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Red cheeks in the baby: what to do? Red cheeks in the baby: reasons, treatment

Almost all young parents in the first year of life of the child are faced with a lot of questions related to the health of the baby. Red cheeks in the baby cause anxiety and anxiety. Parents try to save their child from unpleasant symptoms. But you need to know the cause and treat the very underlying cause of redness. Do not neglect a visit to the pediatrician in order to dispel your doubts, do not harm the baby and try to get rid of his health problems as soon as possible. Causes of red cheeks kid can be different - from the most harmless to very serious. Let's try to understand them together.

Red cheeks in babies: reasons

So, let's start with the reasons. Consider the most frequent reasons for such manifestations on the skin, like red cheeks in a child. The main reasons are: maternal nutrition, if the child is breastfed; Exposure to cold and wind on the baby's skin; overheat; skin irritation; Diathesis (food allergy); Allergy to a medicine, laundry detergent or other substances; Increased body temperature; teething; pneumonia. Whatever the reason, you do not need to ignore the redness on your cheeks - it's a signal that something is wrong in the child's body. And what exactly - you need to find out, because you may need urgent qualified help from a doctor.

Feeding a nursing mother and red baby cheeks

Of course, if the mother feeds the baby, then, seeing the red cheeks of the baby, she will first of all think that her own diet has caused rashes on the baby's skin. Mom starts to sort out what she ate lately. Yes, and the pediatrician, when you are dealing with a similar problem, hurry to ask a question about nutrition. Indeed, often juices, milk, cocoa, citrus fruits, berries, vegetables of red, orange flowers (for example, carrots, pomegranate, strawberries), nuts, honey, sweets, chocolate, Dyes, preservatives. Sometimes it is necessary to revise the diet of a nursing woman - and after a few days the redness disappears with the anxieties of the parents. But not always so simple.

Red cheeks after a walk

Walking is a simple and enjoyable activity. However, sometimes they do not have very pleasant consequences, especially in the winter season, when the frost and the wind even cause problems for adults, what can we say about the tender skin of a baby. Here, after returning after another winter walk, Mom notices the child's red cheeks by the evening.

The baby can have simple weathering of the skin of the cheeks, or it can be overheating from wrapping in warm clothes, a blanket. Therefore, it is important for parents to dress the baby in the weather, especially in the winter season, avoiding both light clothing and wrapping. When overheating, you need to change your baby and give him a little drink. Going with the baby on the street, you need to lubricate his cheeks and nose with cream. If the cause of reddening of the skin on the face was in the cold, with a walk the kid will return with pink cheeks.

Doctor Komarovsky about the red cheeks of babies

Why there are red cheeks at the babe? Komarovsky - a doctor known and authoritative, answering this question, says that the children of the first year of life eat not so much as they need, but as much as they fit in, which is basically normal, because it is so laid by nature. And if the child eats less food, then it will be digested normally, and the larger volume will redden the cheeks. For example, eaten food volume contains 20 g of protein, and the baby needs 18 g. These extra 2 g of protein can cause redness, as they are not absorbed by the body, but cause a food allergic reaction. Parents in a situation where, due to a lack of enzymes, there is a food allergy and red cheeks appear in the baby, Komarovsky advises just to have patience, wait for a while - the baby will grow up, the enzymes will become bigger, and the problems will disappear. And the cheeks can be lubricated with cream or ointment to remove the redness. But to visit a pediatrician in this case is absolutely necessary. To give drugs containing enzymes, Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend, as the more they enter the child's body in the form of drugs, the less it will produce its substances. If the kid is active, cheerful and cheerful, he does not need to help overcome this insufficiency. You just need to adjust the volume and concentration of food eaten by the baby with reddened cheeks.

Diathesis: causes and consequences

The baby has red cheeks? Another reason is diathesis. Strictly speaking, there is no such disease as diathesis. This word means predisposition to allergy and inflammation, mainly to a special reaction of the body to food in the form of redness on the skin, including red cheeks. Why does this predisposition arise? First, heredity. If someone in the family had diathesis or diseases related to metabolism, then you should not be surprised. Secondly - great importance for the health of the child, as is known, has a gestation period. If during a woman's pregnancy a woman smokes, consumes alcoholic beverages or if she does not eat properly, and her diet is made up of products with a large number of allergens, there is a high probability of a condition called "diathesis" in the baby. Adding excess weight during pregnancy, a strong and long toxicosis, the use of medications that are contraindicated for pregnant women are all risk factors for the appearance of diathesis. And in the end we see the red cheeks of the baby. What to do? Just watch, remove symptoms or detect an allergen? The danger of diathesis is that, along with the redness of the cheeks, the baby can be disrupted digestion and, as a consequence, muscle tone is reduced. Hence, the baby will develop more slowly than its peers. If you do not find out what causes diathesis, this condition can grow into a real disease - from dermatitis to bronchial asthma.

Prevention of diathesis. How to identify an allergen

Everyone knows that it is better to prevent the disease than to treat it. This also applies to diathesis. Of course, if the mother has milk and enough of it, it is not necessary to hurry up with the lure, in order to avoid all the same allergies. Well, if a baby is already up to the age when something new is introduced into the diet, you should try not to give the child food that foods that mother should not take while breastfeeding, namely: red vegetables and fruits, some kinds of berries (For example, strawberries), sweets. Even biscuits need to choose lean. The red cheeks of the baby who was started to inject complementary foods may indicate that some component of the baby is not suitable. In order not to remember, do not worry about which product was introduced into the child's diet recently, it is necessary to keep a diary from the very beginning. In it, Mom writes down when, what and how much she gave the baby, what reaction from the child's body was on the new lure. With a diary to calculate and exclude from the menu allergen will be very simple. If such records were not kept, it will be necessary to cancel the products one by one or all of the kinds of complementary foods and look at the reaction from the skin of the baby. But the baby has red cheeks - this is a symptom that will not take place right away. It will take several days to wait. Lure should be introduced gradually, one component at a time, and no more often than two weeks later. By the way, the mother herself will not be prevented from keeping a diary of her diet with the same purpose - to track allergens for the baby.

How to help a kid with red cheeks

To rough red cheeks in the baby did not give him and parents anxiety, you need to add during bathing in the bath with water broths of herbs: alternating, chamomile, dandelion. You can add a decoction from the bark of oak, ara, and mountain ash. It is necessary to make bathing more frequent and give up any sponges. In extreme cases, you can use baby soap. After bathing, grease the baby's cheeks with cream or ointment, designed to eliminate problems with the baby's skin. It is necessary to watch, that the kid did not scratch cheeks and has not brought in ранки an infection. Baby clothes are best washed with soap and soda to avoid skin irritation from the powder.

Possible allergens for babies

Having gone through all the food that she herself ate recently, having watched how the child is dressed for a walk, remembering how and how much the baby was fed, her mother still sees the red cheeks of the baby. Causes? What to do? First of all, do not give in to experiences. It is better to calm down and think - maybe recently started using a new washing powder? Or bought a new bed linen baby, a bright toy? Perhaps an animal appeared in the house or purchased a house plant? An allergic reaction in the form of reddening of the cheeks can be on the composition of the detergent, and on the fabric, and on the dyes, and on the pets and plants.

Allergy to medicines

With medications prescribed by a doctor, everything is easier. First, the idea usually arises that the red cheeks of the baby are a reaction to some components of the medicine. It is enough to cancel the drug and watch the baby's skin. If the whole matter was in the medicine, then after the drug is canceled, the cheeks will acquire their normal color after a few days. And the pediatrician will replace the medicine with another if necessary.

Harmless causes of redness of the cheeks in children

To understand why the baby has red cheeks, you can, if you measure the temperature. Perhaps this is the reason. The fact is that in children of the first year of life thermoregulation is not yet fully formed. It is enough to dress the baby a little warmer or the air in the room is not moistened, and the baby's cheeks turn red, the temperature of his body rises. In addition to this symptom, it is noticed that in some babies, with swollen, reddened, hard gums blushing and the skin of the face. The redness of the cheeks and the area around the mouth may indicate that the crumb will soon have a new tooth.

Danger of red cheeks in a baby

But there is a reason for the appearance of such a symptom is far from harmless - pneumonia. The baby has red cheeks? Symptoms of inflammation of the lungs include redness of the cheeks, pallor of the lips and the tip of the nose, as well as fever, coughing, sometimes to vomiting, a decrease or lack of appetite, lethargy, heavy, rapid breathing. The fact is that children with whom little walk and who are even at home, enough temperature difference when changing clothes, airing the room to get pneumonia. And here it is already necessary to get medical help as soon as possible. Inflammation of the lungs is a serious reason for calling a doctor without delay.

For whatever reason, the cheeks of the baby are not red, you need to closely monitor its condition and, if necessary or doubt, seek medical advice. After all, each parent has one great desire - to see a healthy blush on the cheeks of his child.

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