HealthDiseases and Conditions

Residual encephalopathy

The concept of "encephalopathy" is quite broad. This is a general term that denotes various pathologies of the central nervous system and the brain - from elementary symptoms such as headache, increased excitability, nervousness, dizziness, sleep and memory disorders, to severe diseases such as myelopathy, epilepsy, oligophrenia, cerebral palsy Paralysis, hydrocephalic syndrome and neuropathy. Therefore, the classification of this disease is very extensive.

First of all, it is customary to distinguish between acquired and perinatal encephalopathy, since the causes and nature of brain damage obtained in adulthood and during the perinatal period are completely different. Damage to the brain due to illness is classified as residual encephalopathy. This disease can be caused by craniocerebral trauma, infections, inflammatory processes, impaired blood circulation throughout the body and especially in the brain. Residual encephalopathy is also called encephalomyelopathy. In ICD-10, this disease is not indicated, but in neurology this term has been applied since 1960.

Most often, residual encephalopathy is a persistent, little progressing neurological deficit that results from the effects of diseases and pathological factors. It is characterized by such neurological symptoms as regular headaches, paresis, reflex pyramidal insufficiency, vegetovascular dystonia, fainting, decreased cognitive functions and intelligence, fatigue and even mental disorders. Therefore, often enough due to medical error, residual encephalopathy is diagnosed as a mental illness, and the treatment is symptomatic.

Unfortunately, residual encephalopathy in children is difficult to diagnose. Encephalopathy in children occurs as a result of perinatal and neonatal hypoxic and ischemic brain injuries, birth injuries and bruises, transferred vaccinations, in the presence of congenital brain anomalies and genetic mutations. The insidiousness of this disease lies in the fact that the first symptoms can manifest at any age, and the disease can make itself felt a few years later.

Residual encephalopathy: treatment

During the treatment, drugs are used to improve the blood supply to the brain. In addition, depending on the symptoms available, the administration of diuretic and anticonvulsant drugs, as well as various vitamin complexes, is prescribed.

The presence of mild manifestations of impaired motor activity and increased nervous and reflex excitability presupposes the use of pedagogical correction, sessions of children's massage, phytotherapy courses, a complex of physiotherapy exercises, and various physiotherapeutic methods. As a concomitant treatment, various folk remedies are used to facilitate the progress of the disease. For example, a special herbal balm is widely used, which is designed to improve blood circulation, reduce dizziness, and also to clean the vessels of the brain. To obtain this balsam, you need to prepare three tinctures: red clover (45 g clover flowers per 500 ml 40% alcohol), Caucasian dioscorea (55 g roots per 500 ml 40% alcohol) and propolis (100 g propolis per 1 liter 70% alcohol) . Tinctures must be mixed in equal proportions. Take, diluting in 50 g of water, a teaspoon three times a day after eating. Reception tincture lasts two months, after which a two-week break.

With complex treatment and the correct approach to it, residual encephalopathy is completely curable in 20-30% of cases. Consequences of this disease may be hydrocephalic syndrome, residual brain dysfunction and vegetovascular dystonia. The most serious consequences are epilepsy and cerebral palsy.

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