Arts & Entertainment, Films
Reviews: "Game of Thrones" (Game of Thrones). Actors and roles of the series
George Martin in 1991 opened for readers a new, incredibly fascinating universe - the world of Västerås, in which the story of his novels from the cycle "Song of Ice and Flame" unfolds. Four years it took the author to write the first book, published in 1996 under the title "Game of Thrones". It was written in a popular then fantasy genre with a bias in the Middle Ages and light mysticism. The novel received only positive reviews. "The Game of Thrones" quickly became the world best-seller. Martin is a prolific writer. For today, his famous cycle has five books, not counting the individual works associated with it.
The long-awaited film adaptation
The cycle quickly gained popularity, the number of fans grew, there were numerous sites where fans of the writer's work laid out detailed biographies of the characters, created maps of the seven kingdoms and discussed the appearance of new novels. The growing popularity of books could not but interest the figures of cinema. George Martin was repeatedly offered to film his novels, but he responded with a permanent refusal. The fact is that with every new published book the universe of Vasteras expanded. Works of the writer still received rave reviews, "The Game of Thrones" became more popular, but Martin was confident that the screen version of his cycle is impossible because of the huge number of characters.
And only HBO with an audience of more than 40 million people (only in America), broadcasting to 50 countries, could persuade the writer to create a series based on his cycle. After the consent was received, the creators of the picture started developing a script, which was approved by the management of the television company. Although work on the series was launched in 2008, the first series was shown only in the spring of 2011. The premiere was a resounding success and received good reviews. "Game of Thrones" (the series was named after the first novel of the cycle) was liked by the viewer.
Shooting and casting
The series "Game of Thrones" (season 1) was released in April 2011. He gave way to the big screen to several young actors. Thanks to participation in it, they gained great fame. Among them - Keith Harington, Sophie Turner, Richard Madden and others. In addition to little-known (at the time) performers, well-known actors such as Lina Hidi and Shawn Bin took part in the shootings . The selection of performers aroused great interest among fans of George Martin's novel cycle. They were speculating which of the actors is best suited for film adaptation. There were many versions, but in one the fans agreed unanimously - no one is better than American actor Peter Dinklage to one of the leading roles, Tirion Lannister. They were right - the name of this artist was announced among the first on the cast list of the series.
The geography of the filming is extensive. The broadcaster can afford full-scale shooting, which brings realism to the series. It is shot immediately on several venues: in Northern Ireland, Croatia, Morocco, Iceland and Malta. The city of Dubrovnik in Croatia became famous, which in the series "The Game of Thrones" (season 1 and later) became the Royal Harbor.
Budget pictures
The series "Game of Thrones" has become one of the most expensive projects of the television company. Each new series is more expensive than the previous one. If in the first season its cost was estimated at $ 6 million, then by the season 5, the cost of the series was already 8 million. Such large sums are justified by the fact that the creators of the series meticulously approach both to the place of filming and to the costumes of the main characters. The picture does not do without a lot of special effects, which also increases its cost. But huge costs pay off in full - the series "Game of Thrones" is invariably in the top of the most successful film projects.
Eddard Stark
This is a noble and faithful to his word the ruler of the North, brilliantly played by Sean Bean. An ancient friend and ally of King Robert Baratheon, he fell victim to court intrigues. His death led to the outbreak of war between the insurgent North and the Royal Harbor.
John Snow
The illegitimate son of the ruler of the North was played by Keith Harington. Immediately after graduating from the school of stage speech and drama, he came to the casting of the series and received one of the leading roles. The television series "The Game of Thrones", whose actors were so fond of the audience, opened the way to Harington for a great movie. He starred in such films as "The Seventh Son", "Pompeii" and "Silent Hill 2".
For 5 seasons the audience fell in love with the young actor in the image of honest and courageous John Snow. The death of this character became a real shock for the fans of the saga "Song of Ice and Flame". But, given the fact that Martin's death is not always final, fans of the actor believe that they will see Keith Harington return to the series.
Robb Stark
The eldest son of the ruler of the North, who led the province after the death of his father. The character was played by Scottish actor Richard Madden. The death of his hero became one of the most shocking moments of seril.
Sansa Stark
The eldest of the daughters of Eddard Stark. He is one of the key characters of the series, who lived until the sixth season. Sansu played Sophie Turner, who received positive reviews for the role. "Game of Thrones" became the debut of a young actress in a big movie. After participating in the series, she received several tempting offers in other film projects: "The Other I", "Particularly Dangerous". In 2016, the screen will be a fantastic action movie "The X-Men: Apocalypse" with her participation.
Arya Stark
The youngest daughter of the Stark couple was played by a young but very talented British actress Macy Williams. This is her debut in the movie. The role of Macy got complicated. Arya is a disobedient and adventurous girl. After the death of her father she had to go through a lot. After going through severe trials, she grew up early. At the end of the fifth season, Arya becomes blind. Macy Williams will see the audience again in the continuation of the series.
Jaime Lannister
The representative of the powerful Lannister house was played by the Danish actor Nikolai Koster-Valdau. Before filming in the series was more known in the Scandinavian countries. Now he is involved in several interesting projects, in particular, in the fantastic film "Gods of Egypt". One of the few characters who survived until season 6.
Tirion Lannister
This is one of the leading characters in the series and a pet (by his own admission) George Martin. Played by Peter Dinklage - a gifted actor with a difficult fate. Because of the genetic disease, his growth stopped at 135 centimeters. But this sad fact did not prevent him from becoming a famous actor and having a family.
Cersei Lannister
Sister Jame and Tirion, the dowager queen, is brilliantly played by Lina Hidi. Cersei is one of the most controversial characters in the series. She is intelligent, cruel and power-hungry, which makes her a formidable opponent. But she does not know how to make concessions, and her thirst for revenge eventually leads the queen to the collapse of her hopes.
Daenerys Targaryen
This is one of the key characters in the series. The Dayeneris is the last of the Targarien dynasty, dragon lords. She was born after the uprising led by Robert Baratheon and grew up far from home. It is fair, but adamant in its decisions. The main purpose of life is to return the throne of the Seven Kingdoms, by right of birth belonging to it.
Played the Mother of the Dragons English actress Emilia Clark. One of her last notable works is the role of Sarah Connor in the fantastic action movie "Terminator: Genesis", in which Arnold Schwarzenegger was among her companions.
Petir Beiliche
Minister of Finance under the advice of King Robert Baratheon. Active participant in court intrigues. Beilish is a "gray cardinal" who is behind many events that have taken place in the Seven Realms. He unleashed a war between the North and the Lannister house, betraying Ed Stark. He does not have the remorse, in people he is interested only in their vulnerability, through which they can be manipulated. In the show, Beiliche brilliantly played Aidan Gillen, whose candidly favored himself George Martin himself.
The summary of the series
To stop in detail on each series there is no sense - this is too voluminous material. Readers are waiting for the briefly stated announcements.
"Game of Thrones" - season one
Here spectators meet with the main characters and show the reasons for the coming internecine war in the Seven Kingdoms. The main action takes place in the North, the Wall and the Royal Harbor. Series are shot on the first volume of the cycle and the plot corresponds to the original.
"Game of Thrones" - season two
At the heart of this season was laid the second volume of the cycle of Martin - "The Battle of Kings". The action of the epic is just beginning, and a little new characters appeared in the second part. Most of them are secondary, except Brienne Tart and Margery Tyrell. The plot of the second part in general corresponds to the original.
"Game of Thrones" - season three
This part became the most shocking for the audience and caused a storm of negative emotions in relation to George Martin. For those who have long been familiar with his work, it's no secret that he is known as a writer who coldly kills his central characters, if the plot requires it. In this season, several new characters have appeared. The brightest of them is Mans the Raider, famous for the outside of the Wall, the leader of the wild, who managed to unite the scattered tribes into a single union.
In this part there already appeared significant deviations from the original plot of the cycle, but this did not affect the general development of events. At the heart of the third season is the first part of the novel "The Storm of Swords".
"Game of Thrones" - season 4
The third part, called the most tragic, ended with the audience parting with several central characters of the saga. The events in the Seven Kingdoms receive a new development, other heroes come to replace the departed heroes. Among them - Prince Darn Oberin Martell.
The "Game of Thrones" saga, whose season was remembered by the audience with many vivid moments, ended in a tragic note - the Prince of Darnia dies on a duel with Grigor Kligan, Tirion, condemned by his father for execution, kills him, and young King Joffrey drinks a glass of wine with poison and dies At his own wedding.
"Game of Thrones" - season five
Arya Stark arrives in Braavos and begins the service of Faceless in the Black and White House. Sansu Stark Petir Baileish is married to Ramsey Bolton. John Snow and his men sail to the Harsh House to persuade the tribes of the wild to go with him. He promises them lands beyond the Wall. At this time, the village is attacked by the army of White Walkers. In the Royal Harbor, the Dowager Queen Sercea, in redemption of her crimes, goes through a humiliating ceremony. John Snow, after returning to the Wall, perishes at the hands of his companions who betrayed him. His death was a shock to the seemingly already accustomed to the sudden disappearances of the characters from the series of spectators. By the degree of tragedy, the fifth part significantly exceeds the events of the third season.
The best series of "Game of Thrones" - unexpected turns of the plot and the death of your favorite characters
Each season of the famous saga of the Seven Kingdoms boasts shocking moments. Let us recall the best of them.
In the ninth series of the first season, the ruler of the North, Eddard Stark, is executed, which provokes the outbreak of a military conflict.
The ninth episode of the second season presented the audience with a stunning spectacle of the grand battle at the Blackwater Bridge between the defenders of the Royal Harbor and the fleet of Stannis Baratheon.
The spectators who did not read the books of the series were shocked by the 9th episode of the third season, when Robb Stark, his mother and most of the army of the North were treacherously killed at one stroke.
In the ninth series of the fourth season, Igritt dies, who had a romantic relationship with John Snow. The girl dies on his hands. In the final series, Tirion Lannister kills the betrayed his beloved woman and her father.
The eighth episode of the fifth season gave the audience an unforgettable meeting of the people and the army of the White Walkers. Both critics and fans called the scene of the battle in the wild village one of the best moments of the series. The ninth series struck spectators with a terrible death at the stake of the young daughter of Stannis Baratheon, who was sacrificed to the Lord of the World. In the end of the season, John Snow is dying - another death that shocked the loyal fans of the series.
"Game of Thrones" is a television series that teaches viewers not to become attached to their favorite heroes, as their life can be cut off at any moment. And it does not matter, the positive and negative character perishes - the saga of the Seven Kingdoms is conceived by the author as the most realistic work. And the real life, as you know, is quite unpredictable and often unfair.
"Game of Thrones" - the date of the release of new series and the announcement of events
George Martin is now working on the completion of the novel "Winds of Winter". He should get out (at least, the fans of the cycle hope) in 2016. The final part, "Dream of Spring", is planned by the writer for 2019. The series is already ahead of the books, and the final is already close. By the end of season 5, the picture caught up with the original. Some storylines have been changed, but the general picture of what is happening in the novels has survived. The series "The Game of Thrones", the 6th season of which is not far off, is able to shock the audience more than once, because now only its producers and George Martin know what will happen to the characters of the picture next.
Forecasting the development of events is becoming increasingly difficult. But it is known that in the new season the audience will again see Bran Stark and Hodor, who did not appear in the fifth part. On the assurances of the producers, these characters have quite significant roles.
"Game of Thrones" - a television series from which you can expect any turns of the storyline. With a high probability of the next season will be a new character, radically affecting the course of events. Most likely, it will be another contender for the Iron throne of Vesteras, whose appearance will be a complete surprise for the rest. It is quite in the spirit of Martin - to confuse the viewer, to distract him with rapidly developing bloody events and to dumbfound a new turn of the plot. Daineris Targarien is considered the only heir to the once great dynasty of dragon lords. At the same time, George Martin at the beginning of the cycle of novels mentions her nephew Eigon, who seems to have been killed in infancy. His appearance will be a complete surprise and will completely change the alignment of forces in the Seven Kingdoms that was formed by the fifth season.
Thus, the series "The Game of Thrones", the season 6 which the audience expects with great impatience, conceals in itself many more shocking surprises. The most interesting thing is that George Martin himself has not yet come up with the ending of his cycle of novels. As for the new season of the series "The Game of Thrones", the release date of the first episode was announced on April 24, 2016.
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