HealthDiseases and Conditions

Reduced Cortisol: Causes and Features

Cortisol is a glucocorticoid hormone produced by the adrenal cortex. This is an important regulator of protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Most actively this hormone begins to be produced during the period of stress. The brain sends a signal to the adrenal cortex about the production of cortisol in large volumes so that during physical or psychological stress, in addition stimulate the cardiac activity and provide a high concentration of attention.

The norm of the content of this hormone in the blood for children under the age of sixteen varies from 85 to 580 nmol / l, for adults - from 135 to 635 nmol / l. An increase in the amount of cortisol is observed in the last months of pregnancy, with excessive stress and AIDS. In addition, the rate may vary depending on the time of day. It is believed that in the morning hours the level of this hormone is higher than in the evening.

Reduced cortisol may indicate the presence of such problems as insufficiency of the pituitary gland - the main endocrine gland, abnormality in the work of the adrenal cortex, the development of Addison's disease, hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver. In addition, the same can be attributed to a decrease in the secretion of hormones, muscle weakness and anorexia. Reduced cortisol can also be a direct consequence of taking a number of medications.

Separately it is necessary to consider the influence of constantly experienced stress on the maintenance of this hormone. In the event that a person for a long time (for example, several months) is in tension, the adrenal glands begin to lose their ability to respond to brain signals about the need to increase cortisol. As a consequence, there is depletion. The main indicator of this condition is a lowered cortisol in the blood.

It is only possible to determine the content of this hormone in the conditions of a specialized medical institution. The analysis of blood for cortisol is associated with a number of features of its conduct. First, on the eve of the study, you must stop taking any medications. If this is not possible, you should consult your doctor in advance. Secondly, in order to accurately determine whether lowered cortisol or not, the day before the test is done, experts do not recommend doing sports and smoking. In addition to studying in the blood laboratory, urinalysis can also be performed. This is the most sensitive analysis for determining a number of specific diseases, for example, Cushing's syndrome. In this case, a test for cortisol in the urine will effectively distinguish it from simple obesity.

Causes of deviations in the level of glucocorticoid hormone from the norm can be very much, but only the qualified endocrinologist can evaluate the results of the studies and the analyzes obtained. An experienced specialist can easily identify the true cause of the pathology and prescribe the most appropriate course of treatment, based on the individual characteristics of this or that patient.

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