LawState and Law

Representative authorities are ... Concept, powers, order of formation

Throughout the time of existence, people have tried to create the most effective regulators of relations within the society. The search was carried out in order that the human activity became maximally ordered, formed and effective. After all, a quality organization is the key to the realization of all the goals set. However, it was not possible to find a successful regulator of public relations for a long time. This problematic was due to the fact that people took as a basis the wrong factors in building power.

For many centuries, the activities of states were based on religion, violence and other similar aspects. Only in the new era has the right become the key factor in the activities of all countries. In addition, the principles of state power were substantially refined by thinkers of that time. Their achievements in the field of the governance of the state led to the creation of the principle of the division of power. He, in turn, laid the foundation for a representative government, which today effectively works and develops. In addition, the representative bodies of power of the Russian Federation have a lot of their own characteristics, which are determined by the specifics of our country as a whole.

The principle of separation of public administration: concept, meaning

Representative bodies of power are an integral part of the apparatus of our country. However, his work is subordinated to the influence of certain principles recognized by the international community. They exist for years, and also have a fairly strong influence on the system of government in any country. One such is the principle of the separation of state administration into three independent branches. According to its provisions, the power in any state has a legislative, executive and judicial component. It is worth noting the fact that the principle has significantly changed people's understanding of the features of government. He showed the total ineffectiveness of individual control, which existed in many monarchies. The authors of the principle of power sharing were Jean Louis de Montesquieu and John Locke. Despite its "European" essence, the theory of the delimitation of management has found its application in Russia. It is thanks to her, in fact, there was a representative power in the form in which we all are accustomed to see it.

What is representative management ?

The term mentioned in the article is often identified with the legislature. This interpretation has its own characteristics, but in theory it is not entirely true. The bottom line is that representative authorities are a broader concept than legislative departments. In other words, the latter are a structural part of the former. In this case, a logical question arises: what is representative power in general? In the broadest sense, this term denotes the sphere of social regulation, which was created directly by the society. In other words, a certain community of people, endowed with inalienable civil rights, delegates its capabilities to certain bodies. That is, the main feature of the representative government is its electivity. This aspect is a key factor in building democracy in modern society.

The concept of representative bodies

So, taking into account the previously presented moments, it can be concluded that representative bodies of government are departments directly created or selected by the people of a particular country. Their legal basis is the delegated rights of the citizens of the state. At the same time, representative bodies of power function on the basis of the principle of openness, transparency, etc.

Representative and legislative body

In theory, very often there are disputes about the identity of certain departments. As we found out, the legislative bodies are part of the representative government. In fact, the parliament of any country is a representative body, which is due to several factors.

  • First, the legislative body is elected directly by the people of the state.
  • Secondly, it is endowed with the exclusive right to issue normative acts of supreme legal force.
  • Thirdly, the parliament, as a rule, has the greatest opportunities in the structure of the mechanism of retention and balances. In other words, its influence on other authorities is the most powerful.

Thus, the legislative bodies are representative, but are they the only element of the whole system? The structure of this regulatory area also includes other departments. They are not so vast, but their influence is not less than that of the parliament. In this case, we are talking about local government. However, their features will be discussed later in the article.

Powers of Parliament on the example of the Russian Federation

One of the most important representative bodies of the Russian Federation has a number of exclusive rights. This indicates the breadth of his competence. It should be noted that in Russia the highest representative legislative body is the Federal Assembly. The Office has two chambers: the Federation Council and the State Duma. Members of both chambers become members of the body through their appointment through elections. The most vivid powers of the Federal Assembly include:

  1. The possibility of adopting the Constitution and amendments to it.
  2. Publication of Federal Laws.
  3. Implementation of control over the activities of bodies and compliance with their legality.
  4. Other powers provided for by the current regulatory system.

As we can see, the activities of the legislative bodies of power in Russia are quite extensive, as the competence of such agencies says. However, the Federal Assembly is not the only representative body on the territory of the Russian Federation. Among them, a large number of other agencies can be classified. In theory they have the name "representative body of the municipal formation". In other words, we are talking about local government departments that exist on the territory of all subjects of Russia.

Parliaments of subjects of the Russian Federation

Local self-government at all times was a unique phenomenon of human self-organization. In the structure of public authorities this branch is absolutely independent. At the same time, the theory of separation never allowed the existence of local self-government. Nevertheless, its existence is simply necessary, because territorial units, especially in the Russian Federation, bring together large human communities whose activities need to be regulated. It should also be noted that the representative body of the municipality in each part of our state has its own name, for example: in Yakutia it is called Sakha, in Karelia - by the Chamber of the Republic and Representatives, etc. However, the powers of all local governments are relatively Similar.

Rights of municipalities

Legislative representative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation perform a number of rather important functions in their work. Their main task, as we understand it, is the issuance of normative acts, of a local type. At the same time, the data of the NAP should not contradict the Federal Law and, of course, the Constitution of Russia. In addition, municipal authorities have powers in the sphere of regulation of issues related to the life of territories under their control. It should be noted that the parliaments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are elected bodies.


So, in the article we found out what the representative authorities are. This concept has a large number of various interpretations, which include all kinds of additions. Nevertheless, the current system of representative bodies of Russia is quite effective and efficient.

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