rights and freedoms that are correspondingly separate. Therefore, in other words, if one has the right to personal self-realization, then the same is true for others. And these boundaries can not be violated. This principle is very similar to the moral law - act always with other people the way you would like to be treated with you. Failure to comply with this law leads to the emergence of a number of difficulties and even tragedies that we can observe daily, not only in the news, but also in our daily lives.

On what does the scope of rights and duties depend?

The scope of the rights and direct responsibilities of each person directly depends on a number of factors. For example, on the availability of citizenship, the age and sex of a person, the characteristics of his health and working conditions. The rights and duties of citizens of Russia should not have exceptions here. The more one needs from a person, the more he has and the higher his position in society. Thus, officials in civil society always have more responsibilities than ordinary citizens. But the rights and opportunities of a civil servant have much less than an ordinary person. This concerns free movement, the right to own material values, and so on. That is, this principle can be expressed in such a way that a simple person can do everything that is not directly prohibited by law in this state. But the official has no right to do anything that is not directly prescribed for him in the law. Failure to comply with this principle always entails increased corruption, usurpation of power, violation of laws and the rights of ordinary citizens.

Guarantees of the state in the protection of citizens

Another important point in the topic touched on here is the mechanism for protecting a person's rights and freedoms. This is a legal mechanism for the interaction of the bearer of rights and freedoms with the relevant state body. Since the main goal of a developed state today is to defend the rights of its citizens, the constitutional and legal protection mechanism is a whole system of state power whose function is not simply compliance but also the defense of the citizens' rights according to the prescribed procedure for such protection, as well as the right to everyone to such Protection. Articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation contain a whole system of guarantees of fundamental rights and common freedoms, both universal and civil. All this is a system of norms, principles, conditions and requirements, which in their totality ensure the observance of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the participating persons.

A few touches of history. First there was a word

In different epochs of history, in all states there existed, and to this day there are various sets of statutory rights and freedoms for their people. The most vivid example for understanding is the position of a woman in society, both in a historical context and in comparison with Islamic states today. The modern model of understanding the equality of all citizens in a democratic state begins to form in Europe during the revolutions of the XVII-XVIII centuries. At the same time, the duties of a person undergo metamorphosis. Religious understanding is gradually replaced by ethical and even philosophical. The work of philosophers and scientists, who later formed the framework of political and legal doctrines, laid the foundation for universality and the supremacy of human rights over the state, power and all other possible interests of individuals and ideologies.

Implementation of the idea

But for now they were just words. The feeling of the need to translate these words into a civilized world was felt after the Second World War. The adoption of a number of international conventions, agreements and covenants, the emergence of international organizations to protect the established rules marked the beginning of the practical implementation of the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens. The history of the second half of the twentieth century has radically changed the understanding and attitude to these and similar issues. But this path turned out to be so complicated that the achievement of success and the recognition of natural human rights still continue to cause misunderstanding, conflicts and even a frank struggle in the political arena. A person's duties, as already described above, are directly related to this. After all, the adoption and even the signing of conventions on the protection of human rights are not yet a guarantee that these norms will be enforced from the same day in this state. And to bring understanding of the principles to every citizen was also not the easiest thing to do. And in circles where power and money rule, to bring light truths about the protection of the common man and his personal sphere turned out to be even more complicated. Such are the realities of our being.

Constitutional rights and duties of citizens of Russia

Constitutional rights are the highest personal rights of everyone. They are a small, but the main part of all the rights that the state undertakes to protect against its citizens and people in general. Each country defines a set of such rights for itself individually. But it is for them to judge the degree of democracy and development of this state. The Constitution of the Russian Federation fixes all the basic, generally accepted and recognized legal sciences as binding, rights and freedoms. Deepening of rights and freedoms of citizens in certain spheres are already fixed in the general provisions of the relevant branches of legislation. Detailed explanations and procedural issues are also published in many by-laws.

What duties are attributed to Russian citizens?

The constitutional duties of a person are again the norms of the law fixed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation about the measure of not just the possible, but due behavior of every person who lives and acts in a given society. It is better to get acquainted with them directly directly through the normative act, but for a general understanding it is enough to mention the main ones: the duty to observe the articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, to respect and not violate the rights and freedoms of other citizens. It is specifically for citizens to protect their country, as well as payment of taxes and all types of fees for any person engaged in certain activities in the territory of the state or in connection with it. Constitutional duties also include duties in the social sphere: the need to have at least a basic general education, to comply with the requirements for the protection of nature, the environment, the historical and cultural heritage of society. Particular attention is paid to the main law of caring for children and disabled citizens. If every member of society remembers what he should do, and only then - what he has the right, the society will only benefit from this and will prosper.

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