
"Tonzilotren": instruction manual for children, reviews

Childhood diseases worry every parent. Especially often babies complain of a sore throat and general malaise. How to treat these symptoms? First, you need to show the child to the doctor. Only after this it is advisable to give any medicines. One of the most popular drugs is Tonzilotren. Instructions for use for children, reviews about it will be described for you below. You can get acquainted with the composition of the drug, as well as learn about the features of its use.

Dosage form and composition

About the medicine "Tonzilotren" instruction for use (for children under 1 year and older) says that the drug is available in the form of tablets. Many consumers want to buy a medicine in a liquid form. However, the manufacturer does not envisage this.

The composition of the drug includes such components: potassium sulfide, silicic acid, atropine sulfate, mercury diiodide, potassium bichromide, magnesium stearate, sucrose and lactose. The medicine is represented by a class of homeopathic remedies.

Indications for use

What does the instructions for use say about the drug Tonzilotren? For children, the composition is widely used for preventive purposes. In addition, the medication is prescribed and as a medicine. Indications for its use are the following situations:

  • Acute angina of different kinds;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • Condition after removal of the tonsils ;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the larynx (laryngitis, tracheitis);
  • Viral infections;
  • Frequent colds, accompanied by pain in the throat.

Also, doctors say that some information does not tell about the preparation "Tonzilotren" instructions for use. For children, the composition is sometimes prescribed for stomatitis of different origin, thrush (from localizations in the oral cavity), and so on. In each individual case individual complaints and peculiarities of the course of the disease are taken into account.

Does the composition have contraindications and side effects?

What important information does the user have about the Tonzilotrene medication for use instructions? For children, the composition should not be used until three years. This is reported by the abstract. However, many doctors tend to act differently. You will find out about the opinions of specialists further. Medication is not used for hyperthyroidism. It is also not recommended to give medicine to children with lactase deficiency of the congenital or acquired type. When diabetes is to be very careful in the use of the medicine, because it contains sugar.

About the side effects in the annotation indicated very scant information. What does the instructions for use say about the drug Tonzilotren? For children, the composition can be dangerous by an allergic reaction. In this case, the side effect can be a kind of banal rash or get a more serious form - Quincke's edema. Also the formulation sometimes causes the raised salivation. In such a situation, it is advisable to consider the termination of therapy. Medication can lead to a breakdown in the digestive tract (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and so on).

Tonzilotren: instruction manual for children

Experts say that to intensify the action of the drug you need to wait some time before and after eating. So, the optimal interval is a half-hour break. The medicine should be slowly dissolved in the mouth until it dissolves completely. The dosage depends on the symptomatology and age of the patient. The composition is usually appointed by a specialist under an individual scheme. If these recommendations were not given, then it is worthwhile to apply the medication according to the instructions.

  • For children from 3 to 12 years, the drug is given on a single pill every two hours. A day is allowed not more than 8 tablets. Such a scheme should be adhered to before the onset of improvements. As soon as the baby becomes lighter, the formula begins to take 1 tablet three times a day. After 12 years with acute disease, the drug is given 1 pill every hour. The daily norm for this age group is 12 pcs. After a lapse of two days, the medication is used in an amount of 2 tablets three times a day. The duration of treatment of an acute form of pathology usually does not exceed 10-14 days.
  • If the child has a chronic form of tonsillitis, the composition is prescribed for 1 pill (at the age of 12 years) or 2 (after 12 years). Multiplicity of application - three times a day. The duration of application is usually 1.5-2 months.
  • In the treatment of diseases such as stomatitis, laryngitis and in the postoperative period, an individual scheme and a dose of medication is prescribed. In this case, the doctor always takes into account the individual characteristics of the child and the nature of the course of the disease.

"Tonzilotren": instruction for children up to one year of use (opinion of specialists)

As you already know, the abstract does not permit the use of the described medicine for young children. The instruction states that the composition should be given to children who are already three years old. This limitation is due to the lack of clinical data for the described age group. Perhaps, the medicine could also be given to babies, but the manufacturer began to conduct similar studies.

Doctors say that the composition of the drug is completely natural. Allergy is the only negative reaction that it can cause. If the child is inclined to a similar side effect, then, of course, you should not give him the described remedy. When the baby normally tolerates medicines, it is perfectly permissible to treat with Tonzilotren (droplets). Instructions for use for children indicate that the liquid form of the drug must be done by yourself. To do this, grind the tablet and dissolve it in one teaspoon of water. After this, immediately give the prepared solution to the baby. Children under the age of one year are recommended to take one tablet three times a day.

Additional information about homeopathic remedy

What else is said about the drug Tonzilotren instructions for use? For children 1 year of age, the composition should be given with special attention. A homeopathic remedy is a drug that, at the beginning of a treatment, can cause a deterioration in well-being. If this happens in case of use for an infant, it is worth immediately refusing to take the medicine. Consult a doctor for qualified and competent help.

"Tonsilotrene" does not cause sedation and does not contribute to the suppression of attention. That is why the drug can be used among school-age children. The medicine is well combined with other drugs. Often it is prescribed with antibiotics and antiviral compounds.

How does the tool work?

The drug has an active anti-inflammatory effect. Also the composition is able to positively influence the human immune system. The medication strengthens the protective barriers of the oral cavity, promotes the healing of mucous membranes. The composition activates natural antibacterial substances. Tablets contribute to an increase in the synthesis of lymphocytes, which fight infection.

"Tonsilotrene" begins to work actively from the first hours after admission. However, any homeopathy has a cumulative effect. This means that the maximum effect will be obtained only after several days of regular use.

Customer Reviews

Parents of children who had to use the drug, in their majority were satisfied with its effect. The medicine helped to quickly cope with the problem. It is well tolerated by small patients. Parents note that the plus of the medicine is its sweet taste. After all, not every child will agree to drink a bitter pill. Immediately, the treatment is more like dissolving sweets.

After using the drug in children with chronic tonsillitis, parents observed a long remission. This indicates a sufficient effectiveness of the drug.


You learned about the composition with the trade name "Tonzilotren". Instructions for use for children (drops), reviews of consumers and doctors are presented to your attention. The composition has positive reviews. In exceptional cases, patients remain unhappy with treatment. Usually this is due to the misuse of tablets or their excessive use. Take care of yourself and your kids, do not be ill!

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