
"Rengalin" for cough: instructions for use and analogues

Cough - a rather unpleasant phenomenon, which is caused by muscle contractions in the respiratory tract. This is an unconditioned reflex, manifested in diseases of the ENT organs.

If you do not know how to cure a cough, then you should consult a narrow specialist - an otolaryngologist. Most often, doctors prescribe a medication such as "Rengalin" (from a cough). The instruction, analogues and principle of action of this drug are presented below.

Form of preparation, its packaging, composition

In what form do you produce the medicine "Rengalin" from a cough? The instruction says that this preparation is manufactured in the form of tablets of flat-cylindrical shape, with a risk and a facet. They are designed for resorption, and also have engraving MATERIA MEDICA and inscription RENGALIN.

What do they contain tablets for coughing "Rengalin"? Instructions for use asserts that this medication includes antibodies to:

  • Bradykinin;
  • Morphine;
  • Histamine.

Also it should be said that the preparation in question contains the following components: anhydrous citric acid, isomalt, magnesium stearate, saccharin sodium and sodium cyclamate.

In the sale of this product comes in contour cells of PVC or aluminum foil, packed in a cardboard box.

It should also be noted that this medication is made in the form of a syrup for oral administration. This form of the drug is for children. It has the same components, but goes on sale in dark bottles with a screw cap and a dosage spoon in the kit.

Properties of the preparation

Why is the medicine "Rengalin" from cough used so popular? The instruction, reviews confirm that this drug has pronounced bronchodilator and antitussive properties. Due to its complex composition, it is capable of providing antispasmodic, anti-edematous, analgesic, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects.

This drug selectively inhibits the links of the cough reflex (central) and reduces their excitability. This is due to the modification of histamine-dependent activation of H1 receptors and bradykinin-dependent - B1-receptors.

Inhibiting the centers of pain sensitivity, which are located in the thalamus, the drug in question blocks the transmission of impulses (painful) in the cerebral cortex. It should also be noted that it inhibits their flows from the periphery. This process is carried out by reducing the release of algogens (tissue and plasma).

Features of the medicine

The drug "Rengalin" from a cough, the instruction of which is described below, does not cause dependence and respiratory depression. In addition, he does not show sleeping pills and drug-related properties.

The use of this drug facilitates the symptoms of laryngitis, bronchitis, acute pharyngitis and reduces bronchospasm. It should also be noted that this medication is able to cure systemic and local signs of allergic reactions.

Kinetics of the preparation

How does the absorption of such a drug as "Rengalin" (from coughing) occur? The instruction asserts that the sensitivity of modern chemical and physical methods of analysis does not allow to estimate the content of doses of antibodies in biological fluids, organs and tissues of a person to the fullest. Thus, the study of the pharmacokinetics of this drug is impossible.

When should I take it?

In what cases do they prescribe Rengalin for cough? The instruction for children and adults says that it is used for flu, acute pharyngitis and obstructive laryngitis, as well as SARS, laryngotracheitis and chronic bronchitis. In addition, this remedy can be recommended for use in infectious, allergic and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (lower sections).

Prohibitions to use

When should I not prescribe "Rengalin" from a cough? The instruction says that such a medicine is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its elements. Also, this medication is not recommended for use in children under 3 years (including in the form of syrup).

Medication "Rengalin" (from coughing): instruction

The indications of this drug were listed above. This medicine should be taken only by oral route.

The peculiarity of this medication in the form of tablets and syrup is that it is not required to be washed down. For the treatment of paroxysmal cough, an adult is recommended to use the drug in tablet form. It must be kept in the mouth until it dissolves completely. One dose of this product is one tablet.

How should I use a children's "Rengalin" (cough syrup)? The instruction says that the dose of such a drug must be determined by means of a measuring spoon. For the treatment of respiratory organs, the child should be given 5 ml of the drug twice or thrice a day.

As for the dosage of tablets, it depends on the person's age and the severity of his illness. According to the instructions, about 3 tablets should be absorbed per day.

To achieve the proper therapeutic result, you should always visit a doctor before using this medication.

In severe condition, the patient is recommended to take about 4-6 tablets per day.

Side effects

This drug is tolerated fairly well. In some cases, this medication may contribute to the appearance of undesirable reactions. As a rule, they arise because of intolerance of the ingredients of the medicine.

One can not help saying that side effects after taking this drug are often developed because of exceeding the recommended doses. In this case, the patient has dyspeptic reactions. To eliminate them, you should conduct symptomatic treatment.

Drug Interactions

To date, no data on the drug interaction of the drug in question with other medicines has not been provided. However, you should remember that before using this remedy, you should definitely visit the therapist. Only an experienced physician is able to determine the possibility or impossibility of therapy with this medicine.

Cost and analogy

What is the price of the medication in question? The answer to this question you can get only in the nearest pharmacy. According to the patients, the cost of this medicine in our country is about 207-215 rubles.

In some cases, experts recommend using other means, with a similar composition and principle of action. To such analogues doctors include the following medicines: "Kodelak-Fito", "Glikodin", "Alex-Plus", "Kodelak", "Bronchocin", "Cofanol", "Broncholitin", "Kodelmikst". "Terpinkod", "Konderfin".

Patient Reviews

In most cases, consumers give positive reviews about this drug. They argue that it helps to eliminate both productive and unproductive cough. In addition, it has a therapeutic effect on the very cause of the ailment mentioned.

It should also be said that the advantages of this drug include inexpensive cost, availability in almost all pharmacies and the ability to use against young children (from 3 years).

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