
Respiratory gymnastics for cerebral vessels

For the brain to function normally, it needs oxygen. It is from it that cells receive energy. Many problems are due to his insufficient intake into the brain. Often this happens due to disruption of the vessels. Many diseases, for example, atherosclerosis, vegetovascular dystonia or others cause deterioration of the blood supply to the brain. One of the best methods to combat this is breathing exercises. For cerebral vessels it is very useful, as it improves their performance. It saturates the brain with oxygen and activates blood circulation.

Why is the vascular function disturbed?

Normal supply of the brain with oxygen depends on several factors. Of course, the air with which a person breathes is of great importance. But even a large amount of inhaled oxygen does not always enter the brain. This happens because of the narrowing of the lumen of the vessels, their spasms, the decrease in tone. The cause of this condition can be malnutrition, stress, bad habits, sedentary lifestyle, some diseases. Various pathologies of the cervical spine can also disrupt the blood supply to the brain.

And with many diseases, ordinary exercises are contraindicated. In these cases, breathing exercises are used for the vessels of the brain and neck. It helps improve the blood supply to the brain and dilate the blood vessels. Help such exercises with atherosclerosis, increased pressure, vegetovascular or neurocirculatory dystonia.

How to breathe correctly

It is breathing that is the basis of life. But the fact that you need to breathe properly, few people think. And many health problems are connected with this. Most people breathe superficially. Therefore, the blood is poorly enriched with oxygen, in the lungs remains carbon dioxide. This leads to a slowing of blood circulation. And the brain does not get enough oxygen. Incomplete, shallow breathing shortens life and increases the risk of developing various diseases.

Therefore, it is very important to use the entire volume of the lungs during the breathing process. This affects the operation of cerebral vessels. The right breath starts with the abdomen, then the chest rises, then the shoulders. With an exhalation it is necessary to try to release all air from the lungs.

Physiology of breathing

On inhalation, the blood filling of the cerebral vessels decreases, the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres is excited. And on exhalation the volume of blood increases and there is a calming effect. Circulation is activated with an increase in the intensity of breathing, especially if it occurs through the nose. Doctors have already proved that disrupting nasal breathing in children, for example, with frequent colds or adenoids, slows their mental development. That person who breathes properly, protects himself from many diseases. Therefore, breathing exercises for the vessels of the brain are very useful.

To increase efficiency and tone the vessels, you need an elongated breath, a hold of breath and a short exhalation. Calm down and relax will help, on the contrary, a short vzoh and a slow deep exhalation with a pause after it.

Benefits of respiratory gymnastics

Even in ancient times many techniques of healing were associated with breathing exercises. But only recently their benefits have been officially proven. How does respiratory gymnastics work for the vessels of the brain:

  • Strengthens their walls;
  • Dilates blood vessels;
  • Improves the supply of oxygen to the brain;
  • Lowers arterial pressure;
  • Prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • Increases efficiency;
  • Improves memory and attention;
  • Soothes, helps to fight stress;
  • Helps slow down aging;
  • Protects from the development of a stroke.

Principles of respiratory gymnastics

There are many techniques of such gymnastics. Many of them came from ancient teachings, for example, from yoga or Chinese medicine. Others were created by modern scientists. But they all perform the same task - to improve the supply of the brain with oxygen and strengthen the vessels. The main principle of many exercises is a deep, sharp breath in the nose, mandatory holding of breath and exhalation through the mouth.

In addition, you can breathe through one nostril, closing the second with your finger. Studies have shown that breathing the right nostril reduces pressure, soothes, relieves headaches, normalizes the work of the heart. And if you breathe through the left nostril, then the body becomes toned, the tone of the vessels rises, activates the endocrine glands. Even the usual deep slow breathing with the involvement of the abdominal muscles relieves spasms and lowers blood pressure.

Indications and contraindications

Respiratory gymnastics is useful to all. But it is undesirable to practice without consulting a doctor immediately after a stroke and with severe heart failure. And with other diseases, exercises can be done at home on their own. Especially useful is breathing exercises with atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, hypertension. It helps to normalize cerebral circulation and recover faster after a stroke, improve health with hypotension, lower blood pressure.

What exercises can be performed

Useful breathing exercises for strengthening the vessels of the brain, performed by any system. You can use qigong, Chinese gymnastics, yoga, Strelnikova technique, deep breathing in Buteyko. But separate exercises will be useful also. They can be included in daily morning exercises or performed several times a day, for example, with the appearance of a headache, to raise the tone or improve the state of health. To do this, several exercises are sufficient.

  • Deeply inhale through the nose, hold your breath for 5 seconds. Exhale slowly through the mouth, closing the lips with a tube. But you do not have to exhale right away, but with pauses. Exhale a little - hold your breath for a second. For one breath you need to make at least 10 such exhalations. You need to repeat 5-6 times. This exercise strengthens the walls of the vessels and increases their tone.
  • A simpler exercise is performed in the standing position. You need to breathe slowly and deeply through your nose. At the same time, climb high on the socks. With a slow exhalation you need to descend and relax. Exhale through the mouth.
  • Sharply to breathe and spread hands in the parties, even a little to be bent back. Hold in this position for 3-5 seconds. With an exhalation return to the starting position.
  • It is useful to breathe for 5-7 minutes according to this pattern: inhale through one nostril, hold breath, exhale through another nostril. This will help to activate blood circulation and prevent cerebral vascular sclerosis .

Gymnastics by the method of Strelnikova

This technique is now the most famous. Her breathing exercises are used for a variety of diseases. Its peculiarity is a sharp short breaths with the involvement of the diaphragm. Thanks to this is very useful for the gymnastics for the vessels of the brain. It promotes:

  • Improvement of pulmonary ventilation;
  • The best outflow of venous blood;
  • Improving the smooth muscle of vessels;
  • Normalization of inhibition and excitation in the cerebral cortex;
  • Enrichment of brain cells with oxygen;
  • Improvement of mood and efficiency.

Best exercises gymnastics Strelnikova

There are many exercises created by Dr. Strelnikova. But for the normalization of the operation of the vessels of the brain can be used several.

  • Sit on a chair, lean your hands on your knees, bend over and relax a little. Make 2-4 short sharp sighs, rest for 10 seconds. At this rate, breathe 10-15 minutes.
  • At the second stage, you need to do 8 short breaths, as if sniffing. Such approaches with a break of 10 seconds need to be done 12.
  • Press your fists against your belt. At the inhalation, sharply lower your hands down, on exhalation - take the starting position.

Chinese gymnastics for the vessels of the brain

The ancient eastern healing system is based on the role of breathing. Chinese sages believed that only being in harmony with nature, a person can be healthy. Therefore, breathing should be deep, calm. Based on these principles, gymnastics for the vessels of the brain helps them to work properly and prevents many diseases. You can use a few simple exercises.

  • You need to sit on a chair, put your feet, put your elbows on your knees, and your palms - against each other, clenching your fists. Head down in your arms and relax. You need to breathe slowly and deeply, using the abdominal muscles. The breast does not come up.
  • Exercise is performed lying on the back, legs bent at the knees. One hand lies on the stomach, the other on the chest. On inhaling, you need to stick out your chest and draw in your stomach. On exhalation - on the contrary. All movements should be slow and smooth.
  • In the standing position, both hands are placed on the abdomen. When inhaling through the nose, you need to fill your lungs and stick out your stomach. Exhale it is necessary through the lips closed by a tube, pressing on a stomach hands.
  • Slowly inhale and stretch your arms up. On exhalation, bend to the left, pressing your hand on your left side. Then repeat the same in the other direction.

How to practice correctly

Breathing exercises can be performed several times a day. The only condition for classes is the opportunity to relax and distract. It is undesirable to deal immediately after or before eating. If breathing exercises are performed when the vessels of the brain are narrowed, consult a doctor before this. All exercises are carried out slowly and calmly, without straining. Unless otherwise agreed, the upper part of the trunk should be straightened when performing them.

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